Really getting P1$$ed

ATTEMPT#5:Trying to get on the site is really starting to P1$$ me off. I do not know how many others are having these problems,but it is nerve racking.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    I haven't been having problems, John but it has been slow
    a couple times and one time it did just disconnect me.
    When I got back on, I saw only one person online so I assume
    it did it to everyone.

    Sorry you're having such problems, John.

    We do miss you around here.

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi John
    Hi John,
    Really do miss you like Jim said... Just breath and hopefully this problem you're having can get resolved soon. Just wondering have you tried another browser for ex: if you are using google chrome maybe you can use firefox or explorer, just a thought. Take care and sending a huge hug!

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237

    Hi John
    Hi John,
    Really do miss you like Jim said... Just breath and hopefully this problem you're having can get resolved soon. Just wondering have you tried another browser for ex: if you are using google chrome maybe you can use firefox or explorer, just a thought. Take care and sending a huge hug!


    I use my phone exclusevely
    I use my phone exclusevely while accessing this site and while some times are slower than others I never really have any serious problems. Trying another browser might be just the tonic
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Hi John
    Dear John,

    I know what you mean. The last few times signing on I had no problem But, yes there
    are times I do have a problem. I get really angry and just sign off. I do notice when I sign on, after I put in my password, and it goes to discussion boards. If I click discussion board right away, I am able to get through. You have to do this right away.
    Maybe I am just fooling myself. It has worked the last few times.

    How are you John? I haven't been in touch with you lately. I hope you are enjoying
    your summer. For me, everything is ok. Except for the heat and humidity.

    Stay well always, Love Maggie