I have bone cancer below the knee cap

s129781 Member Posts: 3
I recently got diagnosed with bone cancer the 22 of february, in Fairbanks, Alaska I am only 21 years of Age, My first time flying to seattle to get it taken care of, the cancer is not yet known, the type is not known, the Biopsy that was done on the first was a small incision to take some tissue out, so ill know the next week, hopefully everything will work out. i live in alaska and the treatment is not all yet planned out yet.


  • osteo_survivor
    osteo_survivor Member Posts: 5
    here to help
    Im glad you're reaching out. Cancer (well, the treatment really) is a life altering event, and how you choose to handle it determines how much of your life (and how) it changes. I was only 12 when I was diagnosed, and I isolated myself from the world--not going to school and not talking to anyone--then not seeking help the many years after treatment. It has taken me until four years ago to truly begin the healing process and to start to live a real life again. There is some beauty to be had though, in my opinion, from the terrible things that ly ahead. I gained a unique perspective on life, which i find invaluable, that I can see only us survivors have. Also, the bond we share with each other :) If there is anything I can do--questions I can answer--or just be an understanding ear, please let me know.

  • crazy98
    crazy98 Member Posts: 25
    Osteosarcoma survivor
    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnoses. I am a 13 year survivor of osteosarcoma, which is a type of bone cancer. I have started a blog about what it has been like dealing with childhood cancer and beyond. I was 15. I am here if you ever want to talk! My email is passingthetest98@aol.com or you can check my blog out at http://ialwayswantedtoshavemyhead.blogspot.com/2012/02/walk-mile-in-these-shoesi-bet-you-trip.html