Why are people compelled to write about their religious beliefs in the specific cancer forums?

PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
This has been an issue for the 5+ years I have been a member of this site. It's been going on long before that and I am not the only person who finds this to be an issue worth discussing. While there are not very many people who speak out publicly (I have colon cancer and usually post there - or here) when I do make a comment about why are there quotes from the Bible in the colon cancer forum and I get "beaten up" by the Christians, I get many emails from people who thank me for speaking up. Many Christians even thank me. They also feel that it is inappropriate to post scripture in the section that is dealing with specific cancer types.

The purpose of the forums, as I understand the Terms & Conditions, is to help others by talking about treatment and side effects and how to deal with them. Also by giving first hand experiences of what one might expect while having colon surgery or whatever the case may be. It was not created to be a soapbox or pulpit for political or religious views. We all may have cancer (or be a caregiver) but we all are not Christians, or Jews, or Hindus, or Muslims, or Democrats, or Republicans, and the list can go on...

Possibly the reason that people are "so touchy about God" is that:
1-they may have a different God than the one you have.
2-they may not believe in God at all.
3-they may feel that it's not the proper forum for the discussion.
4-they just want to talk about cancer issues.

I can't help but think that if on the colon cancer forum, quotes from the Koran were posted on a regular basis that people who post there would be OK with that. I think we'd see more flags than there are at the United Nations. I do not mean to single Muslims out but there is a lot of backlash against them for 9/11 which they, as a religious group, had nothing at all to do with it. It's akin to blaming all Catholics for child molestation because of the actions of some priests, or all Christians to blame for the actions of Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma bombing.

If Muslims, Christian, Jews, or whatever faith wishes to post in the religion forum and follow the T&C, then we all have a forum to post things that may help us get through the cancer but are not offensive to others. This is a place that many people use and guidelines need to be followed. It really is that simple. If this were a Christian Cancer Site then I'd suspect there would be different guidelines and scripture would be welcome everywhere.

While there is the argument "if you don't like it don't read it" there is also one that says "if you post it where it belongs it's not an issue anymore". Of course there is the well wishes that people often give like "I'm praying for you" or "Please pray for me". I do not find that offensive at all nor do I think many others do. It's a common saying that is received many ways. Sort of like say "Hi, how are you?".

While many of my posts are not publicly received well, I feel this is an issue that needs to be looked at once again. This has little to do with God and more to do with Religion(s). There are hundreds of faiths. If we lived in a society where we all thought alike it wouldn't matter, but we don't.

Just wondering why people who violate the T&C of the site and get booted off still continue to reincarnate themselves and start it all over again.


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Thanks BlueRose and Joe
    Hi BlueRose,
    You said "When religion and politics are the basis for the posts that's different because this isn't a site for those issues alone but when people throw in their religious experience I think it is healing to them and maybe others who read it too.". I agree with you, there are times when religion fits in with the posts. I realize that it's a big part of many people's lives and that it also helps many people cope with what they have to cope with. It's the beginning part that you mention that is when (I believe) it becomes an issue.

    I can understand if someone is new to the site that they probably didn't read the T&C (who really reads the fine print anyway?) so I can see how they might make certain posts at first. There have been times though when posts like "Prayers for the Week of XX-XX" have been made that do not seem appropriate on a public forum about cancer. The same goes for quotes of Bible verses. Like my example of posting Koran quotes, I don't imagine that people would welcome that with open arms. I do not set the rules for the site. If the site said people can post whatever they want then it's a different story.

    People often mistake this discussion as a censorship or freedom of speech issue. It's really not. It's about following the guidelines set forth by the ACS. There is also a common misconception that America was founded on Christian beliefs. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists - they believed in God but rejected as superstitious mythology crucial Christian dogmas such as the Incarnation.

    Any yes Joe, I left out Agnostics which I consider myself to be too. I do not know the answer. There certainly are many people who have religions that feel they DO know the answer which makes ME question things more. Everyone can't be right (or could they?)

    It's a gray area at times. A person's faith can play an important part in healing yet it has become (at times) Bible Study. I appreciate the site a lot and it's helped me and I know I've helped others over the years. But if it were to become the Christian Cancer Site it would become very exclusive and that's not a good thing.

    I think we agree more than we disagree BlueRose, thanks for your comments.
    Joe, thanks for your input and musical reference too.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    PhillieG said:

    Thanks BlueRose and Joe
    Hi BlueRose,
    You said "When religion and politics are the basis for the posts that's different because this isn't a site for those issues alone but when people throw in their religious experience I think it is healing to them and maybe others who read it too.". I agree with you, there are times when religion fits in with the posts. I realize that it's a big part of many people's lives and that it also helps many people cope with what they have to cope with. It's the beginning part that you mention that is when (I believe) it becomes an issue.

    I can understand if someone is new to the site that they probably didn't read the T&C (who really reads the fine print anyway?) so I can see how they might make certain posts at first. There have been times though when posts like "Prayers for the Week of XX-XX" have been made that do not seem appropriate on a public forum about cancer. The same goes for quotes of Bible verses. Like my example of posting Koran quotes, I don't imagine that people would welcome that with open arms. I do not set the rules for the site. If the site said people can post whatever they want then it's a different story.

    People often mistake this discussion as a censorship or freedom of speech issue. It's really not. It's about following the guidelines set forth by the ACS. There is also a common misconception that America was founded on Christian beliefs. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists - they believed in God but rejected as superstitious mythology crucial Christian dogmas such as the Incarnation.

    Any yes Joe, I left out Agnostics which I consider myself to be too. I do not know the answer. There certainly are many people who have religions that feel they DO know the answer which makes ME question things more. Everyone can't be right (or could they?)

    It's a gray area at times. A person's faith can play an important part in healing yet it has become (at times) Bible Study. I appreciate the site a lot and it's helped me and I know I've helped others over the years. But if it were to become the Christian Cancer Site it would become very exclusive and that's not a good thing.

    I think we agree more than we disagree BlueRose, thanks for your comments.
    Joe, thanks for your input and musical reference too.

    I don't visit this site too much
    but when I do, I sense a lot of tension, negative undertones and sarcasm. Maybe they need to just divide this site further...Believers and UN-Believers. Or Athiest/Christian/Catholic/Jew...etc...do you think that might work?

    Or if the same people keep getting riled up and preachy cuz nobody's playing right, then just remove this category.

    Better to keep the peace than constantly ruffling feathers!
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    sea60 said:

    I don't visit this site too much
    but when I do, I sense a lot of tension, negative undertones and sarcasm. Maybe they need to just divide this site further...Believers and UN-Believers. Or Athiest/Christian/Catholic/Jew...etc...do you think that might work?

    Or if the same people keep getting riled up and preachy cuz nobody's playing right, then just remove this category.

    Better to keep the peace than constantly ruffling feathers!

    Hello Sea
    That's my big fear with any controversial discussion on these boards or in the chatroom, newbies coming in and witnessing that kind of thing - no matter what the subject matter.

    However having said that cancer is a multi emotional issue as you no doubt well know and multiply that by all the different types of people in the world who might have cancer in their family plus whatever beliefs got them through or failed - you are bound to wind up with dissention sooner or later. Many sites go through this for the above reasons and more.

    Like anywhere else people have their up and down days and anger is an issue that comes up alot when dealing with any life threatening disease or situation so it's bound to happen that one day something someone says is going to trigger a strong reaction.

    This site though, I must say, is a million times better than any other site I have ever been on when it comes to people getting along and helping each other. That happens more than the fighting does, that's for sure.

    In a perfect world we would say to ourselves 'let that comment go, take the high road' and of course that's the best idea but if you feel strongly about something (and cancer sure can drag up the tender spots) it's sometimes hard to ignore. People mean well on this site though and it has been and will continue to be very helpful to most visitors.
    I do however wish that those who seem to like arguing need to tone it down, and they know who they are. I hope I state my cases and objections in a civil manner but I know that sometimes I probably get a little off track too. I'm only human but again I am proud of this site, really a clean and helpful source for many survivors. More than not.

  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    PhillieG said:

    Thanks BlueRose and Joe
    Hi BlueRose,
    You said "When religion and politics are the basis for the posts that's different because this isn't a site for those issues alone but when people throw in their religious experience I think it is healing to them and maybe others who read it too.". I agree with you, there are times when religion fits in with the posts. I realize that it's a big part of many people's lives and that it also helps many people cope with what they have to cope with. It's the beginning part that you mention that is when (I believe) it becomes an issue.

    I can understand if someone is new to the site that they probably didn't read the T&C (who really reads the fine print anyway?) so I can see how they might make certain posts at first. There have been times though when posts like "Prayers for the Week of XX-XX" have been made that do not seem appropriate on a public forum about cancer. The same goes for quotes of Bible verses. Like my example of posting Koran quotes, I don't imagine that people would welcome that with open arms. I do not set the rules for the site. If the site said people can post whatever they want then it's a different story.

    People often mistake this discussion as a censorship or freedom of speech issue. It's really not. It's about following the guidelines set forth by the ACS. There is also a common misconception that America was founded on Christian beliefs. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists - they believed in God but rejected as superstitious mythology crucial Christian dogmas such as the Incarnation.

    Any yes Joe, I left out Agnostics which I consider myself to be too. I do not know the answer. There certainly are many people who have religions that feel they DO know the answer which makes ME question things more. Everyone can't be right (or could they?)

    It's a gray area at times. A person's faith can play an important part in healing yet it has become (at times) Bible Study. I appreciate the site a lot and it's helped me and I know I've helped others over the years. But if it were to become the Christian Cancer Site it would become very exclusive and that's not a good thing.

    I think we agree more than we disagree BlueRose, thanks for your comments.
    Joe, thanks for your input and musical reference too.

    I agree Phil
    Explained that way I think we agree more than disagree too Phil and thanks for clearning up a few things in your post here.

    I am trying to stay away from religious discussion but I am a little tainted when it comes to this topic I guess, focusing on one's passion for religion and not being able to separate the two in discussions like the one on these boards. I am not a church goer but do believe and when I mentioned the part about people who are eager to share their experiences with others to help them, centering on their religious beliefs, it's because I had an actual healing and that is something that is so enormous it's hard not to share. But I don't as a rule because of the rules on this site.

    Well actually that's a lie because I did talk about it once because I was asked to by another member but I only mention it briefly in passing now. I don't know if I am making myself clear or not, it's early here yet - lol, but what I am trying to say is that if one experiences humoungous things pertaining to religion - things that help others in the cancer experience (or could help them like it did the person to whom it all happened) it's pretty hard to hold that back. For some citing a scripture might have worked for them and you know cancer survivors - they all have that built in need to help others and share.

    But in the end you are right and so is CSN in that this isn't a religious or political forum so the posts can't solely be on religion itself in a preachy kind of way or politics either for that matter.

    When issues are so close to a person, be it religion or whatever the case may be, and it gets them through the night I find it super hard to take that away from them especially when they are battling something as enormous as cancer. Know what I mean?

    Anywho dats my 3 cents. Hope this response finds you well. Take care of you.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    bluerose said:

    I agree Phil
    Explained that way I think we agree more than disagree too Phil and thanks for clearning up a few things in your post here.

    I am trying to stay away from religious discussion but I am a little tainted when it comes to this topic I guess, focusing on one's passion for religion and not being able to separate the two in discussions like the one on these boards. I am not a church goer but do believe and when I mentioned the part about people who are eager to share their experiences with others to help them, centering on their religious beliefs, it's because I had an actual healing and that is something that is so enormous it's hard not to share. But I don't as a rule because of the rules on this site.

    Well actually that's a lie because I did talk about it once because I was asked to by another member but I only mention it briefly in passing now. I don't know if I am making myself clear or not, it's early here yet - lol, but what I am trying to say is that if one experiences humoungous things pertaining to religion - things that help others in the cancer experience (or could help them like it did the person to whom it all happened) it's pretty hard to hold that back. For some citing a scripture might have worked for them and you know cancer survivors - they all have that built in need to help others and share.

    But in the end you are right and so is CSN in that this isn't a religious or political forum so the posts can't solely be on religion itself in a preachy kind of way or politics either for that matter.

    When issues are so close to a person, be it religion or whatever the case may be, and it gets them through the night I find it super hard to take that away from them especially when they are battling something as enormous as cancer. Know what I mean?

    Anywho dats my 3 cents. Hope this response finds you well. Take care of you.


    I thought it was ok to talk
    I thought it was ok to talk about our religious experience as far as cancer goes in how it helped us with the cancer. So I would think talking about healing falls under that area. I thought the preaching or trying to convert others was out of line. Sometimes there is a fine line.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    sea60 said:

    I don't visit this site too much
    but when I do, I sense a lot of tension, negative undertones and sarcasm. Maybe they need to just divide this site further...Believers and UN-Believers. Or Athiest/Christian/Catholic/Jew...etc...do you think that might work?

    Or if the same people keep getting riled up and preachy cuz nobody's playing right, then just remove this category.

    Better to keep the peace than constantly ruffling feathers!

    Actually, I've enjoyed
    Actually, I've enjoyed coming to this board to hear what others have to say. I like the discussion as long as everyone respects each other.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    bluerose said:

    I agree Phil
    Explained that way I think we agree more than disagree too Phil and thanks for clearning up a few things in your post here.

    I am trying to stay away from religious discussion but I am a little tainted when it comes to this topic I guess, focusing on one's passion for religion and not being able to separate the two in discussions like the one on these boards. I am not a church goer but do believe and when I mentioned the part about people who are eager to share their experiences with others to help them, centering on their religious beliefs, it's because I had an actual healing and that is something that is so enormous it's hard not to share. But I don't as a rule because of the rules on this site.

    Well actually that's a lie because I did talk about it once because I was asked to by another member but I only mention it briefly in passing now. I don't know if I am making myself clear or not, it's early here yet - lol, but what I am trying to say is that if one experiences humoungous things pertaining to religion - things that help others in the cancer experience (or could help them like it did the person to whom it all happened) it's pretty hard to hold that back. For some citing a scripture might have worked for them and you know cancer survivors - they all have that built in need to help others and share.

    But in the end you are right and so is CSN in that this isn't a religious or political forum so the posts can't solely be on religion itself in a preachy kind of way or politics either for that matter.

    When issues are so close to a person, be it religion or whatever the case may be, and it gets them through the night I find it super hard to take that away from them especially when they are battling something as enormous as cancer. Know what I mean?

    Anywho dats my 3 cents. Hope this response finds you well. Take care of you.


    Beefs and stews..
    I think what Phil and many of us are referring to, are the posts
    that are like this:

    "By The Stripes Of Our Lord Jesus Christ We Are Healed...Cancer I Demand
    You To Leave Our Bodies And Go To The Feet Of My Lord Jesus Christ......
    ..... For those who are, remember to pray each and every day to our father
    who truly is the one who will heal you not the doctors or the chemo.

    It was a very insensitive post, essentially saying that if you don't believe and pray
    the same as I do
    , you will be damned to die.

    It was not in good taste to post such comments on the cancer sections;
    but even here, on a forum designated to spiritual beliefs, it's equally as
    insensitive and rude.

    At least one can choose -not- to read at this forum at all, while still
    getting the support and answers to cancer related questions on the
    other forums. And that is the point of that debacle.

    There's a place for everything; that's part of the CSN terms and
    conditions we accept when we come here to read and post.

    The comments that Phil mentioned, about those claiming of being
    "attacked" by "those that hate God, the Bible, and Christians",
    also bothered me as well as many others.

    No-one "hates" anyone else here, and making false claims like that
    repeatedly and continually, is only promoting division and hate, neither
    of which belongs on a forum dedicated to help those in need at a
    time so critical in life......much less in life itself.

    I may have my facts wrong, but I think I read someplace that
    someone named "Jesus Christ" talked against such mongering
    of hate, prejudice, and bigotry...... I'll have to check on that....

    I'm sure most of us have not always said the right thing at the
    right time, or perhaps insulted someone when we did not mean to.

    I try to forgive, as we all should forgive; just as we all hope
    to be forgiven.

    Best of health to all.....

    May we all be friends forever....

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    John23 said:

    Beefs and stews..
    I think what Phil and many of us are referring to, are the posts
    that are like this:

    "By The Stripes Of Our Lord Jesus Christ We Are Healed...Cancer I Demand
    You To Leave Our Bodies And Go To The Feet Of My Lord Jesus Christ......
    ..... For those who are, remember to pray each and every day to our father
    who truly is the one who will heal you not the doctors or the chemo.

    It was a very insensitive post, essentially saying that if you don't believe and pray
    the same as I do
    , you will be damned to die.

    It was not in good taste to post such comments on the cancer sections;
    but even here, on a forum designated to spiritual beliefs, it's equally as
    insensitive and rude.

    At least one can choose -not- to read at this forum at all, while still
    getting the support and answers to cancer related questions on the
    other forums. And that is the point of that debacle.

    There's a place for everything; that's part of the CSN terms and
    conditions we accept when we come here to read and post.

    The comments that Phil mentioned, about those claiming of being
    "attacked" by "those that hate God, the Bible, and Christians",
    also bothered me as well as many others.

    No-one "hates" anyone else here, and making false claims like that
    repeatedly and continually, is only promoting division and hate, neither
    of which belongs on a forum dedicated to help those in need at a
    time so critical in life......much less in life itself.

    I may have my facts wrong, but I think I read someplace that
    someone named "Jesus Christ" talked against such mongering
    of hate, prejudice, and bigotry...... I'll have to check on that....

    I'm sure most of us have not always said the right thing at the
    right time, or perhaps insulted someone when we did not mean to.

    I try to forgive, as we all should forgive; just as we all hope
    to be forgiven.

    Best of health to all.....

    May we all be friends forever....


    Hi John
    I have heard Phil complain about this a few times but never realized what he was referring too. I too as a Christian would get up-set if I opened a post and read stuff like that all the time. I do use a scripture now and then but only in writing about a subject I am talking about and not for display or to infringe on some else . In my life I find it too short to be in a fuss all the time about things, I am happy in my belief and respect others and what they believe.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi John
    I have heard Phil complain about this a few times but never realized what he was referring too. I too as a Christian would get up-set if I opened a post and read stuff like that all the time. I do use a scripture now and then but only in writing about a subject I am talking about and not for display or to infringe on some else . In my life I find it too short to be in a fuss all the time about things, I am happy in my belief and respect others and what they believe.



    I prefer to call it bringing to the attention of.....but I won't complain about the word complain ;-)

    I really do not think that this forum would exist without the comment over a year ago that made a reference that without believing in "HIM (Jesus Christ)" that all we deserve is hell. This was posted in the main comment section of a particular cancer type and not in a "religion or faith" section since they did not have them at the time. That comment really does not say much about "faith" in my opinion, it's more of an jab at non-believers in Jesus. And as far as saying we deserve hell, well that speaks for itself. It's the most un-christian comment I've ever heard without a doubt.

    So I am very glad that they did start this forum because a person's faith is very important to them and I personally find it very interesting to hear most of the comments made here. Especially by those who are NOT christian. You know I enjoy the writings of JC (the other JC- Joseph Campbell) and his comparisons between the beliefs of different faiths. Different faiths have a lot more in common that most people would think.

    But the point of my post was that there is a place for the Bible, Koran, etc quotes and it is not in the middle of the specific cancer types.
    You know I enjoy your posts Hondo. I hope you are doing well.
  • PhillieG said:



    I prefer to call it bringing to the attention of.....but I won't complain about the word complain ;-)

    I really do not think that this forum would exist without the comment over a year ago that made a reference that without believing in "HIM (Jesus Christ)" that all we deserve is hell. This was posted in the main comment section of a particular cancer type and not in a "religion or faith" section since they did not have them at the time. That comment really does not say much about "faith" in my opinion, it's more of an jab at non-believers in Jesus. And as far as saying we deserve hell, well that speaks for itself. It's the most un-christian comment I've ever heard without a doubt.

    So I am very glad that they did start this forum because a person's faith is very important to them and I personally find it very interesting to hear most of the comments made here. Especially by those who are NOT christian. You know I enjoy the writings of JC (the other JC- Joseph Campbell) and his comparisons between the beliefs of different faiths. Different faiths have a lot more in common that most people would think.

    But the point of my post was that there is a place for the Bible, Koran, etc quotes and it is not in the middle of the specific cancer types.
    You know I enjoy your posts Hondo. I hope you are doing well.
    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    ah, grasshopper
    You, Kathy, represent this board as well as anyone, and epitomize the tolerance that we should all strive for. You are clearly a woman of Christian faith, but you also clearly seek knowledge and accept diversity.

    I tend to enjoy your posts and salute you for your openness.

    Take care,

  • ah, grasshopper
    You, Kathy, represent this board as well as anyone, and epitomize the tolerance that we should all strive for. You are clearly a woman of Christian faith, but you also clearly seek knowledge and accept diversity.

    I tend to enjoy your posts and salute you for your openness.

    Take care,


    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    And no Amish either!
    I DO wish there are more Muslim and Hindu posts on this site. It's great to hear what others think. But I do believe that many people do not post issues of faith because they are not on the approved faith list. I have no facts to back it up other than my gut feeling. There is at times a Christian presence which is extremely strong and not shy. That's here nor there but it's here. Sort of a power in numbers kind of thing.

    The great thing is that no one really knows what happens after we die. We may believe this or that because our faith or religion says it's so but no one that I know of, has died and came back and said this is how it is...
  • PhillieG said:

    And no Amish either!
    I DO wish there are more Muslim and Hindu posts on this site. It's great to hear what others think. But I do believe that many people do not post issues of faith because they are not on the approved faith list. I have no facts to back it up other than my gut feeling. There is at times a Christian presence which is extremely strong and not shy. That's here nor there but it's here. Sort of a power in numbers kind of thing.

    The great thing is that no one really knows what happens after we die. We may believe this or that because our faith or religion says it's so but no one that I know of, has died and came back and said this is how it is...

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • dasspears
    dasspears Member Posts: 227
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Love you!
    Just saying I like the way you think.

    On another note: I have had two occasions to be near/around Buddhist monks. On each occasion, I felt the most pronounced peaceful feeling. I don't know if it emanated from them or it was their aura but it was warm and peaceful. I have never felt that anywhere else.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    The Amish
    Just mentioning, because well, it was brought up, no Amish seen posting.
    Having been around the Amish, let me tell you we'll never see an Amish person post here. They um, if you didn't realize, don't believe in electricity, and I've yet to see a natural gas (yes, they will use natural gas)driven computer.
    Just mentioning.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    dasspears said:

    Love you!
    Just saying I like the way you think.

    On another note: I have had two occasions to be near/around Buddhist monks. On each occasion, I felt the most pronounced peaceful feeling. I don't know if it emanated from them or it was their aura but it was warm and peaceful. I have never felt that anywhere else.

    Hey Phil,
    did you ever read the book 90 minutes in Heaven?

    I know I've read different accounts of people who have "died" and have experienced what they feel was either something heavenly or something hellish.

    Although there are many cities deemed "melting pots" here in the U.S., I think there are just a large number of people who believe in Christ, and because of that larger percentage, shouldn't be made to feel like they're monopolizing this site. They're just sharing their feelings much like you.

    I'm just saying maybe you'll never really get a good balance of different faiths.
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    sea60 said:

    Hey Phil,
    did you ever read the book 90 minutes in Heaven?

    I know I've read different accounts of people who have "died" and have experienced what they feel was either something heavenly or something hellish.

    Although there are many cities deemed "melting pots" here in the U.S., I think there are just a large number of people who believe in Christ, and because of that larger percentage, shouldn't be made to feel like they're monopolizing this site. They're just sharing their feelings much like you.

    I'm just saying maybe you'll never really get a good balance of different faiths.

    Hi Sea
    Something 'heavanly' did happen to me during my isolation during my bone marrow transplant and having something that extraordinary happen to you personally is defintely a game changer in how you look at faith. It's very hard not to get into talking about it all the time in order to help people understand the power that you personally experienced but I hold back because of rules.

    I think personally it's a shame that people feel this way because I personally believe it can be very encouraging and healing for many in reading such accounts. That's why people talk about their religion - it works for them and they want it to work for others. However as I said before there is a limit and when the whole thrust of a post to to try to convert people or focus 100% on biblical passages then I think it can cross a line.

    Anywho, just throwing in my 4 cents.

  • The Amish
    Just mentioning, because well, it was brought up, no Amish seen posting.
    Having been around the Amish, let me tell you we'll never see an Amish person post here. They um, if you didn't realize, don't believe in electricity, and I've yet to see a natural gas (yes, they will use natural gas)driven computer.
    Just mentioning.

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  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    The Amish
    Just mentioning, because well, it was brought up, no Amish seen posting.
    Having been around the Amish, let me tell you we'll never see an Amish person post here. They um, if you didn't realize, don't believe in electricity, and I've yet to see a natural gas (yes, they will use natural gas)driven computer.
    Just mentioning.

    It was (supposed to be) a joke
    I do have an old steam powered computer