Tumor deposits

Pamcakes Member Posts: 112 Member

we just received a call from the MD Anderson docs. When we left the plan was 5.5 weeks of radiation and Xeloda gfor the cancer in the fatty tissue area they thought was from seeding. Apparently the docs had a review to look over hubbys scans etc and now they are saying they actually think it’s a 1.9 cm tumor deposit and will be reviewing and coming up with a new plan that would likely be a different type of chemo and short term high intensity radiation. The radiation would be one week. Does anyone have any experience with tumor deposits, what does this actually mean? So frustrating we just started feeling settled with the original plan & he was to start radiation in less than 2 weeeks after his lumbar microdiscsctomy healed... constant ups and downs


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sometimes the hospitals have another board look at the same results and then all come to a conclusion which happened in my case but before they presented my final treatment.  One suggested a treatment plan and many others suggested another and the panel of 12 then concluded on a decision.  This might have happened to your hubby as well.  Ask your original doctor why the switch up so that you feel confident as to the reason why.  You are also encouraged to get another opinion if you don't feel comfortable with this new treatment.  Wishing him luck.
