
Is anyone taking doxcil treatments?  I had carbo and taxol after they found my cancer.  Started those treatments in January 2012 and finished in May 2012.  Everything was good until February 2013 and now have cancer in the abdomen area.  Started on doxcil and have experienced mouth sores and hand and foot syndrome.  Now after my third treatment I have a similar rash on the back of both arms and down my sides a little ways.  Doctor says to just put udder cream on it but still burns, itches etc.  Anyone else dealing with this side effect?



  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Ginger thinking of you

    Sorry you are experiencing the side effects from Doxil.  I have not taken this drug.  On the first page if you type Doxil in the box of " keyword" you will find posts from others who have been on Doxil and how they handled the side effects.  Others have stated that Doxil website has a " help line" which they had found helpful.  Good luck with your further treatments.  I know Doxil has some nasty side effects.  In peace and caring.

  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    I was on Doxil from Oct 2009 to April 2009. I hated it so much. I had blisters on my feet and I could not get overheated, or wear any tight clothes. I finally had to have the doctor give me a lower dose. I still have bad skin from the whole experiance of this evil drug. I use to put frozen gel pads under my feet when I was sitting. I finally got some lydocaine for the blisters and that helped. It takes a toll and if you can't tolerate it ask your doctor to find something else. I went on Caroplatin after that. I know how you must be feeling with this treatment. Don't suffer, ask to be on a lower dose if you can.