Update - 5 days after surgery

JimsBrother Member Posts: 94
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hi all,

Just wanted to answer Williams question and give everyone an update. Yes, Jim's surgery was Minimally Invasive. He had 9 small incisions, I think 3 on his back and the rest on his front and side. Three were drains. Today they removed his nasal tube, and that was his personal turning point. Nothing else about this bothered him as much as that tube (catheter) in his nose. They removed it soon after his swallow test which went very well. That means he can now start a liquid diet. You can hear the change in his attitude in his voice. He is really doing very well. No complications, and of course we are praying he continues doing so well. Another change, before the surgery he complained of a constant upset stomach. At first we thought it was the chemo, but after the chemo it didn't go away. So then we thought it was the radiation, but after that stopped, the nausea remained. Tonight after he told me he was able to begin a liquid diet, he said he had some chicken broth. I noticed right away that he did not mention the nausea, so I asked if it still bothered him and he realized that he hasn't had any nausea since after the surgery. We are guessing it had to be because of the tumor.

All in all, he is doing fantastic. I want to thank everyone for your prayers, it's amazing when people you have never met will be so kind and will include you in their prayers like everyone here. I thank you all very very much.

I am sure as anyone that goes through something like this, there is that nagging thought that never really leaves your brain, "Am I going to make it through the surgery", I think he is now resting easy with that one. The stress has to be unbelievable. Yes we have that thought too when we think of our loved ones going through this, but I just can't imagine being in his shoes. He never ever mentioned it, he never doubted he would make it through this, at least he never mentioned it. I know he did think about it. I'm sure he wanted to spare us all and if he didn't mention it then we wouldn't think it.

His wife has been by his side all the way through. She stayed in a hotel next to the hospital in Boston because it's about a 50 minute drive home. She went to work today and she was supposed to stay home tonight and get some rest. Instead she stayed home and put up the Christmas tree and decorated. She wants this to be a very special holiday. He is a very lucky man and she is a very lucky woman.

Anyway, I know everything is resting on the outcome of the labwork, and the next PET scan, but if he can continue to stay strong and improve, he can be one of the 30 something percent that beat this. If attitude was the indicator, then he's already made it.

If there was one wish I could make for Christmas this year, it would be that they find a cure for this damn disease and nobody ever has to go through the pain and suffering ever again.

God bless you all, and may this be the best holidays of your lives.



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  • cjmac49
    cjmac49 Member Posts: 100
    Wonderful news
    Great news. Speedy recovery and Happy Holidays.

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    cjmac49 said:

    Wonderful news
    Great news. Speedy recovery and Happy Holidays.


    just great to hear
    So glad to hear how great Jim is doing and it will only get better!!! Hope your whole family has a wonderful Xmas with Jim and yes there is so much relief after surgery and now he can move forward. Happy Holidays, prayers will continue.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey Rob!
    Nice to hear from you. So happy your brother's surgery went so well. Give him a great big hug from us here on CSN. God bless all of you. Heres to him having a good recovery. Keep in touch.
    Tina in Va
  • ArchTB
    ArchTB Member Posts: 150
    Wonderful news!
    I am so happy to hear about Jim! Wishing him a fast recovery and all the best going forward. Happy Holidays!

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Great news --- a wonderful
    Great news --- a wonderful gift for the holiday.
  • llamp0922
    llamp0922 Member Posts: 40
    good news!
    Thank you for sharing your good news! I think of you and your brother often. Who did his surgery? Be well and Merry Christmas!
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    Good News............
    Glad to hear things are going well. Merry Christmas, many of us have a special reason to celebrate this miracle season.

  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    Wonderful News!
    I am so very happy for your brother and your family. This is wonderful news. Prayers will continue for a good lab report.

    I read this to my husband who is facing MIE January 5th and I believe it lightened his concern. It is good to know how successful this surgery is.

    God Bless,

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Great to hear that things went well

    Great to hear things went well with Jim's surgery. I remember that wonderful nasal tube as well. Mine was stitched in and I was soooo happy to get rid of it.

    I hope the pathology results are good as well!!!

    Best Regards,
    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • rmitchell
    rmitchell Member Posts: 94
    So glad things are going well. My husband is still in the hospital recovering from E surgery. He is on a liquid diet and doing well with that. He is having heart rhythm problems, but they are trying to address that. We are praying he will be able to come home for Christmas.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Rob, So glad your brother is

    Rob, So glad your brother is doing well,. Yes there is a fear facing surgery, but after all I had went thru with the chemo I was ready for it. Every day will get better, but there will be a lot of changes he and the family will have to adjust to. He is so lucky to have a wonderful wife and a brother that is there for him. My support system has always meant so much and really helped me in my recovery.
    I was diagnosed in Nov. 2007. I really thought it would be my last christmas, but here it is, three christmas's later and I am cancer free. The Lord has been so good to me.
    Merry Christmas to you and the family,