My Wonderful Husband

joann p
joann p Member Posts: 50

My name is Jo-Ann Schumell and on Feb 5th,2013, my husband Frank lost his battle with Extra Pulmonary Small Cell Poorly Differentiated Neruoendocrine Cancer of the Colon. It is a daily struggle for me to be without him, he went so fast, diagnosed on April 11th, 2012. While I miss him dearly, I know he is cancer free where he is!!!!! Swwetpea, I love and Miss you!!!



  • pegalina
    pegalina Member Posts: 42
    My John

    I'm Peggy, so very sorry for your loss.I just lost my husband June 20th 2013...he was umpiring a baseball game & collapsed on the field..they couldnt bring him fast..he was gone..I still cant wrap my head around boys are 15 & 17..I lost my dad to cancer @ 19..I'm 48 now..had stage 3 breast cancer 5 yrs ago..was given 1 yr to live..I still have medical problems..dont understand this..we were just married 21 yrs in may..he turned 50 in april..I feel for you...sooooo very much..I would love to talk to you..I feel so lost