Time for Intros again - our family is ever growing

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited April 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Ladies and gents,

I was diagnosed back in 2009 stage 2 invasive breast cancer.
surgeries, chemo, yadi yadi yadda.... and here I am to tell
the tale. This board has been my saving grace, especially since
I was pretty much going through it on my own - that is, till I
found this amazing board. And all of a sudden I was surrounded by
beautiful caring souls that walked by my side through this scary

So to make it interesting, tell me a few things about you.
State: Connecticut
State of mind: Happy with chance of scatter brained
Person I would like to meet: Greta Garbo (I like bad girls, they are so interesting)
I often dream : about traveling the world and living everywhere just long enough to
get to know the culture
I am special because - I follow my impulse



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    good idea:
    lived in NYS all

    good idea:

    lived in NYS all my life (52) same county
    work at special ed school
    love camping and DISNEY!!!!!!!!
    Married 27yrs in June (we'll be at Disney to celebrate-what a suprise)
    2 girls 20 & 25
    2 grandsons 5 & 7 yrs

    everyone LIVES HOME
    I am: very caring and compassionate
    Bucket list: Disney Cruise, drive cross country once retired (take time stop as we want)

  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    good idea:
    lived in NYS all

    good idea:

    lived in NYS all my life (52) same county
    work at special ed school
    love camping and DISNEY!!!!!!!!
    Married 27yrs in June (we'll be at Disney to celebrate-what a suprise)
    2 girls 20 & 25
    2 grandsons 5 & 7 yrs

    everyone LIVES HOME
    I am: very caring and compassionate
    Bucket list: Disney Cruise, drive cross country once retired (take time stop as we want)


    Good idea
    I was born & raised in the military so I've lived in many different places, but for the last 32 years Texas has been my home.
    I'm married to Texasguy10 - Donald & he's the love of my life.
    We have 3 children (27, 24, 23), 2 grandchildren ( 6 & 4) & we are raising our 6 year old granddaughter ( she's the only one at home)
    We have 2 dogs: German Shepherd- Schatzie, tea cup yorkie - Pebbles
    I'm a nurse however I'm currently on disability
    I love being in the middle of the ocean on a huge cruise ship, camping, and Fredricksberg Texas
    My favorite color is pink
    I like all kinds of music except rap - it puts me in a very mood
    I would actually like to meet 2 people: Barry Manillow who can bring me to my knees with I write the songs lol & Geirge W.Bush
    My state of mind today: scared & determined to beat this IBC even though I'm stage 4 now

    Hugs & God Bless,

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I am Sue
    dx'd 10/09 with invasive ductal. Surgery, radiation. Came to this board and was welcomed with love, knowledge, compassion. I am married - 23 yrs, have a daughter (who moved back home in November - yikes). I work full time in a regional healthcare facility. Both parents in different nursing homes - a real drain! 2 doggies & a cat

    My dream is to have a clean house and to remember what I went into the next room to do, or get the 1 item I went to the store for - ya know?

    I want to meet each and every one of you. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Missrenee and Joyce (JK....). Also, in Hershey (everyone who can - please come this year!) Jean, Babette, TJ, Penny, Margo, Char & hubby!, Lili, Linda, and Sue M. I feel like I am missing someone - I have to look at my pictures

    I live in NYS, kind of central, an hour to Utica, Binghamton, Albany & Syracuse 90 min. The big apple 3.5. Not far from Cooperstown. We welcome visitors!!!

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    I am Sue
    dx'd 10/09 with invasive ductal. Surgery, radiation. Came to this board and was welcomed with love, knowledge, compassion. I am married - 23 yrs, have a daughter (who moved back home in November - yikes). I work full time in a regional healthcare facility. Both parents in different nursing homes - a real drain! 2 doggies & a cat

    My dream is to have a clean house and to remember what I went into the next room to do, or get the 1 item I went to the store for - ya know?

    I want to meet each and every one of you. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Missrenee and Joyce (JK....). Also, in Hershey (everyone who can - please come this year!) Jean, Babette, TJ, Penny, Margo, Char & hubby!, Lili, Linda, and Sue M. I feel like I am missing someone - I have to look at my pictures

    I live in NYS, kind of central, an hour to Utica, Binghamton, Albany & Syracuse 90 min. The big apple 3.5. Not far from Cooperstown. We welcome visitors!!!


    I am Victoria
    Just celebrated two years with NED. I was diagnosed with IDC, had surgery, radiation, and am now enjoying Arimidex:)

    I'm married, have three grown sons, and two grandchildren. I live, work (freelance court reporter), play in beautiful Encinitas which is a funky little beach town in North San Diego county.

    I do all kinds of stuff: hang out with family, quilt making, reading, Zumba, but my passion is writing.

    Finding all of you is one of the best things that ever happened to me!!

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    About me
    My name is Jennifer and I was diagnosed 11/1/2010 with stage 3c, estrogen positive idc. Had left mast. no reconstruction due to RA for 23 yrs and worry about healing, did chemo, rads, finished 7/2011. 12/21/11 dx with mets to brain, whole brain radiation. 4/6/12 lung and lymph node mets. Currently doing the Xeloda dance. 2nd time bald but maybe seeing some shadowing now.

    Found this board after surgery, at least midway thru chemo, lurked for quite a while soaking up knowledge til I got the courage to join in, took a while.

    Now the good stuff. Married 22 years this year, 1 daughter and SIL, 2 grandbabies 2 & 3 months whose 1st names start with J (so do mom and dad's) Thus grams2jc, though they don't call me grams as planned they call me BeBe. Recently went to extremely part-time at the lab where I have worked 19 years so more time to spend on me, LOL!

    state - Kansas
    state of mind - overwhelmed with moments of complete peace and utter joy
    dream - house on a beach or maybe multiple beach homes to hang out with my family, my hubby's family,
    or just us and the 2 bassett hounds...can't live without the hair and slobber
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I was originally diagnosed in Oct. 2003, had masectomy, chemo, did tamoxafin for 5 years. Nov. 08 having chest pains. Went to see rhumatologist as I had just had first rituxin infusion for RA. Had CT, Bone Scan and found nothing. Continued to have pain had another CT scan and rediagnosed in May 2009. Had surgery, removed 3/4 sternum and part of 3 ribs, chemo. Now on Arimedex and Lupron shots. Have 2 bone mets.

    If I could live anywhere it would be Hawaii, Maui is so peaceful.
    I have three kids, one husband and a dog. Been married almost 18 years. One child is in college. I love comedy, best night of my life I met Kathy Griffin after a show. I can't stand incompetance. Learned who my true friends were when I got cancer for the second time. Favorite time, spring. Favorite sound, children laughing. Favorite smell, meatballs cooking in the crockpot. Favorite TV show, Modern Family. Patriots are my home team and I LOVE football. If I could improve anything in this world it would be customer service! LOL

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Yes, this is needed...good idea!
    My name is Sylvia. I was diagnosed with IBC in October of 2005 at 45. Did the drill like most ladies here. Had the DIEP reconstruction. Took Tamoxifen for 5 years and am now off of it. NED and I are an item...I hope for a very long time.

    State: Big 'ol HOT Texas, San Antonio.
    My state of mind is usually very laid back until I get behind the wheel.
    I would LOVE to have had coffee ot tea and chat with: Princess Di. I loved her, so elegant and a real class act. Plus we were pregnant at the same time, her with Wills, me with Michael...lol. I would love to listen to Jesus talk and have a conversation with him. His words are amazing.
    Gee, other than Texas, I've only been to FL, VA & DC but yes, Hawaii would be the place I'd like to go.
    I have lots of things I dream of doing...opening up a bakery, buying an RV, starting a non-profit...maybe after I retire from USAA. I've been there since 1980.
    I'm single, have 2 wonderful kids...29 & 22 and 2 grand"boys"...3 and 2 months whom I adore.

    Welcome to all the newbies!


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sea60 said:

    Yes, this is needed...good idea!
    My name is Sylvia. I was diagnosed with IBC in October of 2005 at 45. Did the drill like most ladies here. Had the DIEP reconstruction. Took Tamoxifen for 5 years and am now off of it. NED and I are an item...I hope for a very long time.

    State: Big 'ol HOT Texas, San Antonio.
    My state of mind is usually very laid back until I get behind the wheel.
    I would LOVE to have had coffee ot tea and chat with: Princess Di. I loved her, so elegant and a real class act. Plus we were pregnant at the same time, her with Wills, me with Michael...lol. I would love to listen to Jesus talk and have a conversation with him. His words are amazing.
    Gee, other than Texas, I've only been to FL, VA & DC but yes, Hawaii would be the place I'd like to go.
    I have lots of things I dream of doing...opening up a bakery, buying an RV, starting a non-profit...maybe after I retire from USAA. I've been there since 1980.
    I'm single, have 2 wonderful kids...29 & 22 and 2 grand"boys"...3 and 2 months whom I adore.

    Welcome to all the newbies!



    I am Penny was dx in 1994
    I am Penny was dx in 1994 with IDC had a mastectomy , and CMF chemo, one year later had a local recurrence. had rads. dx other breast in 2009, ILC. had mastectomy, chemo and rads.
    Married 28 years in June, was an Air force Brat, have two daughters 18 and 21. Golden Retriever 9 years old.
    My state of mind is usually happy, I am a nurse but am ambivalent about my job. Love being a nurse though. have thought about pastoral counseling too. i am pretty spiritual.
    Love Europe want to go to Italy also the Virgin Islands. love to travel. Not sure who I would like to talk to.
    I dont always feel like I fit in, and can be reclusive. I find I need a lot of down time and am easily drained. My family friends, got me through this last time as well as this board.
  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332
    Hi Y'all.
    I am Julie, dx

    Hi Y'all.

    I am Julie, dx March 2010, IDC, ER/PR+, on Tamoxifen since August 2010. Had lumpectomy and rads. Had PT for slight lymphedema issue.

    I have 9 yr old daughter, been married 10 years. I've lived in Central NY (Syracuse)for 11 years, 'home' is Central Illinois (Champaign-Urbana).

    State of mind:??? My mind is like swiss-cheese. I can tell you what shoes I wore to the first day of Kindergarten, but I have no idea where my keys, glasses, phone, are. My short-term memory is...wait, what was I saying???

    Person I'd like to meet: EVERYONE! I love meeting people and hearing their stories. I'm one of those people who can start chatting in line at the store and walk away knowing your history, but NOT in a weird stalker sort of way. But I can be very quiet and shy too.

    This bc experience has left me with a peaceful feeling. I've been blessed by having everything I've needed these past couple years. I had health insurance just a month before diagnosed. I've been set to lose my job twice, and have been saved both times. I've had it really easy as far as treatment, radiation 2x/day for 5 days. The Tamoxifen has been a bit frustrating, but I'll get through it. I've found that I don't hold on to anger and resentment like I used to, don't have the time nor energy for it. I do look at challenges differently too. I say, "Heck, I've been through cancer, this can't be too bad..."

    Oh, and I talk too much! :-)
  • Ballerina
    Ballerina Member Posts: 152
    JuJuBeez said:

    Hi Y'all.
    I am Julie, dx

    Hi Y'all.

    I am Julie, dx March 2010, IDC, ER/PR+, on Tamoxifen since August 2010. Had lumpectomy and rads. Had PT for slight lymphedema issue.

    I have 9 yr old daughter, been married 10 years. I've lived in Central NY (Syracuse)for 11 years, 'home' is Central Illinois (Champaign-Urbana).

    State of mind:??? My mind is like swiss-cheese. I can tell you what shoes I wore to the first day of Kindergarten, but I have no idea where my keys, glasses, phone, are. My short-term memory is...wait, what was I saying???

    Person I'd like to meet: EVERYONE! I love meeting people and hearing their stories. I'm one of those people who can start chatting in line at the store and walk away knowing your history, but NOT in a weird stalker sort of way. But I can be very quiet and shy too.

    This bc experience has left me with a peaceful feeling. I've been blessed by having everything I've needed these past couple years. I had health insurance just a month before diagnosed. I've been set to lose my job twice, and have been saved both times. I've had it really easy as far as treatment, radiation 2x/day for 5 days. The Tamoxifen has been a bit frustrating, but I'll get through it. I've found that I don't hold on to anger and resentment like I used to, don't have the time nor energy for it. I do look at challenges differently too. I say, "Heck, I've been through cancer, this can't be too bad..."

    Oh, and I talk too much! :-)

    Hi my sisters. My nickname
    Hi my sisters. My nickname is Ballerina because I used to teach ballet and jazz. I was dx with ductal carcinoma in 2009 and had a reoccurance same breast 2010 had mastectomy with reconstruction now I am as perky has a 20yr old by the way I am 51. I thank God I found this site. I feel like I have and extended family. It's amazing how the warm, loving, positive energy just shoot out of the computer screen. I can honestly say I love you all.

    Hugs and Kisses

  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Me too
    My name is Maureen and I was diagnosed with DCIS in January 2009. Lumpectomy and rads then tamoxifen. Had a Pulmonary embolism shower in November 2009 and went off tamoxifen. Was doing well until last week when the repeat mammo showed "suspicious" microcalc behind the original site. Biopsy next week.

    I currently live in Colorado but I am a traveling nurse so that is subject to change. Love my cats, obviously, my hubby, my 4 kids and granddaughter. 3 of the kids, their spouses and the granddaughter went to Disneyland and Seaworld last month--that was fun! My favorite color is blue, season is fall. Not looking to meet anyone. Very happy that I found this board at the beginning of this journey because I have needed it soooooo many times!

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    about me
    I was diagnosed in 2003 as a stage 3a. I had 4 cycles of a/c chemo before surgery and 4 cycles of Taxtere after. Then radiation. I was on Tamoxifen about 9 months. Switched to Aromasin for 2 1/2 years and stopped that.

    In 2006 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I saw a neurologist who didn't believe in meds till I couldn't function. So I did without till 2011. I'd have to take my meds or revert back to the tremoring thing. I'm hoping I don't get recurrence while dealing with PD.

    I have 2 adult children and an old dog (I don't mean my DH). I do have a DH. No grand kids.

    My DH is getting ready to retire. So we will be packing up again. After the move...we will see.
  • GMcD
    GMcD Member Posts: 134
    Marcia527 said:

    about me
    I was diagnosed in 2003 as a stage 3a. I had 4 cycles of a/c chemo before surgery and 4 cycles of Taxtere after. Then radiation. I was on Tamoxifen about 9 months. Switched to Aromasin for 2 1/2 years and stopped that.

    In 2006 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I saw a neurologist who didn't believe in meds till I couldn't function. So I did without till 2011. I'd have to take my meds or revert back to the tremoring thing. I'm hoping I don't get recurrence while dealing with PD.

    I have 2 adult children and an old dog (I don't mean my DH). I do have a DH. No grand kids.

    My DH is getting ready to retire. So we will be packing up again. After the move...we will see.

    Love this idea. I was
    Love this idea. I was diagnosed n Dec. 09, with stage 1, invasive ductal carcinoma. Had lumpectomy, chemo and rads. Am doing quite well 2 plus years later. Am divorced, have two grown children. My son lives with me as I am raising his two daughters, ages 11 and 12. I work as a pharmacy tech here in Central PA and came across so many pink sisters in my work. They and this board have been my lifeline. I take Femara and am grateful that all side effects are tolerable.
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    GMcD said:

    Love this idea. I was
    Love this idea. I was diagnosed n Dec. 09, with stage 1, invasive ductal carcinoma. Had lumpectomy, chemo and rads. Am doing quite well 2 plus years later. Am divorced, have two grown children. My son lives with me as I am raising his two daughters, ages 11 and 12. I work as a pharmacy tech here in Central PA and came across so many pink sisters in my work. They and this board have been my lifeline. I take Femara and am grateful that all side effects are tolerable.

    Hello fellow pinks,
    My name is Lorrie and I found this board right after my double mastectomy on Feb. 28th, 2011. I was dx 10/26/10 IDC left breast only, no lymph node involvement. Chemo, surgery, radiation and now on Arimidex. I really, really, really love the sister and brotherhood here on this board, although I am not as active as I was during treatment I still like to toot my horn every once in a while.

    State: Wisconsin
    State of mind: Felling blessed and happy, I have a great support network
    Person I would like to meet: Claudia (Chenheart)
    I am special because - I have a big heart and take nobody for granted.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi Everybody.
    I am Carol. I was diagnosed in Jan 2002 with IDC, stage 1. Diagnosed with mets in Sept 2010, to bones (almost all), skin, now in connective tissue in ribs and chest wall, and a small tumor in the liver.
    Was born in Madison, WI (all cousins and many aunts and uncles still in Sauk/Waunekee/Roxbury), moved to California when I was 11, went to school for a year at the University of Wisconsin (too cold), went back to California, got married, lived in Fallbrook, (most of family is in CA). Moved to Salt Lake City, and have been here for 19 years, but still consider California home.
    Went back to school after first cancer graduated with 2 degrees, was looking at a career change when diagnosed with Stage IV.
    Dream is to move back to Carlsbad, Encinitas, or Leucadia CA. Love the beach!
    I am the 11th of 12 children.
    Divorced, 2 grown boys 26 & 28, 3 beautiful granddaughters (came with son's marriage). Love my dil, as well as my other sons long time gf. Ex husband is one of my best friends and great support! Never thought in a million years that would happen!
    On permanent disability. 54 years old.
    Love to travel and have fun, have taken up quilting, going to San Diego in June, live for trips home!
    State of mind: happy with a warped sense of humor.
    Love the Beach! Cruising, and my family.
    Joined this site just after starting RADS for the first time.

    What you all should know: Chemo Sucks! Hate wigs, Love the beach!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    camul said:

    Hi Everybody.
    I am Carol. I was diagnosed in Jan 2002 with IDC, stage 1. Diagnosed with mets in Sept 2010, to bones (almost all), skin, now in connective tissue in ribs and chest wall, and a small tumor in the liver.
    Was born in Madison, WI (all cousins and many aunts and uncles still in Sauk/Waunekee/Roxbury), moved to California when I was 11, went to school for a year at the University of Wisconsin (too cold), went back to California, got married, lived in Fallbrook, (most of family is in CA). Moved to Salt Lake City, and have been here for 19 years, but still consider California home.
    Went back to school after first cancer graduated with 2 degrees, was looking at a career change when diagnosed with Stage IV.
    Dream is to move back to Carlsbad, Encinitas, or Leucadia CA. Love the beach!
    I am the 11th of 12 children.
    Divorced, 2 grown boys 26 & 28, 3 beautiful granddaughters (came with son's marriage). Love my dil, as well as my other sons long time gf. Ex husband is one of my best friends and great support! Never thought in a million years that would happen!
    On permanent disability. 54 years old.
    Love to travel and have fun, have taken up quilting, going to San Diego in June, live for trips home!
    State of mind: happy with a warped sense of humor.
    Love the Beach! Cruising, and my family.
    Joined this site just after starting RADS for the first time.

    What you all should know: Chemo Sucks! Hate wigs, Love the beach!

    In a Nutshell
    Greetings from SoCal!

    I'm married, mother to Lauren( 11), and it will be 3 years come June since I was diagnosed with cancer. I used to be a social worker, resigned when I had my daughter. Now I work as a Playground Supervisor at my daughter's elementary school. The playground is never a dull moment!

    State of mind: Be in the Moment, Make it Count, Do what makes you Happy.

    What I Love: My Family, Friends, music, books, concerts, travel, comedy, and to laugh.

    What I know: No one knows what tomorrow brings so enjoy what you have now! I am Stronger than I thought I was.
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    Great idea!
    Hi all!

    I was diagnosed with TN invasive ductal - stage 1 and grade three in June 2011. I had two lumpectomies, 4 AC, 12 Taxol & 33 rad. I'm so glad to be at this point! I'm new to this site and I'm hoping to meet new sisters and brothers in this fight.

    I currently live in Iowa but lived the vast majority of my life in suburban Chicago and I want to go back. I have been married almost 32 years to my best friend. We have two great sons - 26 & 28. They are both married to wonderful young women who we love dearly. Our youngest son and his wife are expecting our first grandson in June. We can't wait - he has been the light at the end of our long tunnel. Everyone lives in the Chicago area - thus the urge to go back.

    My sister came from CA to take care of me and help out for one month. She's a retired oncology nurse and has been an endless resource and support to us! I'm so blessed! The rest of our families are spread out or in Chicago. I was a nurse in my earlier years but due to children and severe back problems and surgery, I have not gone back. I'm looking toward finding something in cancer support to help others going through the cancer trek.

    I'm so happy to be on this side of treatment. I'm learning alot about healthy living - eating well and exercise etc. I was doing pretty well with this before my diagnosis, so who knows?

    I would love to meet Jesus and Marilyn Monroe (quite a combo huh?) I'm pretty varied in my interests. I have a wonderful nurse - miniature schnauzer - I don't know what I'd do without her.

    I'd love to visit Tahiti - it's a dream of both of ours. Actually, anywhere tropical would be wonderful!

    I am special because I love deeply and I'm funny if I do say myself!

    Hugs all around!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    ksf56 said:

    Great idea!
    Hi all!

    I was diagnosed with TN invasive ductal - stage 1 and grade three in June 2011. I had two lumpectomies, 4 AC, 12 Taxol & 33 rad. I'm so glad to be at this point! I'm new to this site and I'm hoping to meet new sisters and brothers in this fight.

    I currently live in Iowa but lived the vast majority of my life in suburban Chicago and I want to go back. I have been married almost 32 years to my best friend. We have two great sons - 26 & 28. They are both married to wonderful young women who we love dearly. Our youngest son and his wife are expecting our first grandson in June. We can't wait - he has been the light at the end of our long tunnel. Everyone lives in the Chicago area - thus the urge to go back.

    My sister came from CA to take care of me and help out for one month. She's a retired oncology nurse and has been an endless resource and support to us! I'm so blessed! The rest of our families are spread out or in Chicago. I was a nurse in my earlier years but due to children and severe back problems and surgery, I have not gone back. I'm looking toward finding something in cancer support to help others going through the cancer trek.

    I'm so happy to be on this side of treatment. I'm learning alot about healthy living - eating well and exercise etc. I was doing pretty well with this before my diagnosis, so who knows?

    I would love to meet Jesus and Marilyn Monroe (quite a combo huh?) I'm pretty varied in my interests. I have a wonderful nurse - miniature schnauzer - I don't know what I'd do without her.

    I'd love to visit Tahiti - it's a dream of both of ours. Actually, anywhere tropical would be wonderful!

    I am special because I love deeply and I'm funny if I do say myself!

    Hugs all around!

    I forgot ,I am also on
    I forgot ,I am also on tamoxifen, and I too have a short term memory well that doesnt exist.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    ksf56 said:

    Great idea!
    Hi all!

    I was diagnosed with TN invasive ductal - stage 1 and grade three in June 2011. I had two lumpectomies, 4 AC, 12 Taxol & 33 rad. I'm so glad to be at this point! I'm new to this site and I'm hoping to meet new sisters and brothers in this fight.

    I currently live in Iowa but lived the vast majority of my life in suburban Chicago and I want to go back. I have been married almost 32 years to my best friend. We have two great sons - 26 & 28. They are both married to wonderful young women who we love dearly. Our youngest son and his wife are expecting our first grandson in June. We can't wait - he has been the light at the end of our long tunnel. Everyone lives in the Chicago area - thus the urge to go back.

    My sister came from CA to take care of me and help out for one month. She's a retired oncology nurse and has been an endless resource and support to us! I'm so blessed! The rest of our families are spread out or in Chicago. I was a nurse in my earlier years but due to children and severe back problems and surgery, I have not gone back. I'm looking toward finding something in cancer support to help others going through the cancer trek.

    I'm so happy to be on this side of treatment. I'm learning alot about healthy living - eating well and exercise etc. I was doing pretty well with this before my diagnosis, so who knows?

    I would love to meet Jesus and Marilyn Monroe (quite a combo huh?) I'm pretty varied in my interests. I have a wonderful nurse - miniature schnauzer - I don't know what I'd do without her.

    I'd love to visit Tahiti - it's a dream of both of ours. Actually, anywhere tropical would be wonderful!

    I am special because I love deeply and I'm funny if I do say myself!

    Hugs all around!

    I forgot ,I am also on
    I forgot ,I am also on tamoxifen, and I too have a short term memory well that doesnt exist.obviously
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    ok here goes
    State: I'm a Michigander
    State of mind: Confusion, then Wonder, then Equilibrium.
    Person I'd like to meet: Jesus. This will happen eventually anyway.
    I often dream: That I can go shopping and put things in the cart without regard to cost.
    I am special because: God made me with a plan for my life. I sometimes question this as circumstances send me to wierd places but I still know he has a plan.