How does your hair grow?

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I loved all the beautiful pics you all sent for my post on "How does your garden grow" I know we would have to post pics on the expession page now. bummer! but I am interested now in how your hair grew/is growing back. Mine is sticking straight up like a porkepine..and is clear like a fishing line (stold that from 12/25) YOU CAN SEE MY SHINING HEAD THROUGH IT.. THERE ARE PATCHES of curley dark brown and fuzzy grey's all over the place!!! It is wild! so I think i should shave my neck up to the hairline and trim aound the ears as it sticks out under my hat!! come on sisters let me know........ luv ya, jackie


  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi Jackie
    Sounds like the same way mine came back. It thickened up and grew fast with lots of grey but I had lots before just didn't realize how much because I colored it. When my hair was about one inch long I dyed it red and spiked it. It felt great after the hats and wigs. Have some fun with it!

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    Jadie said:

    Hi Jackie
    Sounds like the same way mine came back. It thickened up and grew fast with lots of grey but I had lots before just didn't realize how much because I colored it. When my hair was about one inch long I dyed it red and spiked it. It felt great after the hats and wigs. Have some fun with it!


    hair mystery
    I was on taxol/herceptin ... so I did not lose ALL of my hair. The oncologist told me it would "thin" ... and I was stupid enough to think that meant a few hairs here ... and a few hairs there. HA. On day 15 I ran my fingers through my hair and ended up with a hunk of hair. I had a friend shave it all off ... so I wouldn't be shedding all over the place. Over the past 12 weeks of taxol/herceptin ... there were still semi-bald spots but then some of the hair "seemed" to grow ... but it was very thin ... and if I gave it the slightest "pull" ... it would come out. I was beginning to look like a chia-pet ... so I shaved it all off ... and now I'm HOPING it starts coming back ... all alike. Not a splotch here and a splotch there.

    I'm still quite attached to my little denim "bucket hat."

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    tgf said:

    hair mystery
    I was on taxol/herceptin ... so I did not lose ALL of my hair. The oncologist told me it would "thin" ... and I was stupid enough to think that meant a few hairs here ... and a few hairs there. HA. On day 15 I ran my fingers through my hair and ended up with a hunk of hair. I had a friend shave it all off ... so I wouldn't be shedding all over the place. Over the past 12 weeks of taxol/herceptin ... there were still semi-bald spots but then some of the hair "seemed" to grow ... but it was very thin ... and if I gave it the slightest "pull" ... it would come out. I was beginning to look like a chia-pet ... so I shaved it all off ... and now I'm HOPING it starts coming back ... all alike. Not a splotch here and a splotch there.

    I'm still quite attached to my little denim "bucket hat."


    Your hair will come back.
    Your hair will come back. Just be patient. I know that is easy to say, but, it will. It seems it usually comes in gray, no matter what age even. Weird huh? I like the idea of spiking it.
  • ushernthespirit
    ushernthespirit Member Posts: 1
    My last chemo session was in September. I also am sporting the spike look. The majority of my hair is grey. Does anyone know how long after chemo you can start using chemicals (perm, relaxer, etc.) in your hair?
    I had my right breast removed last summer and am coming up on my one year anniversary. I have a prosthesis, but find it to be the most cumbersome thing I have ever encountered. Has anyone done brest reconstruction using the skin from the stomach. I am thinking about reconstruction since I don't want the implants.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Not Fast Enough!
    My hair is sprouting most everywhere, but nothing is long enough to "stick" in any direction. The chemo nurse says that most patients have enough hair to go without a covering by 3 months after chemo. Either I am going to have a growth spurt, or I am behind.

    Glad you've got hair coming along, even gray. Better than none, right?
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    My last chemo session was in September. I also am sporting the spike look. The majority of my hair is grey. Does anyone know how long after chemo you can start using chemicals (perm, relaxer, etc.) in your hair?
    I had my right breast removed last summer and am coming up on my one year anniversary. I have a prosthesis, but find it to be the most cumbersome thing I have ever encountered. Has anyone done brest reconstruction using the skin from the stomach. I am thinking about reconstruction since I don't want the implants.

    Don't know when to invite Lady Clairol?
    but i would also like to get a tummy tuck along with a new girl! my Dr. told me to wait about a year or so I don't have plans yet, also i'm a big chicken and hate to do another surgery.

    I colored my hair before so probably it is grey! Oh well, no one said we had to grow old gracefully! LOL !!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Not Fast Enough!
    My hair is sprouting most everywhere, but nothing is long enough to "stick" in any direction. The chemo nurse says that most patients have enough hair to go without a covering by 3 months after chemo. Either I am going to have a growth spurt, or I am behind.

    Glad you've got hair coming along, even gray. Better than none, right?

    Ah Moopy
    Joe sounded a little alarmed at a few patches of red , he told us about! maybe it will stick straight up like mine and you will have the pippy Longstocking look! (just kidding) oh no! i probably just jinxed myself! hugs, jackie
    BTW, is your sisters name Jacqueline like mine? I was named after Jackie Kennedy. Anyway I hope you two had a great time and shopped till you dopped! LOL!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    rjjj said:

    Ah Moopy
    Joe sounded a little alarmed at a few patches of red , he told us about! maybe it will stick straight up like mine and you will have the pippy Longstocking look! (just kidding) oh no! i probably just jinxed myself! hugs, jackie
    BTW, is your sisters name Jacqueline like mine? I was named after Jackie Kennedy. Anyway I hope you two had a great time and shopped till you dopped! LOL!

    I bet that Moopy and her sister, Jackie, put those Retail Therapy Tutorials to good use!


    Kind regards, Susan
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Jackie, I bet you look great
    Jackie, I bet you look great with or without hair!
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    I have a couple of posts on my expressions page with my hair growing in, but what never got in a camera's view was when I looked like a little old man with male pattern baldness. The sides grew in, the top was bald, boy did I look cute!!! Ha Ha But yes, it eventually all came in, however I do notice the top is still thinner that it used to be. I did not dye my hair until almost a year after rads were done (also posted). But I have been grey since my early 30's and am used to it.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    cats_toy said:

    I have a couple of posts on my expressions page with my hair growing in, but what never got in a camera's view was when I looked like a little old man with male pattern baldness. The sides grew in, the top was bald, boy did I look cute!!! Ha Ha But yes, it eventually all came in, however I do notice the top is still thinner that it used to be. I did not dye my hair until almost a year after rads were done (also posted). But I have been grey since my early 30's and am used to it.

    Thats great, so my husband
    Thats great, so my husband and I are going to be twins. Short,fat & bald. Well not to short.
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    Kat11 said:

    Thats great, so my husband
    Thats great, so my husband and I are going to be twins. Short,fat & bald. Well not to short.

    I finished chemo prematurely on March 10th. I had lost all my hair...but did not mind. It has just started to grow back. I had short,curly,grey hair. Colour is the same, but it is all growinf forward. I quite like it ....will it remain that way? Anybody else have this happen?

    I also have a fuzzy beard on my face....but what the heck???
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Thats great, so my husband
    Thats great, so my husband and I are going to be twins. Short,fat & bald. Well not to short.

    LOL, Kat
    Thanks Kat, I almost choked on my apple when I read your post. Too funny! My hubby has been my baldness coach. So far I have avoided a pic with our shared hairstyle. It looks much, much better on him.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    rjjj said:

    Ah Moopy
    Joe sounded a little alarmed at a few patches of red , he told us about! maybe it will stick straight up like mine and you will have the pippy Longstocking look! (just kidding) oh no! i probably just jinxed myself! hugs, jackie
    BTW, is your sisters name Jacqueline like mine? I was named after Jackie Kennedy. Anyway I hope you two had a great time and shopped till you dopped! LOL!

    Jackie and Susan and Pippi and Shopaholic
    Pippi Longstocking, hmm. Hadn' thought of that. At least I am getting away from the Little Bald Orphan Annie look as I did enjoy some retail therapy and bought a few clothes that fit. I do have a couple of tufts that look red, though. Where that color came from, I do not know.

    BTW, Susan, my sister laughed and laughed reading those tutorials and posts. I believe we would get an A for our adventures this weekend.

    My sister's name is spelled Jaquelyn. She wasn't named after Jackie Kennedy, sorry to say. My mom liked feminine names for her girls: Jacquelyn Carol, Lisa Dawn, Lorrie Denise. You see the pattern. I always thought Jackie is a cool name for a woman.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    I finished chemo prematurely on March 10th. I had lost all my hair...but did not mind. It has just started to grow back. I had short,curly,grey hair. Colour is the same, but it is all growinf forward. I quite like it ....will it remain that way? Anybody else have this happen?

    I also have a fuzzy beard on my face....but what the heck???

    very funny Sausage
    What the heck!lol, I suppose we will have to start plucking, tweezing and shaving everywhere now!! but hey what the heck! LOL!
  • HillBillyNana
    HillBillyNana Member Posts: 107
    dark and curly
    My hair came back dark and curly. I really didn't know what color it was before treatment because I kept it frosted, colored, etc. This picture was taken last year 4 years after chemo ended. Yes, it will grow back. And aren't we all happy just to have hair? I have to straighten my hair now instead of curl it. Very funny. And I have let it grow long just because I am so happy to have it. I am 64 and most people think I color it but this is totally natural color.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Jackie and Susan and Pippi and Shopaholic
    Pippi Longstocking, hmm. Hadn' thought of that. At least I am getting away from the Little Bald Orphan Annie look as I did enjoy some retail therapy and bought a few clothes that fit. I do have a couple of tufts that look red, though. Where that color came from, I do not know.

    BTW, Susan, my sister laughed and laughed reading those tutorials and posts. I believe we would get an A for our adventures this weekend.

    My sister's name is spelled Jaquelyn. She wasn't named after Jackie Kennedy, sorry to say. My mom liked feminine names for her girls: Jacquelyn Carol, Lisa Dawn, Lorrie Denise. You see the pattern. I always thought Jackie is a cool name for a woman.

    Glad your sis enjoyed our silly Retail Therapy posts! She sounds like a pro - doesn't need the Tutorials.

    A+ - I'd say!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Hi Jackie! I bet you still
    Hi Jackie! I bet you still look beautiful, even with the curly fuzzy hair! Just think, you

    could start a new trend possibly? Hang in there, it will all come back!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Noel said:

    Hi Jackie! I bet you still
    Hi Jackie! I bet you still look beautiful, even with the curly fuzzy hair! Just think, you

    could start a new trend possibly? Hang in there, it will all come back!

    yeah Noel
    a new trend....for poodles!haha
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hair hair!
    Jackie, my hair is much like yours I think. Sticking up and fuzzy. It seems overall black to me, but Simon says that it is gray. Gray! I'm not happy at all about that. Does it eventually darken, I wonder? I like the idea of dying it red though. I've always wanted red hair. But I don't want chemicals in my hair anymore. Has anyone used henna dye for hair?

    I have the fuzzy face thing going, too. It's a blond, super fine, down on my cheeks and even my ears! Ick. Nast. I have my first appointment for leg waxing this weekend. It is like an forest down there.

    Moopy, it looks like the spending on hair and products has already begun on my end. I think you will soon follow...
