For those who find stuff like this interesting, here's some interesting stuff:

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited October 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
(not all of which i understand myself)

new trial/good so far on MGN 1703:

potential new tx target,CD66c:

Magnets and cancer cell death?:
has article:"Evaluation of MVA-5T4 as a novel immunotherapeutic vaccine in colorectal,renal and prostate cancer....."

Faba beans anyone?

Bedtime reading (confession:i've read only the abstract so far-Angiogenesis in mCRC and the benefits of targeted therapy):

Mapatumumab and Oxi with hyperthermia.......

Endostar and oxi:

Milk to fight cancer?:

or coffee to get bowels quickly moving after surgery?:

and one more to digest:


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Thanks for continuing to post all this information which you have searched out.

    How are you doing these days? Well I hope.


    Marie who loves kitties
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    thanks steve as always

    I could not get this one working, could you check it, it might be this german browser.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Got Milk?

    I read the article about milk helping fight cancer. That was very intersting and could explain some things for me. I drank alot of organic 2% DHA milk during last year's fight and still do.

    I'm convinced more and more that the issue is with the cell replication process, more than anything else, and the article explains how milk delays the cell growth cycle and allowing DNA repair to occur as a result to the cancer cell.

    This could help explain why I'm doing as well as I can be...

    As they used to tell us..."Milk - it does a body good."


  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Got Milk?

    I read the article about milk helping fight cancer. That was very intersting and could explain some things for me. I drank alot of organic 2% DHA milk during last year's fight and still do.

    I'm convinced more and more that the issue is with the cell replication process, more than anything else, and the article explains how milk delays the cell growth cycle and allowing DNA repair to occur as a result to the cancer cell.

    This could help explain why I'm doing as well as I can be...

    As they used to tell us..."Milk - it does a body good."



    Sorry for delay in response,
    did our monthly visit to Atlantic City (as long as i'm still able to)...

    .As i still type with twofingers basically and my proofreading is no longer fool-proof,i put a "-" instead of a "." in the technical article Pete couldn't access ; it should be:

    and its rather current in its publication

    Craig (and others) might find last article interesting referenced as it implies the good stuff in foods doesn't get past the gut (which might be a good thing with CRC,maybe)

    And as for how i'm doing ("mew,me<,meow-ow-oe...meow?-mew," ,which any kitty knows,means:"still hanging in there" ,thank you Marie for inquiring

    Interesting stuff gets published on a daily basis from around the world, but nothing that screams at you right now THIS IS IT!!!!!steve