Non Hodgkins Lymphoma VA help for Viet Nam Vets

rld4day3 Member Posts: 3
I just wanted to stick a little note up to let any Viet Nam Vets know that there is help for them via the VA, monitory as well as medically. Unlike folks with other cancers all a Viet Nam Vet has to do was be in the Viet Nam Theater to qualify. You don't have to have set foot on land or prove a date time or place. 38CFR3.313 is the key You can get help to obtain this by visiting


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    About Time
    Its about time somebody offered some help for the "Nam" vets. What did it take,35 years. The more recent war vets are still trying to be reconized as needing some help,but our government is turning up their noses so far.Too bad they are not ILLEGALs and the government would drive them to any facility they needed to go for FREE. Sorry about all the negative feedback,but when you are in situations where you or someone needs assistence it all comes to light. Too many people have their heads buried in the sand and never give it a second thought. They just go along with what the previous and new government tells them. It is a sad situation we are all in today. The sitting President openly signed an executive order in May 2011 denying assistence for Post tramatic war vets. The same day he signed a FREE health care plan for existing Illegals.Your tax dollars will pay for it as well.You did not hear that on the liberal news channel.FOX News tells it the way it is and backs it up with videos. John
  • Agent Orange
    I am not a veteran however I worked as a technical advisor in VietNam for almost 3 years. (Camp Eagle, DucPho, DaNang, Tam Ky, Chu Lai, Phan Rang, DaLat, Saigon) There is something called the Defense base Act for people who worked overseas as government contractors to get workman's compensation. I am 90% deaf and have lymphoma, both of which are likely from my time in Nam. No question about the hearing. I looked into it and filled out the forms. The bottom line is some people have been getting settlements but you need an attorney to be taken seriously. The Govt. does not fund this but helps facilitate the patient in working with their employers and their workmans comp insurance provider. I was told there is no statute of limitations. Its hard to find an attorney for a case 40 years old. Just thought I would mention it in case there are other expats like me on this board. I can provide the contact details for those who need it.
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    unknown said:

    Agent Orange
    I am not a veteran however I worked as a technical advisor in VietNam for almost 3 years. (Camp Eagle, DucPho, DaNang, Tam Ky, Chu Lai, Phan Rang, DaLat, Saigon) There is something called the Defense base Act for people who worked overseas as government contractors to get workman's compensation. I am 90% deaf and have lymphoma, both of which are likely from my time in Nam. No question about the hearing. I looked into it and filled out the forms. The bottom line is some people have been getting settlements but you need an attorney to be taken seriously. The Govt. does not fund this but helps facilitate the patient in working with their employers and their workmans comp insurance provider. I was told there is no statute of limitations. Its hard to find an attorney for a case 40 years old. Just thought I would mention it in case there are other expats like me on this board. I can provide the contact details for those who need it.

    Great News to hear !!!!
    That is great news to hear,but don't forget those funds can be cut as quick as they were put into place. Even though I am sure it took years to implement those benefits. Remember we Have a sitting president that has cut the military funding even when they did not ask for it. What makes you think he won't cut the funds for these needed military programs. Socialists take care of their own, NOT their people. You may say that will never happen. I say it will and when it does those benefits are gone forever.Just look at all the things people had years ago and now are long gone thanks to our caring government. Do you really think you are better off now than 4 years ago. Maybe you are,but I sure am not.