Update on Hubby

Jan Trinks
Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi all:

Basketcase wife here again! Just wanted to let y'all know that Charlie did well with his first dose of Erbitux today. Actually he slept through it all! He'd taken one of his morphine tablets early this morning about 6 and then about 8:30 one oxycodone since we were going to be there a while and then of course they gave him benadryl before the erbitux so Sleeping Beauty had a nice nap. But no low blood pressures or breathing problems. We go back tomorrow for the taxotere and then weekly after that. His calcium was a little high but onc. said that wasn't unusual for this type of cancer and he said for him to drink a lot of fluids and he'd give him some zomeda or something like that tomorrow along with the taxotere. Thanks for all the prayers and continued ones and will keep you posted. We're planning on going to NC Thursday to tell his parents that are 81 and 86 and worry like crazy and then constantly talk about it! When we were up there Christmas of '08 after his second inductive chemo for head and neck and started home I asked him, "Charlie, if you didn't have cancer, what would your parents have had to talk about?" So after they know this (his two brothers already know the score) and they start this up (his mother is real bad about poor little ole Charlie; - absolutely drives me up a wall!) I'm going to be ready (sweet and nice of course) and head them off at the pass that we do not want any negativity; only positive thinking and prayers, prayers, prayers. If that doesn't do it I'll head down to my brother and sister in laws house and stay with them. Lord knows, I've done enough worrying and crying and now we're in the fight mode and I'm not letting anybody or anything destroy it! There I'll get off my soapbox now! Thanks again and we'll continue to keep you posted!

Jan and Charlie


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    for the update. And, yes, keep it in the Positive w/Charlie. And you got the Prayers coming your way.


  • Hal61
    Hal61 Member Posts: 655
    in laws
    Good for you and Charlie, Jan. My mom and dad in laws are 80 and 86, and the mother in law recently went through a scary time with a hospital stay. They too are tough customers to deal with in terms of changing their routine, communicating, so it can be trying. But positive is the only way to stay, primary to faith, thought, and action. You do what it takes to stay that way.

    best, Hal