What do you think ladies?

RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member

Routine oncologist appointment last week.  My normal one has moved on so had a temporary stand- in.  Who by-the-way actually read my file.  My old oncol three times thought I had had a lumpectomy when I was bilateral!!!!  (Don't ask).

Anyway, it was a very pleasant Indian gentleman I saw.  Before I left the room he said to me "you do realize your cancer will return, in 10, 15, 20 years it will come back".  My reply was that I have never been under any illusions.  But he was the first person to actually say it.  Kind of took me back, numbed me a little for a few hours.  Even though I have always thought it very likely to return.


I had Infiltrating Lobular Stage 2 one side, and pre Cancer cells in other side, same type of Cancer Estrogen Positive.  Chemo, no radiation, no lymph node involvement.  Any comments here?  I am all for honesty, but he appeared to be stating it was definitely inevitable...........  


  • morgamed
    morgamed Member Posts: 75
    You asked for honest...

    He planted the seed.  So now you will think about it.  Who appointed him "god"?   I would have left there and told the receptionist not to schedule you for any future visits.  You want to go to someone that really cares for the patinet instead of giving them news that will never give them peace of mind.   We don't know our cancer will come back.  If we did you know there would be a "bookie" out there placing the odds and making a small fortune.  

    Take your hand...dust your shoulder and forget what that he said.  You deserve peace of mine and a happy life. 

  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    morgamed said:

    You asked for honest...

    He planted the seed.  So now you will think about it.  Who appointed him "god"?   I would have left there and told the receptionist not to schedule you for any future visits.  You want to go to someone that really cares for the patinet instead of giving them news that will never give them peace of mind.   We don't know our cancer will come back.  If we did you know there would be a "bookie" out there placing the odds and making a small fortune.  

    Take your hand...dust your shoulder and forget what that he said.  You deserve peace of mine and a happy life. 

    Thanks for reply.  I have

    Thanks for reply.  I have mentioned what happened to a few people and they are all on par with you, whether cancer sufferers or not.  I will take your advice though I hope he doesn't say this to all patients not knowing them well as a stand-in.  I can handle it but he needs to be more sensitive to ladies who could be in the middle of treatment, have enough to deal with at that time.  

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow..i think we all know a

    wow..i think we all know a chance or re-occurance but to say that-esp. meeting you for the first time.



    sending only good thoughts your way


  • morgamed
    morgamed Member Posts: 75

    wow..i think we all know a

    wow..i think we all know a chance or re-occurance but to say that-esp. meeting you for the first time.



    sending only good thoughts your way


    The more I think about it

    the madder I get.  This is only a Dr. that is in it for the money.  NO COMPASSION at all.  Yell

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    morgamed said:

    The more I think about it

    the madder I get.  This is only a Dr. that is in it for the money.  NO COMPASSION at all.  Yell


    I wasn't there, don't know the context in which he offered this to you. What I do know is, for me, just talking about me, I'd find it hard to get his words out of my head. Fortunately, you seem like a very bright intelligent upbeat woman who is managing your own care admirably and you will probably find a way to process what he said in a way that works for you.



  • alabama_survivor
    alabama_survivor Member Posts: 85
    I was diagnosed with Stage 3C

    I was diagnosed with Stage 3C Triple Negative on one side, and DCIS on the other, in June of last year.  I had chemo, followed by bilateral, followed by radiation, and finished a little over a month ago.  Everyone in my family has had some form of cancer, and all three of us children were undergoing treatment at the same time (my brother is terminal).  I am currently waiting on a CT scheduled at the end of this month (I had an infection that needed time to heal) to double check a couple of tiny nodules on my lung.  I honestly do believe that at some point I will either have a recurrence or some other form of cancer.  But still, if a doctor said that to me, I'm not sure how I would feel.  That does seem kind of cold.  Any time I ask about my prognosis, my MO is hesitant to answer because of my lung.  Still, no one knows, and to just blurt something like out............What was he thinking?

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    I was diagnosed with Stage 3C

    I was diagnosed with Stage 3C Triple Negative on one side, and DCIS on the other, in June of last year.  I had chemo, followed by bilateral, followed by radiation, and finished a little over a month ago.  Everyone in my family has had some form of cancer, and all three of us children were undergoing treatment at the same time (my brother is terminal).  I am currently waiting on a CT scheduled at the end of this month (I had an infection that needed time to heal) to double check a couple of tiny nodules on my lung.  I honestly do believe that at some point I will either have a recurrence or some other form of cancer.  But still, if a doctor said that to me, I'm not sure how I would feel.  That does seem kind of cold.  Any time I ask about my prognosis, my MO is hesitant to answer because of my lung.  Still, no one knows, and to just blurt something like out............What was he thinking?


    Perhaps because he comes from a totally different Culture... perhaps being direct and thinking he knows all is the way they think of Doctors in his country.........HOWEVER.......he is NOT God.......AND....he does NOT know what is in your future.       Mama always said to consider the source........   Many Many of us on this board are still here against all odds..........You hang in there Girl.........  Prayers for Strength & Courage...  xxoo   Glo

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    GlowMore said:


    Perhaps because he comes from a totally different Culture... perhaps being direct and thinking he knows all is the way they think of Doctors in his country.........HOWEVER.......he is NOT God.......AND....he does NOT know what is in your future.       Mama always said to consider the source........   Many Many of us on this board are still here against all odds..........You hang in there Girl.........  Prayers for Strength & Courage...  xxoo   Glo


    My first onc was that way.  She said I'd see it again, and the path would be through chest wall to lungs, bones, brain and lights out!!  Those were her words.  I'm so thankful to have seen her only twice before she retired. I still hear her words but have learned to ignore them!  You should do the same. Hugs, Linda


  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks for input

    Thanks for input ladies.


    Gosh Lintx your first oncologist had some bad bed side manner.  It was time that person retired seems like.  Cant see those types spreading much sunshine at home............

  • Gm2873
    Gm2873 Member Posts: 65
    What do you think

    i think it's time to find a new oncologist. i'm Stage IV with bone Mets and my doctor was almost giddy the last time I saw hER. She is so happy about my response to treatment. She hasn't said it, but has implied that she thinks we'll beat it! Note the "we" in that statement. She is in this fight with me. My first cancer was 20 years ago, and she was my dr then. She is definitely planning on us growing old together. There are many dedicated caring oncologists out there. Please find another one. This guy doesn't sound like he's in it for the right reasons.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Gm2873 said:

    What do you think

    i think it's time to find a new oncologist. i'm Stage IV with bone Mets and my doctor was almost giddy the last time I saw hER. She is so happy about my response to treatment. She hasn't said it, but has implied that she thinks we'll beat it! Note the "we" in that statement. She is in this fight with me. My first cancer was 20 years ago, and she was my dr then. She is definitely planning on us growing old together. There are many dedicated caring oncologists out there. Please find another one. This guy doesn't sound like he's in it for the right reasons.

    Insensitive, but direct --

    is all I can say...  His comment would throw me for a loop, that's for sure. 

    I know that we are 'all' pro-active concerning our health since dealing with breast cancer -.  I would if possible, search out Oncologist affliated with larger hospital - or active with clinical trials - and book an appointment.  Getting a new pair of eyes looking at your history - may give you that piece of mind, more importantly - a Professional 2nd opinion.

    Sorry ..

    Vicki Sam

  • Lilly9
    Lilly9 Member Posts: 155
    VickiSam said:

    Insensitive, but direct --

    is all I can say...  His comment would throw me for a loop, that's for sure. 

    I know that we are 'all' pro-active concerning our health since dealing with breast cancer -.  I would if possible, search out Oncologist affliated with larger hospital - or active with clinical trials - and book an appointment.  Getting a new pair of eyes looking at your history - may give you that piece of mind, more importantly - a Professional 2nd opinion.

    Sorry ..

    Vicki Sam

    WOW.   I believe I would

    WOW.   I believe I would report it back to the office - he could use some bedside manner courses.  None of my Dr's have ever said it'd be back.  They've all said we're doing everything we can to beat this cancer and get it out of you so you can live life.   28 mos out and that's what I'm doing - living life

  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421

    I'm wondering why he said that (I agree with all the comments that he sounds very uncaring to say the least). Is this what the oncologists are really thinking? If mine is, I would appreciate her telling me somehow and not acting like everything is ok. Esp since I had a very aggressive cancer. Still, the attitude of this guy is unbelievable. Some doctors think cancer is "for the patients" and that they are completely safe from harm themselves!

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    button2 said:


    I'm wondering why he said that (I agree with all the comments that he sounds very uncaring to say the least). Is this what the oncologists are really thinking? If mine is, I would appreciate her telling me somehow and not acting like everything is ok. Esp since I had a very aggressive cancer. Still, the attitude of this guy is unbelievable. Some doctors think cancer is "for the patients" and that they are completely safe from harm themselves!

    Just thought about

    Just thought about the fact that way back when I was young.......the word Cancer was never spoken...it was whispered....and Breast Cancer was never spoken out loud either.    Perhaps your foreign doctor was older?

    I know that the fact it can come back is always in all of our minds..........and we all do look at the odds and our Oncologists do usually give us the percentages etc......which somehow seems to be kinder than the harsh words uttered to you Roz............don't let them throw you....... and don't see that fill in doc again either.

    Hugs, Glo

  • annetroy
    annetroy Member Posts: 1
    My doctor was honest, and I

    My doctor was honest, and I appreciated it. That doesn't mean that he was rude about it and he certainly didn't enjoy telling me. I had already had cancer 10 years prior. He said that I am Stage 4 and "you might want to get your affairs in order" and he said that I would die from this disease.

    They are unable to find anything more today than they did then.

    That was 2003.

    As one friend said "The doctors don't have the last word. God does."

    I cannot imagine being a doctor and having to tell anyone anything about such a diagnosis. Perhaps it was his first time. Who knows?

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    annetroy said:

    My doctor was honest, and I

    My doctor was honest, and I appreciated it. That doesn't mean that he was rude about it and he certainly didn't enjoy telling me. I had already had cancer 10 years prior. He said that I am Stage 4 and "you might want to get your affairs in order" and he said that I would die from this disease.

    They are unable to find anything more today than they did then.

    That was 2003.

    As one friend said "The doctors don't have the last word. God does."

    I cannot imagine being a doctor and having to tell anyone anything about such a diagnosis. Perhaps it was his first time. Who knows?

    I really don't understand

    why he said that, Roz.  I mean, I really don't get it.  Everyone knows there is a chance the cancer will return, but he said it WOULD, not that it COULD.     Unfortunately, he can't UNsay it and you can't UNhear it.  And for whatever it's worth, I honestly think he's wrong  as we all know many women who live long long lives many years after breast cancer and it doesn't come back.  Ever.  Some are at higher risk than others, but geez to say it WILL come back?  That's just wrong.  Unless you were a more advanced stage, (like 4), that's just wrong.  And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    my orig info told me that in 2002

    Because of my history with her along with years of birth control pills, that were double and tripple dosed for heavy bleeding. A stand in whom I saw 2x told me he over treated me,  it would never come back and I never needed a mast.  She did not know my medical history, and he was one of her associates.  8 years later, it was back, metastasized, and I am stage 4.

    Mine followed the course for hrt induced bc which came out in 2011, pretty much the way he said.  Still threw me for a loop as I thought it would be a recurrence in left breast.  Never dreamed it would be thru my bones.  

    I would have prob. asked your stand in his basis for that dx, as I asked mine back in 2002 why she thought that.  She only said bcuz it wasn't in my nodes!  I remember asking her if she saw my history, she said that was n o t pertinent!  Unfortunately, he was right but I was so upset that she was unprofessional in dissing her colleague.  My 2nd appt with her, she forgot me.  2 1/2 hrs later I was getting on the elevator and so was she and I reminded her not to charge me for my appointment, she looked dumbfounded so I explained my appointment was for 3p. It is now 530p. And I wanted a refund for my co-pay!  I got the refund and when I got my med. Records for a 2nd opinion 8yrs later, I saw she had written that I was angry when she went to examine me and that I needed to see someone for my anger issues.  I LAUGHED when I read it and showed my onco who knew about my encounter. She tried to cover her as#.


    Sorry To a threatat he felt compelled when only 30% have a recurrence.  I do believe some doctors are missing the common sense chip!  Keep your head up and try and let it roll off!
