Positive pelvic washing



  • Mirabai
    Mirabai Member Posts: 9
    Nellasing said:

    Hi Mirabai

    Glad your surgery was 10 days ago and that you didn't mention feeling bad from it.  Hope you are recovering quickly and well.

    I agree with Cindi, the Dr. would tell you exactly what they tell everyone they see no matter if you had expressed not wanting to do something or other.  My Dr. had her hands full with me questioning everything at every turn.  That's ok, it's their job.  In the end you will need to do what you need to do to live with it.  As for me, I did an integrated approach with my gyn/onc and my Naturopath supporting my healthy body through treatment.  I believe it worked really REALLY well as I didn't have as hard a time of it as many and the only lasting effect is a bit of neuropathy in my feet so far.

    I would suggest that you find a certified naturopath, with experience in oncology, if you want to explore what else you can do.  This stuff is complicated and you do want to give yourself every advantage.

    Glad you found this group of ladies- they have so much knowledge and caring- I didn't find them til after I was finished with chemo.  You really can ask anything and there is most always someone along pretty quickly to lend a shoulder or tell their story.

    (((HUGS))) as you find your way- they say once you choose your path walk straight ahead with confidence and don't keep looking back and doing the what if- a LOT of the battle field is in the mind ;) 

    Thanks Nellasing

    Thanks for your wise words. I am glad I found this group and know that supportive sisters are very important in recovery.

    Though my op was very recent I have really had a fast recovery with little pain. The worst was the shoulder tip pain from the gas and then the bloating which went on for a week. Almost back to normal now with all 6 abdominal wounds healed and I am not even up to 2 weeks post op!



  • Mirabai
    Mirabai Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2016 #43
    Kvdyson said:

    Hi Mirabai, I'm sorry that

    Hi Mirabai, I'm sorry that you're feeling scared and not sleeping well. That is a natural feeling when you get a cancer diagnosis. I don't have any suggestions for diets or supplements but will say that just being a part of this support group has made a world of difference for my mental state. These are wonderful people who have been through just about everything imaginable and have lived to fight another day. Good luck to you and don't be a stranger! Kim

    Thanks Kim

    Thanks Kim, I am feeling more positive today after seeing my trusted Naturopath yeasterday and I have a plan. She has given me an anti-cancer diet to follow and an herbal mixture plus supplements. Gentle at first, then more aggressive after a few weeks. I am also meditating and feeling grateful that I don't need chemo/radio, then it was contained, reasonably early and I didn't need that body part!

  • Mirabai
    Mirabai Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2016 #44



    Welcome to our club and sorry you needed to join us! If you are uncomfortable with the recommendations, please get a second opinion. I don't believe your oncologist would not suggest further treatment if they believed you needed it. They have an obligation to give you the full picture even if you say you don't want to do something.

    Just hearing the word cancer is a scary thing. You will be fine. It just takes a while to get to the point of acceptance and learning to live with it. If you continue to have anxiety, please ask for a mild anit-anxiety med to help you through this part of the "treatment"... Hang in there and come back with any questions.

    Love and Hugs,


    Thanks Cindy

    Thanks Cindy, yes it is all an emotional shock and I had had an awful dream about recurrence the night before I posted, however I now have a plan supervised by my excellent, experienced, and trusted naturopath who has got me through CFS/ME, so I am in a much better place now. I think that taking a step, having a plan, doing something whatever it is, is important - even if its effect is placebo. We must have faith in something.

  • mpkelynch4
    mpkelynch4 Member Posts: 1
    Positive Pelvic Washing

    It has been such a help to read all of your postings. Thank you so much for sharing. I also had a total hysterectomy on Oct. 11. All went well with exception to positive cells in the belly fluid. As many of you have said, who knows where they came from? I have been put on Megace (Magestrol) for 6 months. Only been on it a week, but sure hope not to gain any weight. Already gained 50 lbs. with menopause. 7 years of debilitating hot flashes....and the beat goes on! I already told my kids to be ready for me to be moody in the coming months. I also saw a genetic counselor to check for Lynch Syndrome--a gene line mutation. The recommendation was to not worry about this as there was not enough family history of cancer to support it. It's a lot more scientific than that, but you would need to read Methylation for Dummies to get a clue. I will be keeping up with my 90 day check ups and keep you posted. I wish everyone a blessed and healthy holiday.  Priscilla

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #46
    Hi Priscilla,

    Welcome- so glad you were able to get some good info. reading the posts!  So sorry you have had a scrape with this thing!  You didn't mention the pathology of the hysterectomy- was it only positive in the fluid?  I know, the weight gain is the worst!!!  I am fighting that tooth and nail :( 

    Please come any time for support, questions, venting etc. etc.  So many of these ladies have such amazing information to share.  All the best as you move forward.  Look forward to seeing your updates.  (((HUGS)))

  • Mirabai
    Mirabai Member Posts: 9
    Alternative Route

    My Radical Robotic Hysterectomy was 2.5 mths ago now. I was all clear except for pos pelvic washings. I am recovering well. No chemo or radio and visit my Naturopath and Holistic Doctor regularly. I am about to start on weekly Vit C infusion, with other goodies added. He asked for a blood test which had to be sent to Germany and cost ~$Au650. It is for circulating Tumour Cells, so we know what we are up against. It seem a very sensible starting point and I wonder why it is not more easily/cheaply available.  I am also watching Tye Bollinger's Video series "The Truth about Cancer" and have purchased his book.

    My diet has changed significantly - no sugar, gluten, dairy and mostly vegetarian. I have lost 10kg in the past 3.5 mths.

    I have been told that endometrial cancers are sensitive to insulin and to estrogen (of course) so I am watching those too. Also the emotional cause being around problems with sexuality and reproduction, which I sure have had. My doctor suggested EFT (Tapping) to bring up stuff and deal with it.

    So all in all, I am doing OK, so far!


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited January 2017 #48
    Mirabai that's great news!

    Wow- you've jumped on that and are doing such great work to heal and being so proactive- GOOD JOB!!!  I'd be interested to know how the EFT goes for you.  So glad you are doing ok so far.  Thank you for coming back and sharing that with us all.  (((HUGS)))

    PS  I wish things were more easily/cheaply available also but alas then the money machine would stop for some ehh?

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited January 2017 #49
    Mirabai said:

    Alternative Route

    My Radical Robotic Hysterectomy was 2.5 mths ago now. I was all clear except for pos pelvic washings. I am recovering well. No chemo or radio and visit my Naturopath and Holistic Doctor regularly. I am about to start on weekly Vit C infusion, with other goodies added. He asked for a blood test which had to be sent to Germany and cost ~$Au650. It is for circulating Tumour Cells, so we know what we are up against. It seem a very sensible starting point and I wonder why it is not more easily/cheaply available.  I am also watching Tye Bollinger's Video series "The Truth about Cancer" and have purchased his book.

    My diet has changed significantly - no sugar, gluten, dairy and mostly vegetarian. I have lost 10kg in the past 3.5 mths.

    I have been told that endometrial cancers are sensitive to insulin and to estrogen (of course) so I am watching those too. Also the emotional cause being around problems with sexuality and reproduction, which I sure have had. My doctor suggested EFT (Tapping) to bring up stuff and deal with it.

    So all in all, I am doing OK, so far!


    Mirabai, so good to hear that

    Mirabai, so good to hear that you are recovering well. It sounds like you have a good medical team helping you and a good head on your shoulders. Hopefully the treatment the doctor is recommending will help you deal with the emotional side of this diagnosis. Let us know if we can help, too. We're here for you and no topic is off-limits.

  • Kamushka
    Kamushka Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2017 #50
    Negative washing

    My robotic hysterectomy resulted in negative washing and my lady parts came out intact. I had a malignant tumor that was inside a polyp in my uterus. The tumor had not gotten into the uterine wall but MD Anderson found a tiny cancer cell in one of the Fallopian tubes which gave me a stage III and six rounds of chemo. After my last round of chemo in February, I start radiation daily in March for five and a half weeks in the pelvic area. The only thing the negative washing saved me from was internal radiation..mine are all scheduled externally.

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited February 2017 #51
    Kamushka said:

    Negative washing

    My robotic hysterectomy resulted in negative washing and my lady parts came out intact. I had a malignant tumor that was inside a polyp in my uterus. The tumor had not gotten into the uterine wall but MD Anderson found a tiny cancer cell in one of the Fallopian tubes which gave me a stage III and six rounds of chemo. After my last round of chemo in February, I start radiation daily in March for five and a half weeks in the pelvic area. The only thing the negative washing saved me from was internal radiation..mine are all scheduled externally.

    Kamushka, I am sorry to hear

    Kamushka, I am sorry to hear this diagnosis but it sounds like you have a great medical team giving you the best care. I also had both chemo and external radiation. Thankfully, the side effects of both were expertly managed and I did not suffer badly. I hope that your experience is the same. Let us know how you are doing as treatment progresses. Kim