Dealing with emotions post cholangiocarcinoma

NatDaniels Member Posts: 2
In May 2011 I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. Through the whole process of my treatments and diagnosis I was very private about what was going on. Only family and close friends know. This last September I had a very invasive surgery that has left huge scars on my stomach BUT I am cancer free so it was worth it! My issue is I see other people feeling so empowered about fighting/beating cancer. But for some reason to me I almost feel ashamed... I know it doesn't make sense! I guess I wa wondering if I was the only survivor that felt this way?? And how do I overcome it? I got my butt kicked during treatment but I stuck it out and beat it!! I know that is so amazing and I just want to feel empowered and strong...


  • cathyhd
    cathyhd Member Posts: 8
    Nat, think about this

    First off, I hope you get this message.  I'm sorry no one responded.  I think responses are much better on and  I don't visit this site that often either.


    But I wanted to say that you are an amazing survivor, as I am.  It's a miracle.  You get another chance.  You can reform your whole world the way you want.  I try to be humorous about it and say:  I'm pulling out my "C" card.  Meaning, few can blame me for doing things differently to bring joy, less stress, less stressful people, take off, get a dog, do happiness and motivating medications (free on YouTube), dance.


    But, what may actually be holding you back could be that you have anxiety or depression.  Both common.  Little pills are extraordinarily helpful.  A great counselor to help guide you to be happier and less stress free and figure out why you might think you are feeling ashamed.  You are blessed my friend.  People on here might be thinking how badly they would want to be able to say they are cancer free.  You have a gift.  If it reoccurs, kick it to the curb again like I did (with my doctor team).  Get help.  Be proud that you beat ridiculous odds.