More stinking bad news

jgwright Member Posts: 242
Well phooey. This second round of chemo is NOT working. I have little cancer-buddies popping up here and there. A subcutaneous lump on my ribs under my right breast, sitting in the layer of fat over my right pectoral muscle, and of course that so-called infection in my jaw, which turns out to be a tumor.

So, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the infamous chemo-pump. Joy...



  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • captdave
    captdave Member Posts: 153
    Jerry, what rotten news!
    Jerry, what rotten news! I'm sorry that things are not going your way right now. Keep the good attitude and we will keep praying for you. Hope the 24/7 treatments will do the trick for you.

  • monica_sss
    monica_sss Member Posts: 54
    So sorry to hear this - I'm praying that the cancer shrinks and shrivels with the 24/7 treatment.
  • Guigna
    Guigna Member Posts: 63
    oh I'm sorry
    I am disappointed to hear that the jaw infection is also cancer. You have my heartfelt sympathy.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Jerry, so sorry to hear
    Jerry, so sorry to hear this. I also "hate" cancer-It cuts life so short-hits all ages ( my pastors 2 month old, who passed at 3 1/2 yrs)and hurts the lives of all connected with it.
    I thank God for what He has done so far in my life, and pray for the cure for all cancer.

    Hugs and prayers, Sandra
  • stephikindred
    stephikindred Member Posts: 140
    Super stinky
    Well I was wondering about the lump but didn't think the jaw infection would be a tumor! That sneaky cancer really stinks! I hope the new chemo helps. Sorry to hear this news Jerry!
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Not What I Wanted to Hear!
    Jerry, I am so sorry to hear this. I have followed you closely, perhaps because I am a teacher, too. Anyway, I was truly hoping this was nothing. This is such a horrible beast of a cancer. Keep on fighting--hopefully there will be a chemo cocktail that works wonders for you.

    As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    In Chantal's and Judy's words, cuck fancer and FEC!!!!


    DX October 2009: T3N1M0
    November and December 2009: chemo (Cisplatin and 5 FU) and radiation
    February 2010: Ivor Lewis surgery
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Phooey is pretty mild for what I am wanting to say

    Everyone has said everything I would want to say to you. I am sorry this is happening to you and along with William and Loretta and all the others here supporting you as much as we can, we will be praying for God to help the doctors and you find a path that will work for you.

    I never dreamed that your pain the jaw would be cancer - I really thought it would be an abcess. I don't know how you manage to stay so strong but I sure am glad you do.

    Sending you and Mrs. Wright a ton of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts.

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    JReed said:

    Phooey is pretty mild for what I am wanting to say

    Everyone has said everything I would want to say to you. I am sorry this is happening to you and along with William and Loretta and all the others here supporting you as much as we can, we will be praying for God to help the doctors and you find a path that will work for you.

    I never dreamed that your pain the jaw would be cancer - I really thought it would be an abcess. I don't know how you manage to stay so strong but I sure am glad you do.

    Sending you and Mrs. Wright a ton of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts.


    Well, dang, Jerry!! I just
    Well, dang, Jerry!! I just know your spirit and sense of humor are big pluses for you in this battle. What chemo will you be getting 24/7? Do you have to travel for that or can you do it locally?
    You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers for sure!
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    My oncologist recommends I meet with the radiation oncologist. Well, I hope to shout.

    Living with cancer rather than dying of cancer. That's what I'm doing.

  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Oh Jerry...
    There are no words. You sound chipper and strong. Keep it that way. Just keep fighting. We all love you so much here. This is just not not not what any of us wanted to hear. You rest. Take your chemo. Fight!
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    AngieD said:

    Well, dang, Jerry!! I just
    Well, dang, Jerry!! I just know your spirit and sense of humor are big pluses for you in this battle. What chemo will you be getting 24/7? Do you have to travel for that or can you do it locally?
    You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers for sure!

    Don't know yet what chemo
    I'll find out on Thursday when the new regimen starts. Hope I can keep my brain.
    "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most..." --Mark Twain

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    My "constant companion" for 16 weeks

    Bummer that this round is not working!!! I am very familiar with the lovely chemo-pump "constant companion". After wearing it 24/7 for 16 weeks when I finally got it taken off each time I would get out of bed at night I would reach for the pump that I used to set on my nightstand when I was sleeping.

    My biggest challenge was to figure out how to take a shower. Here is my process:

    1. Cover the area where the pump goes into your port with plastic wrap (I found "Press and Seal" works best.
    2. Hang the chemo pump over the shower partition (I set mine on a towel rack that was outside my shower).
    3. Carefully get wet under the shower
    4. Soap up
    5. Carefully rinse off trying to keep the stream of water away from the "Press and Seal"
    6 Dry the area over the "Press and Seal" first, and then dry off the rest.

    I have a shower that is a combination standard shower head and hand shower so that helps to keep the shower stream away from the port area.

    I hope the 24/7 approach works better than the last round. You will be in my daily prayers.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    Grand Blanc, Michigan

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    paul61 said:

    My "constant companion" for 16 weeks

    Bummer that this round is not working!!! I am very familiar with the lovely chemo-pump "constant companion". After wearing it 24/7 for 16 weeks when I finally got it taken off each time I would get out of bed at night I would reach for the pump that I used to set on my nightstand when I was sleeping.

    My biggest challenge was to figure out how to take a shower. Here is my process:

    1. Cover the area where the pump goes into your port with plastic wrap (I found "Press and Seal" works best.
    2. Hang the chemo pump over the shower partition (I set mine on a towel rack that was outside my shower).
    3. Carefully get wet under the shower
    4. Soap up
    5. Carefully rinse off trying to keep the stream of water away from the "Press and Seal"
    6 Dry the area over the "Press and Seal" first, and then dry off the rest.

    I have a shower that is a combination standard shower head and hand shower so that helps to keep the shower stream away from the port area.

    I hope the 24/7 approach works better than the last round. You will be in my daily prayers.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    Grand Blanc, Michigan

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

    Jerry don't blame you for being bummed
    So sorry to hear this news Jerry. I read your other post and was hoping that those lumps were not cancer. You have every right to be bummed, 24/7 chemo is never easy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sometimes I think you have to get angry with this stupid EC. hugs,
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    jgwright said:

    Don't know yet what chemo
    I'll find out on Thursday when the new regimen starts. Hope I can keep my brain.
    "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most..." --Mark Twain


    Hi Jerry, would just like to
    Hi Jerry, would just like to wish you well as you continue your battle with this terrible cancer. Hope your next round of treatment will prove successful. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Ann wife of Alan
    Dx Sept 2009, T3N2M0
    Ivor Lewis March 2010
    Lost his battle Jan. 2012
  • preacherchad
    preacherchad Member Posts: 60
    You keep me smiling
    I hate the news you have gotten, and the news is not what I am referring to when I say you keep me smiling. I love your choice of words and keep such a great attitude, that is what keeps me smiling about you.

    Please know that I will be praying for you daily and will keep check here to get all the updates. keep up the positive attitude brother.
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    That just doesn't seem like a strong enough word for this situation. I hope the next round will knock the socks off those little cancer buddies and the new jaw tumor.
    I'm going with Judy's line....FEC
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    paul61 said:

    My "constant companion" for 16 weeks

    Bummer that this round is not working!!! I am very familiar with the lovely chemo-pump "constant companion". After wearing it 24/7 for 16 weeks when I finally got it taken off each time I would get out of bed at night I would reach for the pump that I used to set on my nightstand when I was sleeping.

    My biggest challenge was to figure out how to take a shower. Here is my process:

    1. Cover the area where the pump goes into your port with plastic wrap (I found "Press and Seal" works best.
    2. Hang the chemo pump over the shower partition (I set mine on a towel rack that was outside my shower).
    3. Carefully get wet under the shower
    4. Soap up
    5. Carefully rinse off trying to keep the stream of water away from the "Press and Seal"
    6 Dry the area over the "Press and Seal" first, and then dry off the rest.

    I have a shower that is a combination standard shower head and hand shower so that helps to keep the shower stream away from the port area.

    I hope the 24/7 approach works better than the last round. You will be in my daily prayers.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    Grand Blanc, Michigan

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

    Thanks Paul.
    The alternative was to be unwashed and horribly offensive. I'll follow your recommendations. They sound good. I have one of those portable shower heads on a long flexible tube, so I should be "cool".

    "It's always something..." --Gilda Radner.

  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242

    That just doesn't seem like a strong enough word for this situation. I hope the next round will knock the socks off those little cancer buddies and the new jaw tumor.
    I'm going with Judy's line....FEC

    Choice of Words...
    Robert Heinlein had a line in one of his books. "Profanity wasn't strong enough, so I just said, 'Oh my...'"

    The only time I used profanity was when I got my first diagnosis as a Stage IV. My wife and I got in the elevator, and I used the impolite term for fecal material about five times. It didn't help. (Of course, in reality that isn't "profanity", but rather (at least theoretically) obscenity. Actually, it is just crudity.)

    Heavy sigh...

  • Guigna
    Guigna Member Posts: 63
    jgwright said:

    Choice of Words...
    Robert Heinlein had a line in one of his books. "Profanity wasn't strong enough, so I just said, 'Oh my...'"

    The only time I used profanity was when I got my first diagnosis as a Stage IV. My wife and I got in the elevator, and I used the impolite term for fecal material about five times. It didn't help. (Of course, in reality that isn't "profanity", but rather (at least theoretically) obscenity. Actually, it is just crudity.)

    Heavy sigh...


    choice of words
    you're entitled. I'm so sorry we are going through this. I have been so impressed with you, continuing to work through this ordeal.
    Last night my husband's right arm puffed up with fluids. The cancer between his shoulder and clavicle is likely blocking something. Game ender? who knows. It's scary, ugly, and so unfair.