Question about Nodular Melanoma

Hello all! This is my first post. In March of 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 1a melanoma. I had a WLE, and have been fine since. Last August, 2014 I noticed a little dark spot under the skin on my right knuckle. I thought it might've been a sliver, but could not get it out. I decided to just watch it. it continued to grow, and this past spring I had my gp look at it. He said for me to go to my Derm and get it off. At that time it still was under the skin hard to see. Well over the summer it grew a lot, up out of the skin. I finally had it biopsied this past Friday. The Dr did a little deeper shave biopsy and when the nurse cleaned it, you could still see the lesion in the hole. I have never experienced that before, never visually that deep. Does anyone have experience with nodular melanoma? Does it behave this way?  As you can imagine, I'm worried sick. Trying not to, but I know enough to know NM is really bad. I would appreciate any insight anyone has. Thanks in advance!!



  • Tamara4075
    Tamara4075 Member Posts: 2

    I have to add, it is gray in color, unlike anything else I have ever seen on my body. 

  • ChD
    ChD Member Posts: 9


    I have to add, it is gray in color, unlike anything else I have ever seen on my body. 

    Nodular melanoma


    Nodular melanoma is not worse than other types of cutaneous melanoma if it is caught early enough. That doesn't even necessarily mean quickly since some melanoma grows slowly.  What will matter is, if it IS melanoma, how deep it is.  From there, you will be able to decide whether or not further treatment, beyond wide local excision is warranted.

    I don't have experience with melanoma in that exact location, but other people have told me that nodular melanoma tends to feel like a small BB under the skin.  It's true melanoma can occur just about anywhere and it can range in color from pink to purple to black, even gray I'm sure.  But remember, it isn't melanoma until a biopsy says it is.
