Low Iron

roundman17 Member Posts: 2

My wife had Colon Rectal cancer 8 years ago. She has had all the scopes on time. The last one only had 1 polup in June of this year. Her family Dr ordered more blood test this week as a follow up to her regular check. The iron levels are really low. Is this a major cause for concern? some things I have read indicate that cancer may be back in some other form.


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    Hi, there are many reasons an iron level can be low. Mine has been low off and on most of my life and when younger should have been more concerned about my health and taken vitamins like iron.  I am 3 yrs post treatment for anal cancer and since being diagnosed have taken an iron supplement daily.  I really notice a difference in how I feel if I run out and miss a couple days so seldom do miss now.  I would discuss the reasons for the low count with her doctor and any other possible related symptoms such as fatique, weight loss, digestive problems, sleep problems, etc.

    Hopefully this will be an easy fix as she moves forward in health.


  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member
    Call or see the MD

    As eihtak said, there can multiple reasons why the iron level drops. You need to talk to the MD about this. Perhaps, if the level is low enough, follow-up tests or therapies may be indicated. Be sure to write down all your questions before you speak to the doctor on the 'phone or your wife has her follow-up visit and keep notes so you won't forget something. Perhaps only a dietary change is needed (a Registered Dietician can help with that).

    All the best for your wife.

    PS: There is also a separate Colorectal Cancer discussion board to look over, too - http://csn.cancer.org/forum/128