Worried/Can't sit down

hoping_forever Member Posts: 3
edited July 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My husband had rectal cancer surgery on July 2nd. He is doing pretty well but he can't sit down for a long period of time. Only about 5 or 10 minutes. Is this normal?


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sorry to say but it is going to take about two years before he can really sit like before - at least that's how long it took me. If he has had radiation it's from that. I'd eat standing up and never cold sit, couldn't take car rides for any length of time, would stand at the movie theater, stand if going out to eat. It took a long time. He's not alone, but it is frustrating. Have him do the sitz bath, that helps a lot. Hope he feels better soon.

  • hoping_forever
    hoping_forever Member Posts: 3

    Sorry to say but it is going to take about two years before he can really sit like before - at least that's how long it took me. If he has had radiation it's from that. I'd eat standing up and never cold sit, couldn't take car rides for any length of time, would stand at the movie theater, stand if going out to eat. It took a long time. He's not alone, but it is frustrating. Have him do the sitz bath, that helps a lot. Hope he feels better soon.


    Thanks for the quick response. We are going to the surgeon today for a follow-up appt. Hope at least he can get some new meds for his pain. He is on Norco right now and it doesn't seem to be working very well.
  • Coppercent
    Coppercent Member Posts: 158
    If that is normal I guess I was pretty darn lucky! We went on vacation to the beach about three weeks after surgery to relax and rest and I did not have any trouble sitting. And trust me all I did that week was sit in a beach chair on the beach. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.
  • thebob61
    thebob61 Member Posts: 11
    was in hospital for 10 days and took like 2 weeks for me to sit and be ok after that . sit, stand , lay down for a while and it will be ok soon .
  • thebob61
    thebob61 Member Posts: 11
    was in hospital for 10 days and took like 2 weeks for me to sit and be ok after that . sit, stand , lay down for a while and it will be ok soon .
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Donut Pillow
    May help.. it did me..
  • hoping_forever
    hoping_forever Member Posts: 3
    dmj101 said:

    Donut Pillow
    May help.. it did me..

    Back from Doc
    Just saw the surgeon and he said that not being able to sit was perfectly normal. He said it takes about 6 weeks to heal inside. Gave my husband a prescription for Percocet. It's a little stronger than what he was taking: Norco. Also, bought him a cushion to sit on. Hope it helps. I would imagine sitting would also depend on where the reconnection was inside.
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member

    Back from Doc
    Just saw the surgeon and he said that not being able to sit was perfectly normal. He said it takes about 6 weeks to heal inside. Gave my husband a prescription for Percocet. It's a little stronger than what he was taking: Norco. Also, bought him a cushion to sit on. Hope it helps. I would imagine sitting would also depend on where the reconnection was inside.

    If TMI... sorry...
    Did he

    If TMI... sorry...
    Did he have is anus removed..and have it sewed up.. what I call a Barbie butt..
    with a colostomy?... a Barbie butt would be hard to sit on.. I used to lay on my side alot at first..
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Side saddle
    Sorry for your husband. I sat on my side for quite a while, or on a pillow. Best wishes - it does get better.
  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    Tender Tushie
    Early in 2011 I had diarrhea so bad that it put my rectum into spasm. The pain was some of the worst I'e ever felt in my life and I simply could not sit for more than a few minutes. Finally, I went to my surgeon and after a very painful exam, he scheduled surgery for the next business day to stretch the muscle. It was another three months before the pain finally went away. Eventually your husbands pain will pass and be nothing but an unpleasant memory.
  • mamalea333
    mamalea333 Member Posts: 27
    our experience
    my husband had APR surgery & perm colostomy
    it took him over a month before he could sit withouth the use of special pillows, etc...
    he had surgery on May 23. it gets better ...my husband has "barbie butt"...so everything was removed...he still has drainage, and by the suggestion of others who have had surgery he wears a feminine maxi pad to catch the drainage..i'm told this could last a long time..its a very tough surgery to recover from..he has had other issues too...but we are working thru them..hang in there & have patience..prayers and hugs your way:)
  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69
    I was the queen of my bed for several months. Then gradually increased butt time. It will pass, although it is hell. I wore adult diapers for two months. The dialation stretched both sphincters, so don't fret. Just rest, be gentle on yourself, and KNOW IT GETS BETTER!!!