vaginal adenocarcinoma stage IVb

Hi there,

I'm new here! I'm Fem, 37 years old and from the Netherlands, Europe. I've had vaginal cancer (adenocarcinoma) since 2009. It was discovered during my pregnancy of my daughter. The treated it with surgery then, had her after 32 weeks and had surgery immediately afterwards. Removed the nodes and afterwards got brachy. 2 years later the tumors were back in my vagina, aorta nodes and groin nodes. Got external radiation and chemo (cisplatin). During this they found metastases in my lungs. I won't survive as far as the doctors tell me.

I'm feeling ok now, just a lot of nerve pain in my pelvic area. I'm heading for chemo when the mestastases in my lungs are getting bigger.

Does anyone know anything about other treatments than I've had? Any experiments? I would love to hear from you.

Bye, Fem


  • KStuder
    KStuder Member Posts: 4
    Please go to my page and look

    Please go to my page and look at the treatment I am on.  I would be happy to answer any questions for you .  I'm having success And this stuff is so difficult to treat.  Keep fighting I also was told I wouldn't survive that I was looking at one year of life left until I started this treatment and it is a MIRICLE it is working on my lung mets. I have never been told it is curable but at this point what ever wil give me the best quality of life and the maximum time frame and this stuff is working.  God bless and keep fighting.  I have surpassed the time fram they gave me and am going strong.  I also have children (3) and my first grand child. My family keeps me going each and every day