22 year old daughter just diagnosed with Stage IV CRC



  • nateswife
    nateswife Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2016 #22
    msan8431 said:

    cc: kman_houston

    if you have any other questions you can reach me at santiago2015fm@gmail.com

    i dont really know much scientifically but im going through a similar case ...i asked about folfox as well and i reccomend u ask about getting it switched to folfiri...they just switch the oxaliplatin to irontecan? not sure but the oxaliplatin has alot of sideeffects...i had none really ..my hair thinned out alot but regardless i had alot of hair...my face broke out occasionally well my forhead in tiny little pimples...i had diareah also occasionally and food became bland...somethings i cant tolerate ...sort of like pregnancy..i used to eat everything i craved..good or bad....i think some people will be against this because they believe (including myself) nutrition has alot to do with your health BUT i read in a blog about another cancer patient that she ate everything she craved because its better to eat and gain weight than not eat because you dont have appetite aside from what your craving...hard for me to explain things i ramble alot even in person but i hope u understand what im saying....your daughter will be okay...i received alot of prayer and did alot of praying and i truly believe Jesus Christ still heals people to this day.....im an example...not just healing me but providing me with everything including the meds to do so....and to be honest before i got sick i wasnt religous whatsoever but i found comfort in Him and knowing there is an eternal paradise where we can be once we pass...alot of people may not believe but as of recent God had proved me right and all my faith has been increased...

    a song u can play for her or reccomend to her is Oceans by hillsong united..it helped me alot through out these last months...just listening to it

    Hi, I just wanted you to know

    Hi, I just wanted you to know that what you wrote encourages me to have hope. It sounds like you have a good perspective on suffering, which is impressive. I dont think I would have had a good handle on such tough circumstances at the age of 22. It's awesome that God is helping you through this is a tangible way so you know it. 

    I also love that song, "Ocean". My favorite fight cancer song is "Overcomer" by Mandisa.