Post Uterine removal, Alternates to Chemo/Radio


My mother is 70yr old. We are in bangalore-india. Surgon felt that after surgary, she requires both Radio/Chemo. But am hesitant to undergo this treatment. What are the other alternates?

Did anybody try Ayurveda/accupressure/accupuncture. Are there any proven records?


Lavanya ayurveda claims that they have proven records - but it is far from my place. Any other alternates available in bangalore?


Thanks in Advance,


  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379

    Welcome!!!  I was diagnosed with an aggressive type uterine cancer and never thought of ingesting my self with drugs...more of a natural type person.  I did lots of research on alternatives,  many out of our country, thinking there has to be a better way to kill this cancer.  My gut feeling was nothing had a guarantee, and none had any statistics, etc. I went to my chemo and radiation.  But...after treatments I completely changed the way I ate, how I lived my life with reducing stress, avoiding most toxins around me, etc, etc.  I felt the chemo/rad would kill the cancer and I could help keep my immunune system strong with my new ways of living.  No guarantee, but what I feel is best for ME.

    Sorry but cannot address any alternatives available in Bangalore as I'm in the US.  Might I suggest asking around at different facilities in your area for other options, as your county might have more vs. the US.

    Am I reading correctly, your mom had her "total" hysterectomy?  What did pathology find and give you staging and grade?


    Best to you and your mom...



  • NorahS
    NorahS Member Posts: 92
    Hello Bhaskar

    While you can support your mother by researching her options, make sure that any final decision about care is what your mother wants to do.

    Also your mother can start chemo and/or radiation, and at anytime, she should not wish to continue with the treatments, she does not have to continue.

    I'd start by having your mother get more information from the doctor on the chemo/radiation care that is recommended. Is the doctor recommending sandwich treatment - that is, will she have a number of cycles of chemo - followed by radiation - then a few more cycles of chemo?

    A question for your mother to ask the doctor also would be about having treatment with Ayurveda/acupuncture/accupressure at the same time as any chemo/radiation that she might decide to have. It is very likely the doctor would be in agreement, as many patients do elect to do this and are happy with the results.

    I wish your mother well on her journey to recovery. I hope that she is with you and her family for many, many more years.