Calcium Bentonite Living Clay
Whilst healing clay may seem a new concept to some of us, it has been used for thousands of years dating back to the Essenes and biblical times. In the second century A.D., Galen, the famous Greek philosopher and physician, was the first to record the use of clay by sick or injured animals. He later recorded numerous cases of internal and external uses of clay as part of 'clay therapy'.
Also, North American Indians used clay for food, body purification, healing and ceremonial events. Early French cultures used clay for nutrition and medicinal purposes and also as a trading medium. Clay became renowned for its healing effect on gum diseases, ulcers, rashes, dysentery, hemorrhoids, infected wounds and bites. Dr Meyer Camberg used clay to neutralize arsenic poisoning.
During the First World War, the Russian soldiers received 200 grams of clay along with their rations, and it was added to mustard in several of the French regiments, who remained free of the dysentery which ravaged nearby regiments.
Russian scientists used clay to protect their bodies from radiation when working with nuclear material. Bentonite clay was the material chosen to dump into the Chernobyl
reactors after the nuclear meltdown.
Characteristics of Calcium Bentonite Clay
Clay cannot be reproduced in a lab. Clay is the product of earth birthing itself in a new form. It is from the struggle of the birthing process that clay comes forth as a highly
charged ash form from the extreme heat and force of the volcano from which it comes.
All clay is volcanic ash - formed from volcanic activity millions of years ago. However, not all clays are created equal. Clays can have different amount of mineral compositions and varying effects on the body. Volcanic ash clay falls into seven separate and distinct family groups, some of which are used for commercial and
industrial purposes.
Calcium based Bentonite clay is derived from the Smectite group of clays, and is the rarest form of clay in the Smectite family. Within the Smectite family, there are hundreds of different type of clays, each consisting between 8 and 145 minerals. The most common sub family is Montmorillonite. The names Bentonite and Montmorillonite are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to edible Calcium Bentonite Clays. Due to its high ionic charge, only the Smectite group of clays can adsorb and absorb. Characterized by its expandable properties and swelling capacity, these clays are known
as 'healing clays'.
Adsorption and Absorption
The distinguishing terms of adsorption and absorption characterizes the key active factor in the healing properties present in this form of clay.
Adsorption describes the process by which the charged particles of substances with positive charged ions (e.g. toxins, viruses, parasites, fungus, bacteria, and radiation), combine with the charged particles on the outer surface of the clay molecule with a negative ionic charge, to produce an exchange of ions and satisfy the ionic bonds around the edges of the clay molecule.
Bentonite clay molecules carry a negative electrical charge while toxins and impurities carry a positive charge. When the clay is ingested into the body, the positively charges toxins are attracted to the negatively charged surfaces of the clay molecule. The clay
molecule acts like a magnet, attracting and holding the toxins and impurities to the surface without breaking them down-then removing them when the clay is removed or expelled.
Absorption is the process by which the clay molecule draws other foreign substances into its internal structure after it has undergone a chemical change, allowing such
substances then to enter the clay's molecular inner structure therefore, acting like a sponge. As the foreign substances are absorbed, the clay expands filling the spaces between the clay molecule's stacked layers. Absorbent clay will only absorb positively charged toxins and impurities and ignore negatively charged nutrients.
Removes toxins from your system
Clay is a catalyst that assists the body in detoxification and removing positive charged ions from the body. It stimulates circulation and balances the pH level in the body. Calcium Bentonite clay safely removes toxins from your system.
How does Bentonite Clay work?
Bentonite clay carries a uniquely strong negative charge which causes it to magnetically attract any substance with a positive ionic charge (i.e. bacteria, toxins, metals, parasites, fungus, etc). These substances are both adsorbed (sticking to the outside like Velcro) and absorbed (drawn inside) by the clay molecules.
The clay has an immediate effect on the digestive system which involves the binding of toxic substances and removing them from the body. It performs this job with every form of toxin whether chemical by nature or a by product of the body's own health processes, such as "stress", inefficient metabolism or proliferation of free radicals.
The clay is not digested in the same way as food; since it is "inorganic", toxins are not reabsorbed into the bloodstream, but eliminated through intestinal tract acting as a bulk agent.
Recommendations for use of Clay
Dry Powder application
First clay must be taken internally. You can either eat hydrated clay 'paste' or drink liquefied clay.
Hydrated Topical Application
To mix the dry powder of a swelling clay into a hydrated state, mix 1 part clay with 3 parts water depending on the clay that you are using. Allow to stand for a minimum of 2
hours. Mix thoroughly to form a creamy consistency, similar to sour cream. This can be applied topically by hand to any part of the body. 1-2 tablespoons of hydrated Bentonite clay is recommended for adults. If you drinking liquefied clay, start with 1-2 ounces twice daily made with 1 part of dry powder calcium Bentonite clay to 8 parts of water.
To make a poultice, mix the dry powder clay into a heavy paste. Use approximately 1 part clay to 1-1 ½ parts water. Stir thoroughly with a wooden or plastic spoon (do not use metal). Allow to sit for several hours until the water is completely assimilated with the clay. Spread a thick layer of the clay paste onto a piece of cloth or gauze and apply over the affected area.
Clay baths
Recommended twice a week. Clay baths help to keep your body cleansed by pulling toxins through the pores. To prepare a clay bath, scatter about 2 cups of Bentonite
clay into the bath. A clay bath should last ideally 15-20 minutes in extremely hot water and longer in less hot water. Submerge as much of your body as possible during the bath. The more clay is used, the more powerful the response.
Liquid Drink
Mix 1 part clay to 10 parts water. Use a juice or sports bottle and shake vigorously for 3-5 minutes. Allow to stand for 1 hour and again shake vigorously for a second time. Shake again before use.
Quality Clay
The best healing clay is that which has not been processed (heated or bleached). The cleaning process removes many of the healing properties of the clay. You want raw, clean, natural swelling clay (one that expands when mixed with water). Natural calcium Bentonite clay has a high pH and an exceptionally strong adsorption and absorption ability. It's best to use fine-milled clay, preferably one milled to 325mesh. This ensures that once the clay is hydrated or liquefied, it will not be gritty.
Bentonite Clay Effects on Health Problems
Autism; wound healing; stings and poisonous bites; warts; skin cleansing; ulcers;
Clay info websites: