I have all the symptoms of a hernia

Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
At least I hope it's a hernia. One side of my belly is somewhat painful and when I "pooch out" my stomach, there is a hard spot on that side (the left), whereas the right side remains soft and squishy. When I lie down, it disappears.

My question is.......should I just have my PCP take a look, or do I need to mention it to my gyn/oncologist? I am scheduled next Wed for a colonoscopy, and then have my blood work done later the same day. Dammit....if I'm sick of anything, it's doctors.



  • NCEllen
    NCEllen Member Posts: 115
    If it keeps poking out and
    If it keeps poking out and stays hard, or cont. to be painful I'd call the gyn/onc. Only because he's been 'inside' and has a somewhat mental map of how you've been put back together with the all in all that you've been through. Sometimes I think PCP's tend to not want to deal with any potential surgical issues, even when it's been this long in a post-op period. The triage nurse can probably tell you what to look for as far as a hernia goes, and when maybe to be checked out. Good luck that it goes away. I understand the unortunate 'memorizing' of my Dr.s phone # in my head. Never used to be in my personal phone book!
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    Hi Hissy,
    I had a similar situation. Sadly, my mind can't remember the exact details, but it was a result of the surgery. It eventually resolved itself. I did see my gyn/onc., as he did the surgery and knew my insides! 'Hope you get relief and answers soon.
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    Just a thought
    My left side is soft and squishy and my right side is a bit more poochy, I just had my gyn/onc appointment, and he said all was well. I'm thinking the right side is where he had to do most of the surgery on me? Perhaps your surgery was focused on the left?

    I've decided that from now on, any doctor visit should result in lunch or dinner at my favorite restaurant!

    :) Hugs

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    leesag said:

    Just a thought
    My left side is soft and squishy and my right side is a bit more poochy, I just had my gyn/onc appointment, and he said all was well. I'm thinking the right side is where he had to do most of the surgery on me? Perhaps your surgery was focused on the left?

    I've decided that from now on, any doctor visit should result in lunch or dinner at my favorite restaurant!

    :) Hugs


    I took your advice, Leesa.
    I took your advice, Leesa. We had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory!

