My hair



  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    plh4gail said:

    Yes thats it! It was just long handfuls and making it harder on me emotionally not to mention I thought it was gross and nothing I do covers up the thin areas....I like the cut better than the way it was and it will probably get even shorter...on no :) I have 3 of the folfiri left...

    hugs to you my thin haired sister, Gail

    So cute :)
    I love your new look!
  • unknown said:

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  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    I had very long, very thick hair all my life. Everyone knew me by my hair. My first two questions when I was told I would have to do chemo were would I lose my hair, and could I still travel to my favorite island?

    I was very worried about losing my hair. But I did FOLFOX first - you normally don't lose hair on it, but might thin a bit. HA! I lost about 9/10 of my hair on FOLFOX, but mine was so thick to start with I got by. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail (very small one) to give the illusion of more hair. In my summer off from chemo it started to grow back thick again.

    Last fall I had to start FOLFIRI, which pretty much everyone thins on, and many lose their hair. My experience with the FOLFOX helped prepare me a bit. For the first time in my life I got a short style to help prepare for most likely losing it all. And it wasn't the end of the world - it was actually kind of cute.

    But after a few tx of FOLFIRI the old-man comb-over just wasn't cutting it anymore. So my two boys and my husband shaved their heads first, and I went last. We just used the clippers I have always used on the guys - but intead of buzzing a 2, 3, or 4, we all went down to zero. It turns out my head is pretty small - it just looked bigger with all that hair all my life! Luckily my head has a nice shape to it, so I don't look bad bald. I tried a wig but it was uncomfortable. Instead I found turbans and hats more comfortable.

    I went on maintenance chemo the beginning of February and I have been growing hair back. I colored it red so it could be seen (blonde and gray wasn't showing up much). I've been having fun with it, and have finally realized that I am NOT my hair - it is a very small part of who I am, and a change was a good thing. I actually look younger now with my short hair! And it doesn't blow in my face in the wind, and I don't need all the hair accessories, and use a lot less shampoo and conditioner!

    Back on FOLFIRI as of this cycle, so I will probably be saying goodbye to my hair again. I'm not worried about it now at all. In the big scheme of things, it is just hair. We put way too much stock in our hair and our looks in my opinion. There are much more important things in life!
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    i go to the barbers
    hi gail,

    you are simply beautiful........

    its easy being a guy and having this side effect.

    our societies put such pressure to look good, but its so superficial.

    don't stress over your hair, be at peace anyway you can.

    i was half bald anyway since 25 so i did the shave thing just because my wife likes bald movie stars.

    after my first shave i had all these strange red spots on scalp where my hair used to be.
    it looked pretty bad, but cleared soon and has not returned.

    my barber does the head and the face shave for $30 and he is next to my naturopath.
    a few times i went to a trendy shop and they did the head massage and a facial for $100.
    its was a once off treat.

    try and smile,