The Sundance Channel: “Coming Soon!”

Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
edited July 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Rumor has it that if you live long enough – you will have seen everything:)

But, that might not be the whole truth – because you haven’t seen ‘everything’ until you’ve seen “What’s Playing” on The Sundance Channel:)

That’s right folks – I’ve got my own network TV show now and we’re readying for our inaugural series debut on the CSN Network. That’s where you will find us on the dial - anytime that you want to tune in and share in the fun.

I had recently been signing the moniker…”Stay tuned to the Sundance Channel – Story Matters Here” to posts that I opened. And you know that ‘story’ is very important to me. Telling stories was the first television. I love to tell stories – I love to entertain.

A week ago, we had another death in the family following my dad’s passing last month. This time it was Kim’s grandfather and it necessitated a trip back home for me. At the time, I was seeing things completely different. I had made my mind made up about a great many things well in advance.

But, what do I know?

As usual, Life has a way with me of showing me what I think I knew – but didn’t know. You know how I like to talk about “The Illusion of Control?”


I had it happen to me again first hand. And while I was away at the funeral and re-visiting old haunts and touching base with the faces of the past – it dawned on me…

The Sundance Channel.

So, again through my warped imagination, I have now created another outlet where we can watch Reality TV on a ‘realer level’ that you won’t experience on regular network television – or even cable.

And on my channel, nobody gets voted off – the only thing that happens is that we only experience Personal Growth and enrich our lives and others from the experience gathered by watching the channel.

It’s Live and Interactive viewing…you’ll have a front-row seat to all of the action. And I don’t think you’re gonna’ want to miss one word of what’s playing. I'd love to have your particpation and it's not only needed to make this a true success - "It's Wanted." I want you here.

The One Guarantee that I can promise you is that you will witness - “The Thrills – The Chills – and The Spills” of one man’s life as he seeks the answers to Life and it’s everyday mysteries and questions – as he strives to learn what it is like to “Be a Human Being – While Just Being Human.”

But not to worry with Captain Sundance – he likes to chart the deep waters – but he always delivers you safely back to shore – the only other guarantee is that you’ll leave a little bit different than when you first boarded. That is, if I did it right.

Do you remember me telling you all that the last six-months just about killed me in every form of humanity that exists? That the days eroded my spirit – killed my imagination – and damaged my spirit?

The well which had been so deep and plentiful to draw from – had suddenly run dry – and the dust that was left in its wake choked back any creativity that I previously had and my lips were so parched from thirst – but yet the waters that I drew from had evaporated and left me thirsty.

I spoke of the beginning of “The Healing Process” as I tried to create another post and get back off the mat one time and try to find myself once more. It was a troubling time. I had become hard and dead on the inside – my affinity for sharing and giving were gone overnight due to paranoia and the loss of trust in my life.

I closed up – I circled the wagons – and I withdrew. I had to, of course. I was in the battle mode and at that time, I felt there was nothing I could offer anyone anymore. I was upset about going from one extreme to the other.

But, that’s how quickly that Life can change….

At the funeral and throughout the week, I had some to re-connect – I had some time to re-evaluate my situation – and I had some time to ponder and reflect on my life now and where it might be heading if my health holds up and if I get that opportunity – the opportunity that I can’t quite clearly see just yet…..I’ve still got some miles to travel before I see the outline and shape of the destiny that my life is heading towards.

If only I knew which direction to go?

So, you’ve all seen me Up and Down – and All Around:) during my time here.

Picture me as a rubber ball – after all, I’m about “As Wide As I Am Tall.” And as a result, you all expect me to bounce back, LOL!

You know how I hate to disappoint you.

So, on some of my communing with nature in the beautiful scenery that is Pennsylvania, I decided that I would create The Sundance Channel, so I could talk about many aspects of this Life that we’re all trying to figure out.

I thought that The Sundance Channel would be “The Life Channel.” I thought it would be a good venue to talk about Life’s Mysteries and Discovery.

It might have a cancer tie-in as part of the story…or it might just be life related.

I’m going to preface this by saying that if you decide to participate – you will change, even if it’s only slightly. You are going to be moved to tears – you’re gonna’ laugh a lot to. We're going to live - and we're going to do it together:)

But, I think more than anything, you’re gonna see “Real TV.” And personally, I think many of you will like it.

I’m willing to bet that Janie1 will adjust her “Taco Night” to coincide with the airing of The Sundance Channel, LOL!

So, the first series we will be watching together will be what I learned from this recent trip back to Kim’s home – back to a place that I had shut out of my life – back to a place that I thought I no longer wanted any part of.

Life just has a way of keeping me in between the white lines when he sees me heading for the ditch.

This is going to be some of the heaviest Enlightenment that I’ve ever shared with you. I’ve walked away a changed man – I found and experienced Personal Growth at a time when I told you that there would be no growth at this time in my life.

We’re gonna’ laugh – and we’re gonna cry. I did while it was happening – I’ll do so while I’m telling you the stories – and again as I read the responses.

Chances are, if those stories and feelings moved me that much – what do you think they will do to you? What do you think you will experience? And what perspective do you think you will walk away with when you’re done reading?

Well, I’m going to let you tell me that! Through good times and bad - the main thing is “were going places.”

Smokeyjoe – read these at home not at work:)

The stories are going to be too long to get all in one post. So, I’m going to break them out in chapters, so they can be easily digested and followed. I’ll try and release them as regularly as I can.

Hey, sounds like another book, LOL! At least this way, my stories will be published:)

If the ratings are good for the series, we’ll keep Hope Alive with The Sundance Channel and renew our lease and keep the channel on, after these stories conclude. I’ve got a lot of Life that I want to infuse in my newest venture. And I’m hopeful that my audience will enjoy it as much as I love doin’ it.

Stay tuned to The Sundance Channel
“Story Matters Here”



  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Thanks for the warning!!!
    Thanks for the warning!!! Meanwhile I'm reading this at the office.....and some guy just came in and stinks of B.O.!!! For some unknown reason my sense of smell has been heightened the past few days....he left it's lingering...and I kept reading your post after the warning .....
  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Hey Craig,
    Yes indeed, we

    Hey Craig,

    Yes indeed, we are looking forward to the "Sundance Channel" and all of the interesting stories that will unfold! :-)


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    LOL Cyn
    The Nielsen ratings will determine how long we're on the air - or if we even get the first show to the airwaves:)

    I'll use this post to gauge interest (if any) and see how it goes from there.

    You know I don't want to wrap my heart up in this and put it out there and have it echo. That would be worse for me right now than anything else.

  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member

    Hey Craig,
    Yes indeed, we

    Hey Craig,

    Yes indeed, we are looking forward to the "Sundance Channel" and all of the interesting stories that will unfold! :-)



    cancelled regular cable
    Hey Craig. This better be good, cause i just cancelled cable because i'll be tuned in to the Sundanceh channel a pressure, or anything.
    Contrary to popular belief - i can read / watch the Sundanceh channel while simultaneously eating tacos, so no problem there.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    janie1 said:

    cancelled regular cable
    Hey Craig. This better be good, cause i just cancelled cable because i'll be tuned in to the Sundanceh channel a pressure, or anything.
    Contrary to popular belief - i can read / watch the Sundanceh channel while simultaneously eating tacos, so no problem there.

    That's good!

    The price is right with me, too:)

    All it costs to watch is your time and your heart - the rest if Free.


    Thanks, Janie...

    We'll let this post cycle and see how many new subscribers we can get:) It just might be a slow day in the neighborhood.
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    LOL Cyn
    The Nielsen ratings will determine how long we're on the air - or if we even get the first show to the airwaves:)

    I'll use this post to gauge interest (if any) and see how it goes from there.

    You know I don't want to wrap my heart up in this and put it out there and have it echo. That would be worse for me right now than anything else.


    Dear Craig
    The heck with Nielsen ratings...what do they know?

    Take your sign from the response to your past posts and get that new channel up and running soonest!

    No chance of an echo...unless it is the applause of your biggest fans...US!

    Hugs and love,

    Marie who loves kitties
  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    LOL Cyn
    The Nielsen ratings will determine how long we're on the air - or if we even get the first show to the airwaves:)

    I'll use this post to gauge interest (if any) and see how it goes from there.

    You know I don't want to wrap my heart up in this and put it out there and have it echo. That would be worse for me right now than anything else.


    If it feels good to write, write!
    Writing connects people, and we all have a story to tell.
    I'll be flipping through the channels to see what's on this week.
    Take care,
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Dear Craig
    The heck with Nielsen ratings...what do they know?

    Take your sign from the response to your past posts and get that new channel up and running soonest!

    No chance of an echo...unless it is the applause of your biggest fans...US!

    Hugs and love,

    Marie who loves kitties

    Feel Better
    It has just been my biggest reward to have friends such as you in my life.

    Your encouragement and support and helping me stay between the lanes has been of enormous benefit to me - and of course, I'll never be able to thank you all enough.

    "It takes a village with me, eh Marie?"

    I guess with me - it always will....I told Kim when I met her, I'm not the easiest man to love. I guess the same holds true here. I'm thankful that I've got a handful of you gals that I can count on:)

    Don't leave me!


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    tommycat said:

    If it feels good to write, write!
    Writing connects people, and we all have a story to tell.
    I'll be flipping through the channels to see what's on this week.
    Take care,

    Needed to Hear That, Tori:)
    I just needed some encouragement before I got started, Tori. I used to pull the trigger so easily - now, I'm having to work so hard at it. And I'm doubting myself...this healing will take me some time, it seems.

    I used to throw it on the wall to see if it would stick...I'm just so tenative...maybe, it's just because the audience is so new and I have not been able to connect as much as I have in the past.

    My hopes are that this will help me a long way.

    Probably get started next week...I'm going to think about the outline and how I want to break the chapters up.

    You know me pretty well - sometimes I just need a hug:)

    I actually asked for one through tears with my new niece...that's gonna' be one of the stories...and one of the best ones too!


    Heart Craig
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Needed to Hear That, Tori:)
    I just needed some encouragement before I got started, Tori. I used to pull the trigger so easily - now, I'm having to work so hard at it. And I'm doubting myself...this healing will take me some time, it seems.

    I used to throw it on the wall to see if it would stick...I'm just so tenative...maybe, it's just because the audience is so new and I have not been able to connect as much as I have in the past.

    My hopes are that this will help me a long way.

    Probably get started next week...I'm going to think about the outline and how I want to break the chapters up.

    You know me pretty well - sometimes I just need a hug:)

    I actually asked for one through tears with my new niece...that's gonna' be one of the stories...and one of the best ones too!


    Heart Craig

    Sundanceh is back, better then ever
    Hey Craig, Glad to see you back and ready to rumble.
    This Sundanceh Channel must be better then Big Brother, Bachelorette or Survivor, and that is what we are trying to do Surviving.
    You have my full cooperation.
    By the way, I am still trying to peddle your book to different editors, so far no luck, but I will not give up.
    Waiting for the Sundanceh Channel,
    hugs, Marjan
  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    thingy45 said:

    Sundanceh is back, better then ever
    Hey Craig, Glad to see you back and ready to rumble.
    This Sundanceh Channel must be better then Big Brother, Bachelorette or Survivor, and that is what we are trying to do Surviving.
    You have my full cooperation.
    By the way, I am still trying to peddle your book to different editors, so far no luck, but I will not give up.
    Waiting for the Sundanceh Channel,
    hugs, Marjan

    Oh, Goody!
    I love stories, so will be waiting anxiously for the debut. Don't worry about not knowing which direction to go in. I think I've been going in circles for years, but all it did was make me a dizzy blond.(At least that's what my grandchildren think)

    Luv Ya,

    (Mama) Wolfen
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of reality tv, but this just might be good! *smiles*

  • mukamom
    mukamom Member Posts: 402
    tootsie1 said:

    I'm not a huge fan of reality tv, but this just might be good! *smiles*


    Looking forward
    to your pilot episode!! It will shatter the ratings.

    You can put into words what I sense, but can't quite put my finger on. Your thoughts and ideas have helped me understand this cancer journey better (and other life happenings).
    I feel more prepared for events to come.

    I say, bring it on!!

  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    first of all
    first of all (((((Sundance)))))))))).
    it is just great hearing the excitement in your writing again.of course i am on board. For you always.
    What is important is no matter what happens you will have changed/touched someone and made a difference. That is your mission in life, afraid you couldn't change it if you tried.
    Can't wait to see what is coming.
    hugs,, again,
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    jjaj133 said:

    first of all
    first of all (((((Sundance)))))))))).
    it is just great hearing the excitement in your writing again.of course i am on board. For you always.
    What is important is no matter what happens you will have changed/touched someone and made a difference. That is your mission in life, afraid you couldn't change it if you tried.
    Can't wait to see what is coming.
    hugs,, again,

    Cant wait to see it.

    Cant wait to see it.

    Could it be aired on all the major cancer hospitals hopefully.
    Keep up your great talent Craig.
  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    Kenny H. said:

    Cant wait to see it.

    Cant wait to see it.

    Could it be aired on all the major cancer hospitals hopefully.
    Keep up your great talent Craig.

    this sounds
    great we can get comedy,drama,love story(chic flick)suspence ,and reality all in one i definately will stay tuned...Godbless...johnnybegood
  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member

    this sounds
    great we can get comedy,drama,love story(chic flick)suspence ,and reality all in one i definately will stay tuned...Godbless...johnnybegood

    Craig...why are you
    Craig...why are you concerned about the a newbie almost two years ago you and the other long time posters were just what I needed!!! I'm sure everyone will stayed tuned...ya see I'm at work and still not taking your warning :)
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Christmas is coming soon also. How long must we wait for your words of wisdom? I do laugh a lot. Life is to be enjoyed. And we need some bad days,or we would not recognize the good ones!!!
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    this sounds
    great we can get comedy,drama,love story(chic flick)suspence ,and reality all in one i definately will stay tuned...Godbless...johnnybegood

    Dear J
    I think I got you covered all the sure you're not in my PR department?


    I think our first series will have all that and more...I'm so glad you will be with us...Mama too:)

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    smokeyjoe said:

    Craig...why are you
    Craig...why are you concerned about the a newbie almost two years ago you and the other long time posters were just what I needed!!! I'm sure everyone will stayed tuned...ya see I'm at work and still not taking your warning :)

    Well, I've been rocked this year is all that I can come up with. I don't know, I feel like the newbie now....I'm sticking my toes into the water to check the temperature.

    I've been too apprehensive - too tenative - not like my old self...I really got hurt this year...and it's taking me time to find my way back. The healing has been slow....but the board has always been good medicine for me.

    That's why I didn't understand it myself....I suppose if I'm telling you the truth, there is part of me that fears rejection...the old folks know me - and the new folks don't.

    When one extends themselves completely, it leaves one's underbelly vulnerable...I've always embraced the vulnerability in the past, but dad's deal hurt me so much, I lost my way - I lost my confidence.

    It's a long road back...we always underestimate how trauma can affect us...I never saw this one coming...but with your help, I can get there again.

    It's still there.....$hit, I guess I'm just looking for permission...

    Dam it, sometimes the truth just sux - but there you have it.

    LOL on the at too, LOL!

    I'll be okay...with all of you with me, I will be okay.
