Has anyone had a party or heard of others having one relating to their cancer?


I am curious if other people have had or have heard of people having parties relating to their cancer. I am interested to find out what types of parties (for what purpose) and any interesting ideas for things to do at the parties.

I had a head shaving party when I first started my chemo and now I am about to finish chemo and am curious in what ways other people have celebrated. It's for a little project I am working on. So far I have heard of head shaving parties, Cancerveresary parties, and 5 year celebration parties. Has anyone heard of other things?

I think it is so important to have your friends and family around you supporting you and want to know some ways people have celebrated.



  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    We had a beginning and
    We had a beginning and ending chemo party with a one yeaer ending chemo party coming up on Dec. My mom wasn't up to doing any get togethers durong chemo and her immine sustem was such that we didn't want a lot of people around her*
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Kim,

    I haven't heard of anything but I think my niece and her family
    are planning something for me for finishing chemo :).

    You might google for some ideas. I just did quickly
    and someone suggested an "ugly Christmas sweater" party.
    Everyone comes wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.

    Good luck!

    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011
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  • smbrand158
    smbrand158 Member Posts: 19
    I can throw a party for anything
    When I was diagnosed I had a hard time trying to find a way to tell my very large circle of friends. I felt that a small group of those friends warranted more than just an email, so I invited some of them over for a happy hour at my home. We shared tears and hugs, and then talked about what the plan was for treatment and what role that they could play to help me out along with a few bottles of wine. This small group then passed on my diagnosis to peripheral friends for me, and I called or met with friends that I wanted to tell myself.

    My sister, another cancer survivor, suggested that I have chemo parties when I begin treatments next month. One of my friends is putting together a schedule and I have invited some special people to hang out with me during treatment. There may be a head shaving party and wig parties to come. This is a crazy, fun and loving group of friends that I have and I love them all!
  • cb girl
    cb girl Member Posts: 56 Member
    Bon voyage Boobies
    I knew of a person who had a bon voyage boobies party before her mastectomy. When you can find joy and humor with your friends in this situation I believe it truly helps in the fight.
    As for things to do at the party can't help there except to say wine and cheese :-)