BRCA1 Test.... Should I or Shouldn't I

I am really having a hard time with deciding if I want to do this test or not. After I had my hysterectomy and was diagnosed my doctor and I talked about it (along with my husband). It was never brought up again.

Since my chemo has ended I have been reading up on it and now I am scared to death to have it done. Everything I read basicly says that if I test postitive I stand a 85-90% chance of getting breast cancer. I feel like if I know it is positive I will be a hyper condriac (sp?) and with every little bump or anything I will be running to the doctor and driving me crazy. My nurse from the docs office and I were talking about it today and I told her I would have to be heavily medicated to stay sane and not go into worry over board.... lol

There is no history of breast or ovarian cancer in my family on either side. My aunt died of it but she married into the family so that is not a blood relative. There is history of lung cancer my dad's dad and grandfather passed away from it and my oldest brother succommed to a brain tumor.

I don't know. At first we were for it... Now I am not.....

HELP... Need advice


  • 2timothy1 7
    2timothy1 7 Member Posts: 345
    I just got my results back
    I just got my results back today from that test. It was negative. I mostly wanted to test for my children. I am one of those who just has to know, as well. Don't know if this helps you or not.
  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    Everyone handles things differently
    Some people would be happier not knowing. On the other hand, you sound as if you are stressed out about it, either way. If you have the test and you are BRCA positive, then you know where you stand and you can opt how to best address the genetic mutation. If you're positive, your insurance should cover closer monitoring, typically annual mammograms plus annual breast MRI's. If you opt for prophylactic double mastectomy, your insurance should also cover that, if you are BRCA positive. Without the test, you don't know where you stand and receive no coverage to monitor or take action to prevent the disease.