Johns Hopkins Health Alerts: Talking About CyberKnife



  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,339 Member
    steckley said:

    Scanning devices

    Thank you for the information on your AS testng protocol. I was not aware of what AS patients did for screening ... I assumed they just did repeat biopsies. Nice to know the biopsies can be targeted.

    I find the rapid inprovements in technolgy astounding. Twenty years ago, who would have dreamed that you could remotely resolve images as small as what can be seen today. Amazing.

    I'm guessing that in the not so distant future we'll be able to wave a flashing light (think Star Trek and Dr. McCoy) over someones abdomen and make a diagnosis.


    targeted biopsy
    ...this is new.........only a few institutions have this capability....I am enrolled in a study ......I have to go thru extra stuff to include , but not limited to an MRI before getting the biopsy...........this whole thing is a pain in the ****( an in joke ).

    Also, many doing active surveillance do not have repeat biopsies , but instead do other less invasive things to monitor how they are doing.
