Worried for Mother In Law

liverpoolgirl Member Posts: 44
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello all
Well you all know I do not post that often, am a true lurker. My husband is a Stage 4 Rectal Cancer patient, still in treatment but doing OK.

What I am so concerned about is my Mother In Law, she was dx with Stage 111A nsc lung cancer, and is having her first treatment today (I hope). Well yesterday she went for lab work as you do prior to treatment, she was anemic (sp) and needed a blood transfusion (1 unit) and also a shot neup (sp) to boost her white count. She has not had any treatments and already needed 1 unit of blood and probably another unit later this week.

She is 73 and so tired, so I just dread the treatments, my husband tolerated his OK plus he was 50 when dx in 2002. My husband talks with his Mom about her treatments, but still its so scary for her.

Just wanted to vent a little, dont like to go on to much with my husband as he needs to get through his own treatments will as little stress as possible.

Thanks for listening

Keep up the Fight, this beast CAN AND WILL BE BEATEN
aka "The English Chick"


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Debbie,

    Sorry your MIL is now having trouble. My dad who is 70 just started his treatments this month for Leukemia. He is a little enemic so got an iron shot. I was also enemic when getting chemo and was told to get the mega dose (320mg) of iron. It is in a pill and you should be able to ask a pharmisist about it. See if your MIL's onc thinks this might help. The white blood count is a pain when on chemo. I took Neulasta the whole time I was doing treatments. It is about the same as Nuprigin (sp?). This is not uncommon. I'm sure if your husband or someone who knows what to expect can go with her to treatments, that would help. It sounds like your husband talking to her might help too. I'm doing the same with my dad. I figure he can vent to me since I have "been there, done that (and as spongebob says-have the t-shirt). If she can, have her eat lots of veggies and fruit to help her immune system. Also drink lots of water to wash away the chemo. That is one of the hardest things for all of us. If she can't eat the fruits and veggies, either juice some or there is a V8 juice called Vinfusion that has 1 serving of each in it per glass. HUGS to you and the family and keep us informed of her progress.

    Lisa F