
nanirons Member Posts: 1

Hello:  I'm very new to this board and I stumbled across it trying to find some answers.

I recently had a mammogram done, and the results were sent to my portal by the radiologist.  The findings were:  The breasts are heterogenously dense without mass, areas of architectural distortion, or clusters of microcalcificatgions to suggest MALIGNANCY.  

My concern is the last sentence. The word "malignancy" is very unsettling to me and in his comments, he recommends continued routine annual screenings.  He also mentioned that I have an average lifetime risk of breast cancer based on the Tyer-Cuzick breast cancer risk assessment model.

Do any of you suggest I should follow-up on this with my gyn or do you think I can wait till next year?

I will be 71 in September.

I need some reassurance so I can perhaps relax.

Thank you for your time.


  • Elaine_wi
    Elaine_wi Member Posts: 124 Member
    follow-up for answers

    I would follow up with another doctor so that you can have everything explained to you. You deserve answers to any questions you might have. I'm glad you posted here - it's a great place to come to share experiences, questions, and support.

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    edited May 2018 #3
    Mammogram Results

    I think given the grammar and punctuation in the radiology report it seems safe to say that you do NOT have breast cancer. 1. Your breasts are dense WITHOUT mass 2. Or areas of architectural distortion 3. 0r clusters of microcalcifications to suggest malignancy.   I think you focused too much on a single word as opposed to the way the words flowed. 4. If the radiologist found anything of concern he would not be recommending routine annual screening. He would likely be suggesting a breast ultrasound or MRI.  Of course, I suggest you consult your referring doctor for clarification.

    I wish you the best of luck.