caught a cold

janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

Hi,  Its been a while since i have nneded to post for me.  Ive been getting on with my life. Slowly but surely finding recovery. I even had forgotten that my pot needed flused every so often.  Thanks to you guys i remembered to do it last week.   Things werent perfect but i felt i was having a lot of good days. I caught a cold last week and have been trying to get better.  Odvioslly it is not true but it feels too much like it did when i had cancer.  I am falling back in my old ways and i dont like it.  Of course its okay for me to rest and get better from my clold but its remending me too too much of what is was like when i had cancer.  I dont know how to explain it but even emotionally it feels like it.  Its gotten me down and need to get back up.  Just need some support to help me go forward again.  My goodness its only a cold.  Lots of love Janae


  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    That's okay, Janae. I think

    That's okay, Janae. I think that for a while every cold or cough or sneeze reminds us all about about the cancer. Your body has been trained to be on alert to anything that might threaten your immune system and that is not something that is going to go away immediately. It will get better, I promise. After some time, a cold will be just a cold. Until then, allow yourself some compassion, drink some hot tea or chicken soup and rest. You've earned it!

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    Feel better! And be gentle

    Feel better! And be gentle with yourself... mind and body!

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Hi Janae

    I've been wondering how you've been doing.  A cold- bummer!!!  I keep thinking how awful it would be to get sick so you letting us know you are sick and what you are going through actually helps us ... sorry you are sick but agreed- be good to yourself- treat yourself to a nice epsom salt bath with some essential oils to help with the aches and pains and open your airways- I like Eucalyptus or Wintergreen.  Have some nice hot tea with a little honey in there.  It will pass and you can let us know you are doing great again.  (((HUGS)))

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited December 2016 #5
    I know what you mean - just a

    I know what you mean - just a cold can really throw a monkey wrench into our lives post treatment.  I had a sore throat for a few days and thought for sure the cancer was back....but, it was just a sore throat.  Every little ache and pain is magnified because of what has happened to us. 

    Take care of yourself!!



  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited December 2016 #6
    Nellasing said:

    Hi Janae

    I've been wondering how you've been doing.  A cold- bummer!!!  I keep thinking how awful it would be to get sick so you letting us know you are sick and what you are going through actually helps us ... sorry you are sick but agreed- be good to yourself- treat yourself to a nice epsom salt bath with some essential oils to help with the aches and pains and open your airways- I like Eucalyptus or Wintergreen.  Have some nice hot tea with a little honey in there.  It will pass and you can let us know you are doing great again.  (((HUGS)))

    Yes, a hot bath!

    It's not surprising that feeling "not well" brings up all sorts of memories and feelings from cancer and its treatment.  At least colds don't generally last too long, and you will be up and about before you know it.

    So take advantage of this down time. A hot bath really is a wonderful thing.  Too often we do the shower thing because of time constraints.  But when you're not feeling well, a hot bath with Epsom salts and oil of your choice is a wonderful way to pamper yourself.  Ditto for the tea.  Wrap up in a blanket and watch a movie.  

    Warm hugs.


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Just writing this stuff out

    Just writing this stuff out here and knowing someone would care about me made a whole big difference.  I still have my cold but i was able to get back to doing better emotionally.  Thank you wonderful friends