Home from appointment

Hello Dearhearts

I am now back home. Today was difficult again. Mini meltdown. I am really ready for some peaceful moments.

I am set to get my transfusions on Friday starting at 8 am. They are not keeping me overnight. I am feeling a little scared about that, but it is what it is.

The onc visit did not turn out well. I think I need a new onc. I felt totally dismissed by her. She told me that she was doing my pcp a favor and seemed so put out by it. Very unprofessional. Hubby is really pissed and wants to file a complaint with the hospital for the way she treated me today. She was rude and just acted like I was a pain in her a**.
I feel very alone and adrift. Hubby said that if I have any problems with the transfusions she will have to be available to deal with them. It sure does not feel like ahe has my back.

I am praying that all goes well on Friday and that I only need two units. If all goes well, maybe I can make it to halftime to see my granddaughters cheer! I really hope so. If I get three units, then I will miss them for sure. With the pre and post meds per unit, it takes about 5 hours each. And thats with my veins holding up and not needing to be restarted. I don't know, seems iffy that I'll make it. I'm feeling so sad about that.
Why can't one thing in my life be easy and work out for me. Trying hard right now to not cry.

At least by next week at this time I'll have some energy and hopefully the swelling will be better or gone. I've been so dizzy today.

I'll check in later, going to lie down for a bit.
Thank you again for always being here for me. You are THE BEST!!!

Huge hugs


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Lisha
    Hi Lisha and thank you for the update.

    I can't believe the behavior of your oncologist - that's awful
    and it ticks me off too.

    I hope all goes well on Friday and you get to see your granddaughter
    at the football game. Also, I'm praying you will be feeling much
    better with more energy after this procedure.

    Sleep well, hugs and peace,

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Fire Her!
    Man Lisha after everything that you're going through and then have to deal with your Onc the one person that you have to trust... I say Fire her!!! I know its hard to find a good doc but with luck you will. I had to sort of do the same in January and I got lucky with my new Onc..I'm not gonna say he's perfect but he is better than the other Onc. God sweetie I wish I could do something for you...but the only thing I can do is pray that you start to feel better and get better medical attention! Take care (((Hugs)))

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Loss for words...
    Hi Lisha,
    I'm at a loss for words after hearing the rude behavior of your Onc towards you. If I was you I'd get the transfusion done on Friday and then immediately start searching for a new Onc. Seriously...you need this crap like a hole in the head!! I can just imagine how disturbing this is and the stress it has added to your already fagile psychy! I'm so sorry my friend...truely sorry! I hope you can make it to the game on Friday night, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hang in there Lisha...what else can you do!?! Rest today and try not to think about things that stress you out. God bless you sweetie. Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)