Radically Different Approach

derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member

This is a radically different approach, coming out of Stanford. Fascinating.



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited February 2018 #2
    Wow, this is wonderful!!

    I hope this works! It sounds so promising.  Thank you!!



  • MugsBugs
    MugsBugs Member Posts: 111 Member
    edited February 2018 #3
    Looks very promising --

    Looks very promising -- thanks for sharing!!!

  • MrsBerry
    MrsBerry Member Posts: 102 Member
    I hope this leads to a

    I hope this leads to a breakthrough in humans! I am so grateful for the scientists who pursue this so doggedly.

  • evolo58
    evolo58 Member Posts: 293 Member
    If this could even mean fewer

    If this could even mean fewer recurrences for those who already have cancer, that would be great, too! It's so far in the early stages, though.

  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    Adjacent Possible

    Thank you for posting this, derMaus. I love hearing about new cancer research! I was thinking about whether or not this idea is radically a different approach. I don't know enough about immunotherapy for cancer (still did not finish the Emporer of All Maladies book) But I decided even if it is not a radically different approach, it is still a hopeful thing to see such news. Here is why. (Not sure if this is the kind of thing to share on a cancer discussion board but thinking this made me hopeful and I wanted to share in case it has the same effect on someone else. Hope you guys don't mind)

    Many people believe innovation does not happen in leaps and bounds (aka eureka moments) but instead exploring what is available in the "adjacent possible" - all the new ideas we can have that are adjacent to the ones that we already had, using/exploiting what we already know, technology we have already built. (Like Youtube cannot be invented before the invention of internet) Adjacent Possible Theory also explains the freaky "many inventors getting to the same invention at the same time" phenomenon. Apparently "Sun-spots were discovered in 1611 by four different scientists in four different countries; electrical batteries were invented twice, separately, one year apart. (Similar things happened in the earliest days of the steam engine and telephone.) "According to Adjacent Possible theory the idea of telephone was in the adjacent possible (kind of a shadow future) so it was accessible to multiple inventors. If you are curious about "where good ideas come from" this Guardian article gives a good introduction. 

    I would like to think that immunotherapy for cancer is NOW in the adjacent possible. We do not have to rely on a genius having a "eureka moment". There are so many research institutions who are working on immunotherapy for cancer! Yes, it is too early to celebrate this particular research (it seems cancer was cured many times over with the mice model. Not every finding translates to humans) But I am so excited that we are witnessing this race and hopefully will be around to benefit from the efforts of so many researchers. 

  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    spot on!

    I agree SF73.  It's pretty new stuff, yet it's old stuff.  Here is my take on it:  not enough is being done for women's cancers.  Once a woman hits menopause, it's like she's old so whatever happens, happens.

    I feel so looked down upon at my gynocologist office.  Because there are young girls - pregnant.  Good for them But what about us 50 plus people?  Going through menopause and crazy bleeding?  Having found a gyno oncologist I saw a whole different scenario.  The women there are in tune with one another and with a compassionate staff as well.

    And yes, I agree. Mice and men don't mix.  But there HAS TO BE DONE MORE for womens cancers.  It's not just about pink ribbons and breast cancer.  There are ovarian and uterine which are equally important.

    I lost my grandmother at aged 56 to ovarian cancer.  I never met her.  She died a year before I was born.  We need more genetic testing too.  And the doctors told my mother, that grandma probably HAD ovarian cancer for at least 10 years.  Her death was not only devastating, but painful for her.  There was no morphine back then.  When I think of her and the chance I never got to know her, it breaks my heart.  She was a vivacious woman, filled with a great sense of humor.  Very sad.  

  • evolo58
    evolo58 Member Posts: 293 Member
    edited February 2018 #8
    And Fallopean, cervical and

    And Fallopean, cervical and other related cancers get less love than we do! So many cancers of our lady parts down there, and so many with scary prognosis. The more opportunity to at least delay the next recurrence significantly with mild to no ill effects on other body parts, the better overall survival rates.

    XTREME Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2018 #9
    thank you !

    thank you !

  • Charissa
    Charissa Member Posts: 129 Member
    Wow, it sounds very promising

    Wow, it sounds very promising. Stanford, UC Davis, and UC San Francisco are close to where I live. I may just have to get recommended there, if I experience a reoccurrence. Thank you, for always sharing all the wonderful sites, with the latest in upcoming treatments.