how many doxil infusions have you had???

After visiting the consultant today , he has said they only give 6 doxil treatments in the UK as there is no evidence that anymore is beneficial.
I seem to recall someone posting on here that they had had about 18 doxil treatments? maybe I am wrong , but after he said it , I thought I don't care if it is just holding it at bay , that's fine by me and mum,I need to know because if that is the case I am going to confont him about it.
I understand in the States insurance pays for your healthcare , but if what I remember is right and assuming that Doxil worked for mum for that long long that equals a almost year extra for my mum , and my children's nanny.......priceless.


  • birdwellv
    birdwellv Member Posts: 13
    My doctor has told me that I will probably have 8 to 11 doxil treatments this year but doxil is a chemo that can be taken for long periods.
