Fatigue Frustrations - Survival first, creative last

bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
With all of the after effects and struggles with a cancer diagnosis fatigue is so often one of the most invasive after effects that interfere with our lives, well for many of us I mean. Right from the beginning after diagnosis our world becomes overwhelmed with a whole new world of terminology and our routines start to get lost in the new world of medical intervention we find ourselves in. The things we loved to do for fun, creative stuff many times, becomes lost in the struggle for survival - the survival of our whole selves or the day to day struggle of dealing with a treatment here or a mood change there.


For some long term survivors who never seem to be able to shake this fatigue or the raveges of treatments this frustration can lead the way to depression and despair and at that point it is wise to seek help as many do. Dealing with this cycle of great lengths of time spent on survival and being unable to tap into our suppressed creativity is very difficult indeed. Survial is always first for our bodies and minds, creativity has to take a backseat.

There is so much healing, I think, in creativity though - in taping into our gifts whatever that may be but it isn't easy when you are just trying to get up the energy to simply attend the next medical appt or get through that next invasive procedure.

The point of this post is simply to validate that frustrating survival first scenario many of us know so well and visit in our everyday lives often. Trying to accomplish your creative talents for even one hour now and again when we feel 'not too badly' I really believe goes a long way in reconnecting ourselves with our true core.

Just a Tuesday morning feeling I wanted to share.

Have a great day.



  • catwink22
    catwink22 Member Posts: 281
    So true
    Being creative is another way to express your feelings and that can be healing too.

    Thanks for the reminder Bluerose, because we do get caught up in our own world of auto pilot and forget to tap into other part of ourselves.

    Have a great day too!
  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    We give up so much
    We give up so much when we find out about the cancer either because we are just trying to deal with what we have learned or because of the treatment. I do believe that we can heal through our creativity I was one who could talk about all the pain I went through growing up (I was a child who should have been in CPS custody) and it sound like I was just telling a story. Then they had me draw or write and that is when the healing begain so much pain and anger came out in my drawings or writings that it scared me. I find now that I am doing the same with the cancer my writing is helpping me deal with the cancer. We all need to try and not lose ourselfs in the battle and doing something creative may be the one thing that will keep that from happening.

  • sue5749
    sue5749 Member Posts: 170
    thanks so much for that
    I just read your post and you are so very right. Its been a little over a year for me caring for my husband with his cancer and it just seems like that is all my last year has been dealing with all the doctors and everything that goes with it, as we all know so very well. Just wanted to say "thanks" just knowing that there are people out there that have been going to the same thing, does help. Take care! Sue
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    sue5749 said:

    thanks so much for that
    I just read your post and you are so very right. Its been a little over a year for me caring for my husband with his cancer and it just seems like that is all my last year has been dealing with all the doctors and everything that goes with it, as we all know so very well. Just wanted to say "thanks" just knowing that there are people out there that have been going to the same thing, does help. Take care! Sue

    Glad to help
    Don't get me wrong it's a natural process for the body to reach for survival first and that's of course a good thing but if we can just reach our creative potential even just a little when we can it will take us a long way. I missed mine for so long but had to get through the ups and downs of transplants first before I could even think about the creative. I still struggle with side effects so can't be in touch with creative as I used to but even just a little creativity now and then helps.

    Wishing you all well.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    I'm one of those people who is creative and analytical and sometimes
    they compliment each other and other times they fight.

    I majored in Math and minored in Art. I figured the "math" would
    feed me better though my passion/heart probably preferred the creative
    things. I'm hoping to use this experience as an opportunity to
    change that and explore my creative potential. It's a side of me
    I have allowed to atrophy I'm ashamed to admit.

    Good topic.
