I told you I am either a crazy-lady or an optimist...you be the judge!!!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
As most of you know, I recently went to the ER ( Monday, to be exact) and was told that I have fluid on my rt lung..I already had fluid on my lung which had BC cells in it when I was re-dx last May, and I have been responding well to the Tamoxifen. Well, yeah, up until finding cancer in the lymphnode of the previously non affected side, and having surgery to remove the node 3 weeks ago. And now the fluid in my lung...

Why am I telling you this? Because today, Reggie and I did a 5+ mile hike today in rugged terrain, up and down hills on a breathtakingly beautiful 6000 acre preserve!! We saw some gorgeous vistas, native plants and waterfalls. It was a bit tough, I freely admit, but I kept up with the group and had a lovely picnic lunch afterwards. I took Tylenol before the hike, and yeah, my knees are a bit sore, but it was a wonderful day!

And next Saturday? Reggie, Siobhan and I are doing a 10 MILE walk for breast cancer~ I feel confident I can do it, even though it is twice as far, because it is on a flat city street!

I tell you this because though we are of course not cookie cutters in our diagnosis, treatment or anything~ I am not, for example, nor have I ever been, an athlete. I am a 61 year old, stage 4 warrior and Kindred Spirit with all of you. I am tired but my mind-set has always been, if I am going to be tired, I can be tired walking, or at a picnic, or a concert, or my book club~ or at home doing nothing but thinking about how tired I am!

So, if I have encourgaged even one of you to walk, or join a book club, or sit outside and have lunch, that makes me happy! Again, I know we are not all alike, and I mean absolutely no disrespect to any of the sisters here who simply cannot~ but for those of us who have been wanting to , I highly recommend it! The endorphins are worth it, and so is the vitamin D from the sunshine...

I love you, Kindred Spirits!


  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    my vote
    I opt for crazy lady. But then I am too!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    We each find our own outlets, for sure!!!!
    Crazy? Nope!!!! You are a person who knows herself well, and has self-interest, NOT selfish!!!! I agree with you, we all should do what we want, within our physical limits!!!

    Between 2 AC infusions, at Christmastime, I flew to The Netherlands and back. Sure, I wore a mask on the plane, and, being bald as a cueball, I had PLENTY of hats and scarves (the back of my neck was sooooooo cold...I always had a cut that covered it in the past...lol!). But I DID it....and it was MARVELOUS....and it made going back for more chemo a bit more easy....

    So, dear Chen...you must "go where you want to go, do what you want to do, and forever be who you want to be"....to paraphrase a song!!!! (Mamas and Papas....real last line is "With whoever you want to do it with")....

    Dutch knuffels, Kathi
  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    I needed to read this post today! I am usually such an optomist but this has been a tough couple of weeks and I had lost some of it. You are so right--might as well be tired but out doing something to give you memories when you really are too tired to go! I believe you might just be a crazy optomist--me too!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I think your are a
    I think your are a inspiration. I'm like you I will not stop living for cancer. We will fight all the way and win. You go girl Love ya. Feel good!!
  • JoAnn4818
    JoAnn4818 Member Posts: 83
    You've Inspired Me!
    I'm halfway through chemo and I feel awful - so tired. I was thinking of not even getting dressed today even though its beautiful and warm outside. After reading your post I've decided to go out and walk around my own neighborhood at least. I can do that! Thanks!

  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    JoAnn4818 said:

    You've Inspired Me!
    I'm halfway through chemo and I feel awful - so tired. I was thinking of not even getting dressed today even though its beautiful and warm outside. After reading your post I've decided to go out and walk around my own neighborhood at least. I can do that! Thanks!


    You're amazing!
    You are an amazing person and an inspiration to all! Keep on keeping on and doing what you want to do! HUGS!!!! Cathy
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    JoAnn4818 said:

    You've Inspired Me!
    I'm halfway through chemo and I feel awful - so tired. I was thinking of not even getting dressed today even though its beautiful and warm outside. After reading your post I've decided to go out and walk around my own neighborhood at least. I can do that! Thanks!


    Way to go Chen!
    You need to "bottle" and sell your inspiration! The weather here is looking like spring and I can't wait to get outside and dig in the dirt.....I'll leave all this 5-10 mile walks to the truly brave...lol. But I do agree wholeheartedly that engaging in things that bring us joy and pleasure does raise one's spirit..and that in turn can make us feel better physically...during chemo, I was pretty much a couch potato...I'll admit to that...my husband hired a cleaning service to continue through radiation once chemo was over..I let them go as soon as chemo ended...I WANTED to clean my own house again...now that 's really being a "crazy lady!"...but I wanted my life back. I started painting again...

    I have been one of the caregivers for my best friend who is still clinging to life with brain cancer....she is my true hero....she has fought and I do mean fought for 2 1/2 years....talk about a warrior...she wins the prize!...She fully engaged in life until the effects of the tumor limited her mobility knowing all the while she was not going to survive the brain cancer.....she's from Ireland and has always referred to her cancer as "this cheeky ****"...I've learned much from her...and from all of us on this board...We do the best we can, with what we've been given...We're all too aware of how fragile life is and how very short it is...

    So.....do what we want, when we can! Chen, I'll be rooting from the sidelines while you walk your 10 miles....I'll be the one with the gardening gloves on with dirt on my face..
    Hugs to all
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I agree...
    Crazy lady optimist :) I hiked during chemo the last couple I was pretty slow. Thought I was going to be bear bait, but kept up pretty good. Now with winter fading, I have to follow your advise and get back to it.
    Glad to hear your feeling up to it. You are a inspiration to us all. Mmmm think I'll go for a walk. Katz
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    You are an inspiration Chen.
    You are an inspiration Chen. Thanks for sharing. And I am feeling like I desperately need a long hike after that dinner at Arnaud's last night: oysters rockefeller, turtle soup, bananas foster...groan. ;-)
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    MAJW said:

    Way to go Chen!
    You need to "bottle" and sell your inspiration! The weather here is looking like spring and I can't wait to get outside and dig in the dirt.....I'll leave all this 5-10 mile walks to the truly brave...lol. But I do agree wholeheartedly that engaging in things that bring us joy and pleasure does raise one's spirit..and that in turn can make us feel better physically...during chemo, I was pretty much a couch potato...I'll admit to that...my husband hired a cleaning service to continue through radiation once chemo was over..I let them go as soon as chemo ended...I WANTED to clean my own house again...now that 's really being a "crazy lady!"...but I wanted my life back. I started painting again...

    I have been one of the caregivers for my best friend who is still clinging to life with brain cancer....she is my true hero....she has fought and I do mean fought for 2 1/2 years....talk about a warrior...she wins the prize!...She fully engaged in life until the effects of the tumor limited her mobility knowing all the while she was not going to survive the brain cancer.....she's from Ireland and has always referred to her cancer as "this cheeky ****"...I've learned much from her...and from all of us on this board...We do the best we can, with what we've been given...We're all too aware of how fragile life is and how very short it is...

    So.....do what we want, when we can! Chen, I'll be rooting from the sidelines while you walk your 10 miles....I'll be the one with the gardening gloves on with dirt on my face..
    Hugs to all

    Crazy for sure!!
    I'm so glad the 5 mile hike went well! Sounds absolutely wonderful!
    Thanks for your encouragment, inspiration, and spirit - whether it's eating the cookies before dinner or challenging myself to a 3 mile walk - I'm with you all the way - we are a special breed, facing our immortality with no guarantee we are ever really "cured" Makes us realize every single second counts! So, sore muscles (from a great walk), or an extra pound (plate of cookies) - it's so good to feel being alive!
    I can't wait to hear about your 10 mile excursion
    much love,
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Love your enthusiasm.

    Love your enthusiasm.

    I have always felt that I can feel awful at home or doing something I might enjoy. Of course, there are days when no matter how much I want to do something, I just don't have the stamina.... hoping that now that the weather is getting nicer I will be able to walk more without the fear of falling and breaking a bone!

    You are certainly an inspiration, not crazy, but with a will to live!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    You are an inspiration Chen.
    You are an inspiration Chen. Thanks for sharing. And I am feeling like I desperately need a long hike after that dinner at Arnaud's last night: oysters rockefeller, turtle soup, bananas foster...groan. ;-)

    I love it!!!
    I, too, refused to give in during treatment. I don't consider myself a particularly stubborn person--but I sure was about that. Somehow--making myself do everything I wanted and more made me feel less like a cancer patient and more like the vital human being that I am.

    I say--you go girl! True, some just can't do certain things right now--but your post gives the inspiration to know that some day it will happen.

    Your spirit is awesome.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Your blogs are always such
    Your blogs are always such inspirational reads Claudia. I am happy you and your main man, Reggie, went on that tremendous 5 mile hike! How fantastic to be outdoors taking in the natural beauty God has blessed us with.

    This is your time and you give such unwavering optimism on how to keep going no matter what! What's that saying... Life, Love, Laugh! You embody that pearl of wisdom to a "T".

    I can see you doing the 10 mile walk for breast cancer. We know that once the 50 Ft Woman gets it in her mind to do something, consider it done! I am doing the Relay for Life come May with some of my Cali Sisters in Pink! Come to think of it, I do believe there is a Kindred Sister from another state who will be joining us, too. Yeah, the more the merrier!

    Take care, God bless.
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    You GO, Chen!
    Why one or the other? I agree with an earlier comment--you are a crazy optimistic lady! And I think you ROCK!

    You know that being physically active, while tiring, actually creates energy--I'm sure that's a big part of your optimism and determination! You inspire us all.

    We love you, Warrior Queen!

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    what you want
    We get handed this diagnosis and it makes us think of some of the things we regret not having done before. I have done most everything I wanted so far. I do want to hike the Apilacian trail some day, at least part of it. But for now I will settle for a campfire as I am that sort of a person. I will clean up my yard and throw all the winter debris into the fire pit. While doing this I will throw in the power that breast cancer believes it has over my life and burn it up. I used to do this with the stress from my job at least twice a month. Fires also return me to the practices of my Native American heritage which I began to explor in the last 6-7 years or so. Crazy, maybe. Crazy for recovery is ok in my book.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    what you want
    We get handed this diagnosis and it makes us think of some of the things we regret not having done before. I have done most everything I wanted so far. I do want to hike the Apilacian trail some day, at least part of it. But for now I will settle for a campfire as I am that sort of a person. I will clean up my yard and throw all the winter debris into the fire pit. While doing this I will throw in the power that breast cancer believes it has over my life and burn it up. I used to do this with the stress from my job at least twice a month. Fires also return me to the practices of my Native American heritage which I began to explor in the last 6-7 years or so. Crazy, maybe. Crazy for recovery is ok in my book.
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    What an inspiration!
    You are quite the inspiration, Chen. Keep it up, there is no way this disease can get you down! Great to see. I am off for a 7 mile walk right now and I will be thinking of you the entire time.

    You GO girl!

  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    You have the right attitude
    I am a little like you. I didn't even miss a day of work during chemo even when I felt bad because I didn't want to give in to anything. Some of my friends think I am crazy, but I am just a fighter like you. I am not going to let anything keep me from doing what needs to be done! My son (7) says that I am "Sassy". I like that!!!
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    I was so glad to read your post today. It is what I needed to get my mind out of the 'what I can't do' cancer gutter and do what I can do to enjoy something the rest of the day. Bless us all- and also if we have people we know and love in Japan. Take care and will be thinking of you with my pink shirt on next Saturday. Marilyn
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    Thank you for the inspiration...I love being outside and have wanted to buy a little pop-up type tent and even go camping alone--Disney World --I feel safe there. Who knows, maybe my daughter may join me?
    I grew up camping and took my girls until they were too old to enjoy it or have time for it. So, I am very comfortable doing this, and how rejuvenated I would feel!!!