Looking for BMT survivor feedback (mom is day +52)

ShannonS Member Posts: 3
Hi everyone-
My Mom had an allogenic non related mini BMT (reduced intensity chemo beforehand and no radiation) couple months ago. She is at day +52. She is super tired, wants to sleep all day. She is a bit out of it mentally and is struggling on and off with eating or having no appetite. They think she might have some gvhd In her mouth as she is getting some sores on her inner lower lip, so that doesn't help the eating. I am her caregiver and find myself struggling a lot with taking care of her.

She is sick and tired of being sick and tired. If it were up to her she would sleep all day every day.

I am just looking for anyone who has gone through the transplant process to let me know if any of this is normal and what I might be able to expect. I have heard all the side effects but would love some real experiences.



  • v1ck1
    v1ck1 Member Posts: 2
    11yrs Post transplant

    Hi there,


    I had a BMT when i was 14. I had a allogenic Non Related bmt myself. I had GVHD of the Brain. I hope your Mum is doing well. Unfortinately with her mouth being so sore she wont be able to eat, which will make her lose weight, which isnt good for her. Its all an awful circle!xx 


    Ask away and i will try and answer any questions i can xx 


    Vicki 25 Englandxx