Daughter Wants to Know if You Breast Fed Your Babies



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Marcia527 said:

    No I didn't. I had the first
    No I didn't. I had the first at 22 years old and the second at 27 years old. I think a lot of other factors have to be considered also.

    Yes I did
    My son for 10 months. Several friends who had breast cancer I have known (before I joined this board) did breast feeding. Unfortunately, it did not protect. Janelle your daughter have to be vigilant and have annual mamo.
  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    Not true
    I breast fed both my kids for a year or more each and got breast cancer at age 41. Breastfeeding decreases the risk (supposedly), but it doesn't keep you safe from breast cancer.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I was not breastfed but did
    I was not breastfed but did breastfed my daughter for 3 years. I had her when I was 33. Was diagnosed with cancer last year at the age of 43. I ate well, was vegetarian, watched my diet, exercised, took care of myself and still got breast cancer. I have a coworker the same age as me with no kids who is 350 lbs with all sorts of problems and no sign of cancer, so far.

    I think there are a great number of factors involved and each person is so different, why one person gets it and another does not even though both maybe doing the same thing or not is a mystery.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I breast fed both my son and daughter.


  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    sea60 said:

    I breast fed both my son and daughter.



    Yes, I breast fed both my
    Yes, I breast fed both my children. I am not overweight, i do not drink, (except an occasional margarita or corona before dx!) i ate a lot of vegies, i ate a lot of fruit. I cooked with olive oil and garlic, i have low body fat, I did not eat "fast foods", I walked daily, excersised when i could. Still got breast cancer.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    meena1 said:

    Yes, I breast fed both my
    Yes, I breast fed both my children. I am not overweight, i do not drink, (except an occasional margarita or corona before dx!) i ate a lot of vegies, i ate a lot of fruit. I cooked with olive oil and garlic, i have low body fat, I did not eat "fast foods", I walked daily, excersised when i could. Still got breast cancer.

    My mom was not able to
    My mom was not able to breast feed her 3 children,and at age 60 still no signs of breast cancer... but I did try. With my 1st 17yrs ago when I was 24 I tried for 3wks, and stoped whn I wnt back to work (Family leave act was not enforced yet)with my 2nd daughter I was 31 I breastfeed for 3months. Personally, I dont believe breast feeding has anything to do with Breast Cancer. Thats my opinion.

  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    meena1 said:

    Yes, I breast fed both my
    Yes, I breast fed both my children. I am not overweight, i do not drink, (except an occasional margarita or corona before dx!) i ate a lot of vegies, i ate a lot of fruit. I cooked with olive oil and garlic, i have low body fat, I did not eat "fast foods", I walked daily, excersised when i could. Still got breast cancer.

    My mom was not able to
    My mom was not able to breast feed her 3 children,and at age 61 still no signs of breast cancer... but I did try. With my 1st 17yrs ago when I was 24 I tried for 3wks, and stoped whn I wnt back to work (Family leave act was not enforced yet)with my 2nd daughter I was 31 I breastfeed for 3months. I was dx 10yrs later at 41 with stage 2 breast cancer. Personally, I dont believe breast feeding has anything to do with Breast Cancer. Thats my opinion.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    meena1 said:

    Yes, I breast fed both my
    Yes, I breast fed both my children. I am not overweight, i do not drink, (except an occasional margarita or corona before dx!) i ate a lot of vegies, i ate a lot of fruit. I cooked with olive oil and garlic, i have low body fat, I did not eat "fast foods", I walked daily, excersised when i could. Still got breast cancer.

    I did breast feed my children .. I am also a Type A
    personality - high stressed, and I flourish performing 6 different functions at 1 time - I am also - the FIRST women in my family -- 3 generations (Mom's sister had lymph node cancer - 20 years ago) to have this dreaded 'beast' breast cancer.

    I did occassional have a drink, out at dinner - probably once a month. Most importantly,
    I smoked as a teen and into my early 20's - never more than 1 pack of cig's per week = stoped smoking - cold turkey, until 3 to 4 years ago -- picked up the habit again .. SMOKED 1 pack a day ***** - due to stress until October 20, 2009 -- quit cold turkery .. oh .. how difficult it was to quit .. even tho I was going thru CHEMO, and my ONC told me I had enough to worry about, smoking was the least of my worries (see, I told you all he is a little off - mentally).

    Ex-smoker .. Vicki Sam
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    I breast fed both my
    I breast fed both my daughters. I had my first at age 31.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I agree this will be
    I agree this will be interesting to read the results. I was 31 when I had my daughter and, yes, I did breast feed her. No history of breast cancer in my family either. Both my mother (deceased) and sister have had fibrocystic (sp) tumors. My mother most have had between 4-6 surgeries throughout her lifetime. So, I wish it were true that if you breast feed you have no cancer worries. But, it doesn't sound like that's got much truth to it!!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I did not breast feed
    either of my children who I had at age 27 & 29. My mother did not breast feed any of the 4 of us girls. Her mother died of breast cancer. My mom and youngest sister have had benign tumors removed. All 4 of us have had fibrocystic breasts as do our daughters (each of us had 1 daughter). My youngest niece was just dx with a benign tumor. My daughter will go for her 1st mammo next year at age 35. That's the age I started. My daughter did not breast feed her 2 girls but my daughter-in-law has breast fed 3 for a year each and she is due Nov. 2 and I'm sure she'll be breast feeding. One sister did breast feed for 2 months and she is a postmenopausal bc survivor.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Yep, I breast fed my daughter for 2 1/2 yrs because she was the hardest baby to wean ever. Finally weaned her to a bottle (I knw, I know). My 2 sisters that had cancer also both breast fed.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Didn't breast feed either of my two kids....my daughter has with all 3 of hers for 14 months each.......have a friend who just finished all her treatment.....she breast fed all 3 of hers..My daughter's friend, just finished all her treatment.....she's 41 her first at 19......breasts fed all three...it's a crap shoot, I think! Sad truth is, they have no clue what causes it...I am in a study at UNC CHAPEL HILL........one of the 200+ questions they asked......could I remember how much I weighed when I was 10 years old....no.....other than I was a string bean! We just do the best we can .......
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    only had one
    and I did not breast feed.

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I breast fed both my daughters. The second one for 2 years. I think if it were that easy baby formula companies would be much richer.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Boobie babies
    Had 3 kids all before age 30 and breast fed all till age 2 ish. No family hx and negative for BRCA gene. Go figure. The benifit is healthy children when growing up. No earaches, allergies,colds etc... I was told at the beginning by my onc, there is around 32 different types of breast cancer. Breast feeding may ward off one or two. Chances are still to high that we'll get cancer. I'm happy for happy healthy kids. My daughter had her first child at 30. Boy she has great milk. Juni weighs 18lbs and is almost 6 months old. What a little cherub. Glad ur daughter is breast feeding. We may not always benifit from it, but the little ones do.
    I had dense breast tissue. That's a sign to watch for also. Hugs Katz
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    No, I didn't breast feed.
    I had two children by C-Section and didn't feel like breast feeding and after throwing up for nine months and not able to take vitamins I didn't feel like my milk would be good for them anyway. I was diagnosed at age 54.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Yes...and That's How I Found My Lump
    My son was 15 months old when I was diagnosed. I stopped nursing when he was 12 months. I noticed a couple of months after I stopped nursing that there was a lump on my left breast. Went to my gyne and she felt it too and thought I should get it checked out. I was 6 months shy of turning 35 and that's when you do a baseline mammogram anyway. We both didn't expect it to be cancer. She thought it may just be a clogged duct. Well, it wasn't. It was cancer.

    I have never heard the theory that nursing can stop one from getting bc cancer. I have heard and my oncologist has told me that research does support that women that have children after 30 have a slight increase risk in developing bc. Something about the homorne surges that happens while pregnant. I've also been told that if you've been diagnosed with bc and go on to have additional children, there is no higher risk in recurrance. I did have another child 4 years after my diagnoses. Haven't had any additional problems. I'll be celebrating 9 years on Sept. 14!:)

    So...hope that helps?!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Had my first baby when I was
    Had my first baby when I was 39, my second when I was 43 and third when I was 45! I breastfed all three - 8-9 years in all. My mom believed in formula. My breast cancer was discovered when I was 57 - not twelve months after my mom and youngest sister were diagnosed. None of us carries the BRCA.

    I am a great believer in breastfeeding (obviously). I don't believe that a formula exists that can replicate or be better than mother's milk. It is the lovely, lazy way to feed your baby. xoxoxox Lynn
  • Thank You For Responding
    I was surprised to read how many of you breast fed. I was hoping that the answers would have been different. I am beginning to wonder if breast cancer is caused by a virus. It does not make sense as to why one person gets breast cancer and another does not!

    I am going to copy and paste all your responses so that my daughter can read them.

    Lots of Hugs,