31 years old with Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. Really need to talk with someone who is in the same si



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    boy34 said:

    Watch and Wait

    I was diagnosed about 6 months ago with FNHL at age 42 and my doctors and I decided on the Watch and Wait!!! I was very much up in the air on the whole thing, because I always was a fighter and wanted just to kick its **** and be done with it!!I have lypmh node tumors on my neck and groin areas that were extremely large.I decided todo some research on diets and certain foods known to fight cancer cells and detox your body so ammune system can fight! Believe me i'm a meat and potato type guy and it wasnt easy for me to change things up! After doing certain things within two weeks my tumors have completely gone away and I was very excited about it, but unsure if it was just a coincidence. I went for my 6 month check up last week and my doctor was amazed that my tumors were gone and wanted to know what I have been doing. He told me at this point I dont have any physical signs of cancer, very good feeling to hear that!! I'm set up for a pet scan on wednesday the 14 to see if things did change for better or worse!!! I'm just telling you this because there's hope and if you or anyone one want to know what i've been doing, I would gladly post it or email you with it!! My email BOYKO34@gmail.com

    Prayers for everyone


    Hey Chris
    That's great news. Sure, I'm curious about what you did.


    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)
    Members are sharing recipes!:
    Recipe Sharing Project
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    boy34 said:

    Watch and Wait

    I was diagnosed about 6 months ago with FNHL at age 42 and my doctors and I decided on the Watch and Wait!!! I was very much up in the air on the whole thing, because I always was a fighter and wanted just to kick its **** and be done with it!!I have lypmh node tumors on my neck and groin areas that were extremely large.I decided todo some research on diets and certain foods known to fight cancer cells and detox your body so ammune system can fight! Believe me i'm a meat and potato type guy and it wasnt easy for me to change things up! After doing certain things within two weeks my tumors have completely gone away and I was very excited about it, but unsure if it was just a coincidence. I went for my 6 month check up last week and my doctor was amazed that my tumors were gone and wanted to know what I have been doing. He told me at this point I dont have any physical signs of cancer, very good feeling to hear that!! I'm set up for a pet scan on wednesday the 14 to see if things did change for better or worse!!! I'm just telling you this because there's hope and if you or anyone one want to know what i've been doing, I would gladly post it or email you with it!! My email BOYKO34@gmail.com

    Prayers for everyone


    Post it
    By all means POST IT !!!!!!!!!!Please do not say,BUY MY BOOK,LOL
  • boy34
    boy34 Member Posts: 20
    jimwins said:

    Hey Chris
    That's great news. Sure, I'm curious about what you did.


    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)
    Members are sharing recipes!:
    Recipe Sharing Project

    Hello Everyone,

    I have to say that many people sent me emails and given me food books on cancer. I took a little from each thing that I've read and I could tolerate and wouldnt completely shock my body!!! Its very important for anyone who has cancer to get all the toxins out of our bodies to help the ammune system to fight.

    Just a disclaimer, I'm not an expert on this and it just seemed to work for me.

    1)I now stay away from most processed foods especially fast foods!!

    2)Most of my produce is now organic

    3) Everyday I squeez a fresh lemon into a glass of filtered water, 2X daily
    Lemons detox your body naturally
    4) Green tea daily
    also another detox

    5) I boil asparagus till very soft then blend into a pasty liguid form then refrigerate till cold!! 4 teaspons 2x daily
    Out of all the natural food groups asparagus is the leader in killing cancer cells and allows good cells to grow!!!

    6) Baby Spinach

    7) Grape juice

    8) Massage once monthly

    9) Plenty of rest and sleep if needed!!!

    This worked for me within two weeks and after two completely gone!

    If im wrong with any of this please let me know or if anything we could add would be greately appreciated!!

    Adventually I will be doing a total cleanse

  • MCR1967
    MCR1967 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Seamus. I see you posted
    Hi Seamus. I see you posted in June and I don't know where you are on your path now but your post caught my attention because you were looking for people diagnosed under 50. I was diagnosed with SLL/CLL this fall. I am a 44 year old wife and mother of 2 teenagers. I am at a loss as well as everything I read calls this an old man's disease. Neither of us are old men. I had a CT scan series and bone marrow biopsy done in October. I'm still spinning over this diagnosis. I went through an unbelievable gamut of emotion. When I went for test results and to meet doctor, he seemed to think that this may never need to be treated. I don't know if I can allow myself to feel that hopeful. I go back for a followup with him on Jan 23. I will be able to ask him better questions then to get some specifics. What stage are you and are you being treated? What precipitated you finding out you had this? That is, of course if you don't mind sharing. Or anyone else out there as I kind of feel like I was dropped into the middle of the ocean with this!
  • hji052000
    hji052000 Member Posts: 1
    47 years old when I was dignosis with SLL/CLL

    Hi Seamus,  I am 47 years old dad with two child.  I was 47 years old when I was diagnosis with SLL in 2011.  I went through R-CHOP in 2011.  And now I am in Ritanxan M.