Hello Ladies

floridajo Member Posts: 480
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
First let me say I'm sorry I have been gone for so long...time seems to slip by so fast. I'm very happy to see the site has been revamped and is working really fast. I for one will be on here more often..that was part of the reason I wasn't here,the site was soooo slow.
I completed my chemo on June 2nd for my second recurrence. On July 26th I had my first post ca-125 and Onc visit. My number was 10.9 and my exam went perfect. I went to see my Primary Dr and he wanted a ultrasound of my abd because he heard murmurs in my vena cava. While the tech was doing this exam I asked her to scan a bit and look for any fluid. I had been having alot of "belly aches" felt like my belly was being stretched. Sure enough I had pockets of fluid beginning. I had a copy sent to my Onc..and we both decided to stay off chemo because I was not only feeling great,but everything else was clear.We know the cancer was coming back..but I wanted off chemo for a while and like I said the Onc felt I would be fine. Now fast forward another month....I'm filled with fluid.....I mean filled and the pain is unbearable. For those who have had a child it feels like a baby rolling around and stretching inside my abd area. So I know the fluid is moving my intestines as well as some organs. I am having alot of heartburn,nausea and diarrhea(sorry to be so graphic) Tomorrow is the soonest I will see the Onc,but I did have a stat CT scan last week,and my cancer has returned. I'm so disappointed and scared!!! I just finished chemo...I felt great 11 days ago..what the he** happenned?? I feel like I've been ran over. I have never had a recurrence come on so strong with a normal ca-125 number. Usually I have the trend of upwards numbers before I start any symptoms. I'm as sick now as I was when diagnosed. I know and have been giving it to God as much as I can..but the fear still creeps up on me. You know we all have that 5 year mark..and I'll be having my 4th year on Nov.5th..so I'm wondering~~~~I hate this disease...thatnks for listening to my woes and rants((((hugz))) to all~~~Joanne


  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Joanne - what the H*** exactly! I am so sorry that you are going through all of this again. You deserve years and years of excellent health - as do we all. My oncologist is all about "watching the numbers" but hearing your news that you were at 10.9 one month and now feel like you do makes me worry even more. I realize we are all different, all react to our therapies different, and are all on our own journey even while cheering each other on - but it really seems like so many horrible things are happening to the members of our board at once.

    I applaud your being up front and "graphic" - because you are just being honest. There is no way to make cancer pretty.

    Please let us know what you find out at your appointment tomorrow and I will be keeping you close in my thoughts. Hang in there.

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  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    unknown said:

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    I yet to see my Onc so I don't know where the cancer has come back to. With my last 2 recurrences they were both in my abd area. I will get a copy of the report today while at his office. I also had alot of ascites at diagnosis...as a matter of fact that is what lead to my diagnosis. They drained the fluid(1900cc),tested the fluid,saw the abnormal cells and then did a ct scan which confirmed the cancer. At surgery they drained another 3500ccs off me. Last Dec they drained another 850 cc off and I started back on chemo. I haven't felt this bad since my diagnosis and am scared it could be a growth as well as fluid. Thanks for thinking about me~~~Joanne
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Here for you
    Dear Joanne, I am so sorry to hear of your relapse. Life can throw some wicked pitches our way, can't they?

    As Christians there is a caveat: Our hope does not merely begin and end in ourselves. Our hope is ultimately not in us, but in our Creator and Redeemer.

    I know you are disappointed. Is this the first liquid build up you have had? I have not had any yet.
    Will they drain your fluid at some point?

    Come on and put on your armor, Joanne. You are strong in the fight. Glad to have you back in the discussion because you have such knowledge and have been so willing to teach those coming behind you.((HUGS and PRAYERS)) Saundra
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Joanne, sorry to hear your latest update..I hate this disease too..and woes and rants are always welcome here. I pray you are finding something for the pain and you never know I had a long battle with fluid in my abdomen(that they thougth was ascites) that proved not to be ascites but the largest lymphocele they ever saw. And it would get so big it would shut down the uretha so no urine could pass and the pain was worse than labor pains. Now that I shared more than you needed to know ~ I'll end by sending Hugs N Prayers and one of my favorite verses. Bonnie

    Isaiah 43 1-3 But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

    When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

    For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    6 years
    The five year mark means nothing. There are women who have had it 13 years and still going on and off with chemo. I have had it over six years. I look at it like diabetis. The chemo takes it away for a while then you go back to get it controlled again as a diabetic takes insulin to control theirs. Believe me I have had my days that I get angry but then it does no good and I think about my blessings instead. I am lucky I don't get sick and it shrinks so I can get a break. I wait for it to go below 100 before I take break. Its been as high as 14,000. Some women 25,000. Some have high counts small tumors, some big tumors and small counts. The Dr. told me just go by the fact it goes down not the number of what it is.
    The fluid builds up in me too, but again I am lucky no pain. My tumors are no bigger then the end of your thumb and they are only on lymphnodes. Chemo just makes me weak and tired. I hope all goes well with you Joanne. Remember we have cancer but it doesn't have us.
    God Bless and My prayers are with you
    Sandy Green