Tough weekend and then a small glimmer of hope at the end of a long tunnel


Ended up in the ER Saturday after having a night of sharp pain in my upper left chest.  Started out like heartburn so I wasn't to concerned.But it kept getting worse with pain spreading from the front to my back into my shoulder and neck.  That scaredme enough to decide to get it checked out.  Why do these things always happen on the weekend or holidays.  For some reason I was afraid the Nuelasta had attacked my spleen. Walk into an ER and say your chest hurts and everyone comes running.  After many test., The Dr's there decided that my heart and lungs were I good shape , that I had no blood clots and that my spleen was just fine.  Gastritis was the overwhelming opinion.  So stay away from caffeine, spicy food and acidic food.  Well there goes my pizza and Pepsi.

Sunday Long 210 mile drive on snow covered road to my 3 month checkup with my Gyn-Onc.

Monday,  My Gyn-Onc  says good checkup and the Gnomic testing they did on the tumor he removed came up with match for a chemo thathas a good chance of working.  Now my medical Onc has to get down on his hands and knees and beg Medicare to approve to for use with my endometrial cancer.  A little hope goes a long way.

Hugs and prayers to all, Lou Ann


  • You're right about a glimmer of hope

    That certainly sounds positive to have a match for a chemo.  This is the way cancr therapy should work, identify and target.  I hope it turns out to be a great course of action.  Also, it sounds positive that they couldn't find anything with your major organs.  I'd say that the long drive on snowy roads was as stressful as the ER trip though.  And Medicare better come through with approval, why would they want to spend money on something that is not working, when they could spend it on another treatment that might keep you more healthy.  I will pray that things go well with everything.  Nancy

  • pam0422
    pam0422 Member Posts: 25
    Lou Ann - So sorry to hear

    Lou Ann - So sorry to hear about your pain and er visit, but oh so happy it wasn't serious. It is also great to hear about the new chemo match. Hope your holidays are great.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,811 Member
    pam0422 said:

    Lou Ann - So sorry to hear

    Lou Ann - So sorry to hear about your pain and er visit, but oh so happy it wasn't serious. It is also great to hear about the new chemo match. Hope your holidays are great.

    Lou Ann

    YIKES on the pain! But glad it wasn't something serious.

    But, the other part of this posting is GREAT NEWS!  I sure hope Medicare comes through for you. If you don't have a Medicare advocate/contact, you may want to see if that is possible. Sometimes having someone on the inside helps. I don't have any idea if that is even possible but just thought it might help move you from a name on paper to a real person. :-)

    My insurance denied the PET scan. My Oncologist is still working through that one. So... it seems like we all have to fight for our care at some point along the way.

    Take care my friend and I hope you get a positive response on the request!

    Love and Hugs,


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Sorry about the gastritis

    I know from experience how painful and scary that can be.  But...  good news about the match.  As Donswife48 said, this is the way chemo should be done!  And I would also urge you to find a Medicare advocacy organization if your doctor is denied.  Always helps to have a little muscle.


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,678 Member
    Editgrl said:

    Sorry about the gastritis

    I know from experience how painful and scary that can be.  But...  good news about the match.  As Donswife48 said, this is the way chemo should be done!  And I would also urge you to find a Medicare advocacy organization if your doctor is denied.  Always helps to have a little muscle.


    Sorry about the bad stuff

    but delighted at the good.  It definitely makes up for the ED trip and long drive.  Don't take no from Medicare.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,482 Member
    Better safe than sorry!!  I

    Better safe than sorry!!  I ended up in the ER a month ago also on the weekend because I thought it was my heart but ended up as esophageal erosion....but after my 37 year old brother dropped dead of "ligament damage" in his left arm which turned out to be a massive heart attack, who wouldn't?  We're only being careful!

    I'm glad to hear they've come up with a chemo plan and hopefully all will be approved by Medicare.  (((LouAnn)))

