Lyle's stent...Ugh!!

Lylesmyprince Member Posts: 130
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Lyle had his stent place yesterday morning. He came out of the procedure with a lot of pain and vomiting. Pain came and a cramp. Pain meds didn't seem to do the trick. He spent the rest of the day and night in pain and vomiting. News came down the pike today that the stent has already fallen and has to be removed tonight and a feeding tube placed. Lyle's blood pressure is high from the fluids he received yesterday during the he was off to dialysis in the hospital and then straight to the endoscopy unit for today's procedure. He is not happy...he's crabby...worried. His complications with dialysis and new people working on him who are unfamiliar with his health needs is concerning to him. He tries to tell everyone what to do. He isn't normally this it's hard to watch. Thankfully, my dad was there to lean on. Looks like beginning treatment for this cancer will be put off another week. Next week will be 2 months since the cancer was found...and treatment.

Feeling the need to vent,



  • MOE58
    MOE58 Member Posts: 589 Member
    Well if he is crabby well welcome to CANCER, they get this way cause men hat to be sick. sorry he has to have the stent out we didn't have one of those so not familiar with them.

    You have only begun so there is going to be alot more grumpiness, hatefulness, and wonder where the man went you married.

    Expect to cry alot, its coming if we can help we are here.

  • mumphy
    mumphy Member Posts: 440
    MOE58 said:

    Well if he is crabby well welcome to CANCER, they get this way cause men hat to be sick. sorry he has to have the stent out we didn't have one of those so not familiar with them.

    You have only begun so there is going to be alot more grumpiness, hatefulness, and wonder where the man went you married.

    Expect to cry alot, its coming if we can help we are here.



    I'm Kathy aka Mumphy, not sure if we have met. I am sorry to hear that the stent didn't take.

    I remember when Al had his first one it did slip, the put back in place and he had no problems until after surgery.

    Cranky just comes with the territory, with the meds and all the tests plus the added medical condition would make anyone cranky. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY!!!! WHEN HE GETS LIKE THAT JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND SAY A PRAYER, AND THEN GO AND CRY IF YOU WANT. HE DOESN'T MEAN IT

    Remember you can vent here anytime!!!

    God Bless,
  • Lylesmyprince
    Lylesmyprince Member Posts: 130
    mumphy said:


    I'm Kathy aka Mumphy, not sure if we have met. I am sorry to hear that the stent didn't take.

    I remember when Al had his first one it did slip, the put back in place and he had no problems until after surgery.

    Cranky just comes with the territory, with the meds and all the tests plus the added medical condition would make anyone cranky. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY!!!! WHEN HE GETS LIKE THAT JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND SAY A PRAYER, AND THEN GO AND CRY IF YOU WANT. HE DOESN'T MEAN IT

    Remember you can vent here anytime!!!

    God Bless,

    The stent was still there!!
    Amazing...but the doctor found that the stent was still in the place he left it. So no feeding tube needed at this time. Lyle is so week with all these procedures that require no eating or drinking. He is spending another night. I'm going to work tomorrow and my dad is taking over for me tomorrow until I get home. I will be glad to have a change of pace. It is a busy week where I work...spring break at a pediatric dental office is one busy week!!

    Thanks for your words...and, Lori, I know it is going to be tough and full of challenges, including crankiness...we have been dealing with life threatening illness for 2 and 1/2 years. I just have to express my sorrow sometimes.

  • survivorfam
    survivorfam Member Posts: 41

    The stent was still there!!
    Amazing...but the doctor found that the stent was still in the place he left it. So no feeding tube needed at this time. Lyle is so week with all these procedures that require no eating or drinking. He is spending another night. I'm going to work tomorrow and my dad is taking over for me tomorrow until I get home. I will be glad to have a change of pace. It is a busy week where I work...spring break at a pediatric dental office is one busy week!!

    Thanks for your words...and, Lori, I know it is going to be tough and full of challenges, including crankiness...we have been dealing with life threatening illness for 2 and 1/2 years. I just have to express my sorrow sometimes.


    My husband had a terrible
    My husband had a terrible time with his stent. It had to eventually be removed because of the amount of pain it was causing. I don't think I know all of your story but I am definitely thinking of you and your husband. It's easiest to take one hurdle at a time. I never wanted to be able to go to work more than during cancer treatment. It just seemed so "normal". Things progress, it just doesn't seem like it sometimes. Cranky will pass.

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599

    The stent was still there!!
    Amazing...but the doctor found that the stent was still in the place he left it. So no feeding tube needed at this time. Lyle is so week with all these procedures that require no eating or drinking. He is spending another night. I'm going to work tomorrow and my dad is taking over for me tomorrow until I get home. I will be glad to have a change of pace. It is a busy week where I work...spring break at a pediatric dental office is one busy week!!

    Thanks for your words...and, Lori, I know it is going to be tough and full of challenges, including crankiness...we have been dealing with life threatening illness for 2 and 1/2 years. I just have to express my sorrow sometimes.


    Hopefully Lyle will


    Hopefully Lyle will start to feel a little better -- my thoughts and prayers are with you as you face the start of Chemo and radiation. Keep the faith.

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member

    Hopefully Lyle will


    Hopefully Lyle will start to feel a little better -- my thoughts and prayers are with you as you face the start of Chemo and radiation. Keep the faith.


    Lyle's stent
    Hi Susie,
    sorry about the stent problems, just hope he does not have any more procedures and can use the stent to get his nutrition in. He sure has a right to be crabby and his kidney problems are a big issue and don't blame him for worrying about different hands in the mix. From what I have read, men seem to get cranky even with out added issues that Lyle has. my prayers are with you and hope he gets some rest. I was diagnosed in July,2009 and did not begin my chemo and radiation till Sept and not operated on till December, many tests and procedures before my treatment, so it does take time but don't blame you for wanting to start too. take care,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member

    The stent was still there!!
    Amazing...but the doctor found that the stent was still in the place he left it. So no feeding tube needed at this time. Lyle is so week with all these procedures that require no eating or drinking. He is spending another night. I'm going to work tomorrow and my dad is taking over for me tomorrow until I get home. I will be glad to have a change of pace. It is a busy week where I work...spring break at a pediatric dental office is one busy week!!

    Thanks for your words...and, Lori, I know it is going to be tough and full of challenges, including crankiness...we have been dealing with life threatening illness for 2 and 1/2 years. I just have to express my sorrow sometimes.


    Hi Susie and Lyle,
    Hooray! I

    Hi Susie and Lyle,
    Hooray! I was so glad to read that the stent was still there. Sorry he had to suffer with so much pain and vomiting, but hopefully he is recovered from that by now. I remember after my dad had his stent put in, his throat was sore, and his voice was raspy for a few weeks, but his voice came back not too soon after. Keep up the good work. Keep your faith. The only place to go from here is up, so hang on for the ride! Will be thinking and praying for you both.