Sharing Ned

Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Everyone.... I also have to share the news about my latest checkup. All is clean and good on my top half. There is not even any evidence of scar tissue! I am so pleased by this it's hard to put into words. Still taking the Tamoxie, and it seems to be doing okay with huge side effects. My labwork also shows my Ca125 levels are still at 15, so that is great news also!We next do some poking and prodding in October.

While I am still unemployed at the moment, I was accepted for a volunteer job at one of our hospice agencies. I will be doing some office work (which gets me the experience I need) and some patient visiting. I am so looking forward to this. I have kept busy with volunteering here and there for things this summer and boy, have I met the most interesting people. And I am in my last term at school for my degree. If I get an internship next month, well, it could not get any better than this. I am so glad that I will be getting a degree I can't even find the words for it.It has been a long two years. I cannot believe that I had 3 surgeries last year and here I am still up and going.

Thank you to all the ladies here on the board for your support and sharing your stories. Many days I read them and they have kept me going. I love you all. Hugs, Cindy


  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    That is to hear good news! My CA125 is at 7 and CT still shows NED for me also. I finished Chemo Oct 6, 2008 Congratulations on getting your degree what an accomplishment!
    (((HUGS))) Joan
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Hi to both of you may you continue to be NED forever!!! Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs, Terry
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    What wonderful news.. I am dancing with you. Hugs bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I am dancing with joy for you both in NED. Keep it up. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy.... Saundra
  • aboli
    aboli Member Posts: 9
    wonderful, cindy and Joan
    That is really very good. I am new here, just showed up 2 days back.
    You all seem to be nice group here, cheering, supporting sharing information and much more.
    I feel nice to have found you people.

    My surgery is on 17th aug. for histerectomy and more as needed.

    Nice to hear about people who made through the tunnel and now in the light.
    Cindy, Vow! inspite of 3 surgeries and those chemo shows you are going to be graduating!
    congrats. How interesting, you are doing some volunteer work too. bravo!

    by the way what is NED stands for?

  • aboli said:

    wonderful, cindy and Joan
    That is really very good. I am new here, just showed up 2 days back.
    You all seem to be nice group here, cheering, supporting sharing information and much more.
    I feel nice to have found you people.

    My surgery is on 17th aug. for histerectomy and more as needed.

    Nice to hear about people who made through the tunnel and now in the light.
    Cindy, Vow! inspite of 3 surgeries and those chemo shows you are going to be graduating!
    congrats. How interesting, you are doing some volunteer work too. bravo!

    by the way what is NED stands for?


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  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Great, great, great and may NED continue for you both forever................

    In His Grip,
    Libby ☺☺☺☺☺