The bus leaves for Cancertown on the 28th and this time I'm not on it

1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yep it's true I refuse to get on that bus. Actually I have a question about RADs. I've finished 28 whole breast and am pretty burnt and a bit tired. I am scheduled for 5 boosters which I will finish (God willing) on the 28th of December. What can I expect from the boosts will they make me more tired or will I feel about the same I did with the regular RADS? Will my skin in the incision sight get any worse due to the increased dosage of rads? Any input you may have will be appreciated. Love Surf


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    For me, I didn't notice
    For me, I didn't notice anything different with the boosts except for where the machine was positioned. I was a little more tired but that's because the effects of the radiation is accumulated over time. I used my lotions continually and while I did continue to burn it was at the same rate. I don't know if they use increased dosages of radiation for the boosts or if they are just in a more concentrated area. My whole breast was done in three places and the machine would deliver the rads and then move to the next spot and then the third spot. With the boosters it was just one area right on the area the tumor was. Maybe it was increased in dosage but I never asked so I don't know. I didn't have much burning, mostly tanned, but I peeled and itched alot and flaking skin in my bra. Yes, I was able to wear a bra throughout. Hope that the last of these goes well and happy the 28th will mark the end of rads.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    fauxma said:

    For me, I didn't notice
    For me, I didn't notice anything different with the boosts except for where the machine was positioned. I was a little more tired but that's because the effects of the radiation is accumulated over time. I used my lotions continually and while I did continue to burn it was at the same rate. I don't know if they use increased dosages of radiation for the boosts or if they are just in a more concentrated area. My whole breast was done in three places and the machine would deliver the rads and then move to the next spot and then the third spot. With the boosters it was just one area right on the area the tumor was. Maybe it was increased in dosage but I never asked so I don't know. I didn't have much burning, mostly tanned, but I peeled and itched alot and flaking skin in my bra. Yes, I was able to wear a bra throughout. Hope that the last of these goes well and happy the 28th will mark the end of rads.

    I got more "pinker" and sore
    I got more "pinker" and sore at the booster site, even though they are a different type of radiation. I was already tired, so, it just accumulated. Just keep using lotions a lot. I never wore a bra during rads unless I was going out in public, meaning besides the cancer center.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Missed you, Surf
    Just wanted to say it's nice to see you here, Surf!

    Don't have any answers for you myself, as I'm right behind you -- I've had 26 rads, so will start my 5 boosters on Wednesday, and finish on December 30th. I'm also really red all over, and, in my case, just worn out, mentally and physically.

    So that bus will have *2* fewer passengers on it by the end of the year!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Missed you, Surf
    Just wanted to say it's nice to see you here, Surf!

    Don't have any answers for you myself, as I'm right behind you -- I've had 26 rads, so will start my 5 boosters on Wednesday, and finish on December 30th. I'm also really red all over, and, in my case, just worn out, mentally and physically.

    So that bus will have *2* fewer passengers on it by the end of the year!


    Yes, the boosters will burn you more, or, if you don't burn, they will effect you more, but, not a lot, depending on how many you get. They are a different type of rad treatment as someone said, but, they will still affect the area treated. I was already exhausted from the reg rads, so, I don't know if the booster's made me more tired or not. Rads just made me tired, boosters or not towards the end. The good thing is that the area treated all over with the reg rads will start to heal while you are getting the boosters.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hello, Surf!
    Sorry, can't help with your questions about boosters because I didn't get them.

    Am posting because it's so great to see you here! And - I am so darned glad (and relieved for you) that you're almost done with treatment. A huge accomplishment.

    We're all waiting for you, cheering loudly, at the finish line.

    Kind regards,
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Hey Surf... so glad that you
    Hey Surf... so glad that you are posting again... and so glad that you are about finished with treatments.... Boosters.. for me.. I had already burned really bad by the time those started... I had seven boosters... time on the table is the same.. and this time the machine is up close and personal... directed right to where the tumor was... I took the week of boosters off work... figured I was already sore and exhausted enough... I napped quite a bit during that week... and to be honest I still get tired easily... (don't know if that is still from radiation which I finished the end of October or from my current treatment regiment)...

    Please let us know how your doing... and when you reach that glorious finish line... we want to celebrate with you!

    Gentle hugs,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    taleena said:

    Hey Surf... so glad that you
    Hey Surf... so glad that you are posting again... and so glad that you are about finished with treatments.... Boosters.. for me.. I had already burned really bad by the time those started... I had seven boosters... time on the table is the same.. and this time the machine is up close and personal... directed right to where the tumor was... I took the week of boosters off work... figured I was already sore and exhausted enough... I napped quite a bit during that week... and to be honest I still get tired easily... (don't know if that is still from radiation which I finished the end of October or from my current treatment regiment)...

    Please let us know how your doing... and when you reach that glorious finish line... we want to celebrate with you!

    Gentle hugs,


    The boosters are faster.
    The boosters are faster. They only shoot you once. You will burn more at that area if you are already burnt there, but, not much more. You will still be tired, that just comes with rads. So, rest, take naps, go to bed early, do w/e you can to get rested. Good luck!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Kylez said:

    The boosters are faster.
    The boosters are faster. They only shoot you once. You will burn more at that area if you are already burnt there, but, not much more. You will still be tired, that just comes with rads. So, rest, take naps, go to bed early, do w/e you can to get rested. Good luck!

    KYLEZ ♥

    Hey surfermom
    Do you surf? your family surf? We live in Sebastian, Florida and also own a home in Costa Rica, and all 4 of my kids as well as me and my husband enjoy the sport. I have to admit I've become the surf photographer, though. That way I can live it through my lens.
    Let us know how it goes with the rads. I'm scheduled to begin my round in Feb.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Mama G said:

    Hey surfermom
    Do you surf? your family surf? We live in Sebastian, Florida and also own a home in Costa Rica, and all 4 of my kids as well as me and my husband enjoy the sport. I have to admit I've become the surf photographer, though. That way I can live it through my lens.
    Let us know how it goes with the rads. I'm scheduled to begin my round in Feb.

    Missed you surfermom! Glad
    Missed you surfermom! Glad to see you posting. I agree with what everyone else wrote. The boosters are at the tumor site and that area got sorer and darker pink. The rest of that side started to heal during the boosters which was great. Keep the lotions on that area thick. And, continue to use them for a couple of weeks after you are done with rads.

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Hey, Surf! Great to hear
    Hey, Surf! Great to hear from you and know that you are almost done. I too noticed no difference in the boosters. My rad onc. warned me that my skin would be at its most painful about a week after the last treatment, but it would then begin to heal quickly. Of course that is exactly what happened.

    You are almost at the finish line. We will celebrate with you, so keep in touch as you can. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Hey, Surf! Great to hear
    Hey, Surf! Great to hear from you and know that you are almost done. I too noticed no difference in the boosters. My rad onc. warned me that my skin would be at its most painful about a week after the last treatment, but it would then begin to heal quickly. Of course that is exactly what happened.

    You are almost at the finish line. We will celebrate with you, so keep in touch as you can. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

    You will soon be done and
    You will soon be done and won't that be great? The booster's will affect your tumor site more, so, be sure and use your creams. And, you will still be tired. That is just radiation period! So, get rest, use your creams and be gentle with your skin. We will all party with you when you are done.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757

    I talked to the RAD tech about boosts. She explained that you don't get more radiation or a higher dose on a boost. The beam is is narrowed to the area where they removed the tumor. They also use a couple of different types of radiation but I can't remember what that is. I will ask again tomorrow. As for how it effects your skin...everyone is different so some may become more red and irritated and some may not. Hope this helps.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    aztec45 said:


    I talked to the RAD tech about boosts. She explained that you don't get more radiation or a higher dose on a boost. The beam is is narrowed to the area where they removed the tumor. They also use a couple of different types of radiation but I can't remember what that is. I will ask again tomorrow. As for how it effects your skin...everyone is different so some may become more red and irritated and some may not. Hope this helps.


    You have been given great
    You have been given great advice here Surfer. The rads you get in the booster are a different type of radiation like someone said. But, you will still continue to burn in that area, if you are already burnt, but, not bad. Keep using your creams all of the time.

    Good luck!

  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    missed you Surf!
    So glad to see you online, haven't been able to reach you lately and have been worried. Rads are tough but it sounds like you are almost there! The boosters aren't too bad, they just concentrate the area more that the previous ones. Call me if you need to talk