Blood Found in Urine

Monica328 Member Posts: 1

Hi All,

For the past month or so, I have been having pain in my right side that comes and goes. Thinking it was kidney stones, I went to see my internalist that sent me for an ultrasound, urine analysis and blood work. He stated that they found nothing in the sonogram, liver was good,  no stones in kidney or gallbladder, no sign of infection but my analyses showed blood in the urine. He ordered a CT Scan. Ofcourse now I’m worried. What else can he be looking for aside from cancer? It appears as if most diagnoses begins with blood in the urine. Is this type of cancer treatabke? 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Lets not get ahead of ourselves



    If nothing showed on the Ultrasound my guess is that you probably don't have Kidney Cancer. Could be a gyn problem. Don't substitute my guess for your doctor's thoughts. While blood in Urine could be Kidney Cancer, it could be a lot of other things as well.

