hormon refractory pc

bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
hellow. My father is now getting chemo. oncologist advised that becauce it is resistant to hormontherapy lupron should be discontinued.but the urologist says that he should take lupron.so I really need some information about this.and also I need to know the price of casodex.


  • Benji48
    Benji48 Member Posts: 117
    Could you please provide more stats, psa history,time on Lupron,initial therapy-surgery,radiation etc. These would be helpful in providng an opinion.
    Best, Ben
  • stuart
    stuart Member Posts: 88
    Regarding the price of Casodex...It depends on the medical coverage but if you were paying out of pocket it's about $1300.00 per month...I understand that it's much less expensive if you get it from Canada...
  • bitaday
    bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
    Benji48 said:

    Could you please provide more stats, psa history,time on Lupron,initial therapy-surgery,radiation etc. These would be helpful in providng an opinion.
    Best, Ben

    Hi Benji
    in check up lab exam psa was 48.bone scan was positive. so lupron injecton was started since march 2004.on sep 2005 psa began to rise although taking lupron and flutemide.then onchologist decided to start chemo with TAXOTER wich is the newest chemo in treatment of hormon refractory pc.and he mentioned that because homomon dose not work any more there is no need to countinuig lupron injection.but the urologist insist on lupron injection so we are totally confused.if you have any informatin pleas let me know. glyson score was 6 in pathology report and my fathet has no symptom.(some time alittle pain in hip yhat he says it is mild ans disapear within few minuts)
  • Benji48
    Benji48 Member Posts: 117
    bitaday said:

    Hi Benji
    in check up lab exam psa was 48.bone scan was positive. so lupron injecton was started since march 2004.on sep 2005 psa began to rise although taking lupron and flutemide.then onchologist decided to start chemo with TAXOTER wich is the newest chemo in treatment of hormon refractory pc.and he mentioned that because homomon dose not work any more there is no need to countinuig lupron injection.but the urologist insist on lupron injection so we are totally confused.if you have any informatin pleas let me know. glyson score was 6 in pathology report and my fathet has no symptom.(some time alittle pain in hip yhat he says it is mild ans disapear within few minuts)

    You mention that your fathers initial psa was 48 yet do not say anything about therapy so I'm presuming that something precluded either surgery or radiation & he was submitted to Lupron alone.Perhaps due to age or some other medical condition. Although a psa of 48 is high & most likely indicative that the cancer has escaped the capsule, along with a positive bone scan would most likely rule out surgery but I assume something else precluded any radiation therapy. There seems to be a discrepancy with the gleason of only 6 which indicates non-aggresiveness of the cancer, albeit it is a subjective analysis by the pathologist.
    With all that said, & IF it is true hormone refractory has been reached I see no reason to continue the Lupron shots (except to line the pockets of the practioneer at $1500 per)and the Taxotere is an appropriate treatment!
    Could you perhaps tell us some more info, like your dads age,medical problems etc to shed some further light.
    Good Luck, Ben
  • bitaday
    bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
    Benji48 said:

    You mention that your fathers initial psa was 48 yet do not say anything about therapy so I'm presuming that something precluded either surgery or radiation & he was submitted to Lupron alone.Perhaps due to age or some other medical condition. Although a psa of 48 is high & most likely indicative that the cancer has escaped the capsule, along with a positive bone scan would most likely rule out surgery but I assume something else precluded any radiation therapy. There seems to be a discrepancy with the gleason of only 6 which indicates non-aggresiveness of the cancer, albeit it is a subjective analysis by the pathologist.
    With all that said, & IF it is true hormone refractory has been reached I see no reason to continue the Lupron shots (except to line the pockets of the practioneer at $1500 per)and the Taxotere is an appropriate treatment!
    Could you perhaps tell us some more info, like your dads age,medical problems etc to shed some further light.
    Good Luck, Ben

    my father is 69 now.he has no medical problem but hypertention wich is controlled.but at time of diagnosis, cancer was already spread to bone.so the only treatment that we could choose was anti androgen therapy.We had an apointment with urologist yesterday.He said sometime flairng phenomena happen during hormontherapy.so he discontinued lupron for 3 mounth.I prefer to consult with an other urologist.really thank you for the informations.I do not live in USA so any information you give me is really valuable.and will you please tell me about the price of casodex 150mg in USA?
  • Benji48
    Benji48 Member Posts: 117
    bitaday said:

    my father is 69 now.he has no medical problem but hypertention wich is controlled.but at time of diagnosis, cancer was already spread to bone.so the only treatment that we could choose was anti androgen therapy.We had an apointment with urologist yesterday.He said sometime flairng phenomena happen during hormontherapy.so he discontinued lupron for 3 mounth.I prefer to consult with an other urologist.really thank you for the informations.I do not live in USA so any information you give me is really valuable.and will you please tell me about the price of casodex 150mg in USA?

    Casodex 50mg is listed at the Canadian pharmacies at $226.38 (Canadadrugs.com) and $239 (RxNorth.com).
    You should read this notice from AstraZeneca about the withdraw of the 150mg variety due to increased morbidity associated with it!
    Check this web site: http://www.bioportfolio.com/reports/Datamonitor_BFHC0640.htm
    Good Luck, Ben
  • Benji48
    Benji48 Member Posts: 117
    Benji48 said:

    Casodex 50mg is listed at the Canadian pharmacies at $226.38 (Canadadrugs.com) and $239 (RxNorth.com).
    You should read this notice from AstraZeneca about the withdraw of the 150mg variety due to increased morbidity associated with it!
    Check this web site: http://www.bioportfolio.com/reports/Datamonitor_BFHC0640.htm
    Good Luck, Ben

    "Morbidity" should read "mortality" instead. Sorry about that!