any attorneys in the house ?

tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
No, no, I'm not looking for advice. Just a question.

What would setting precedent mean to your career, if anything? Do you get published or something?

Just trying to understand the drive behind my attorneys' actions. ( good actions )

Thanks for any input.

Have a great day.



  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Argh!...yah got me there Barb? You might like to elaborate a little. If you are referring to your attorney doing something that will "set a precedence" and will it benefit HIS carrer then it probably goes a little like this. I said "probably"...keep that in mind.
    He may well be going to write, publish, put forward evidence...or...a verbal account of something that has never been done before.
    If it comes off, comes to fruition, is successfull etc. etc. and is the first of its kind in the related area he intends to use it. It will "set a precedence" and could be called upon, used as an example, in future cases, incidents etc. In other words other attoneys, lawyers etc. could refer to his material in the future. As for career advancement, I guess it could be an advantage to him. If his actions worked it would also put him in a good light from his peers.
    Ok response here could be totally way off.....probably more so for not entirely understanding your question.
    If it is then I have mud on my face and shall crawl away to perform my!
    luv Ross n Jen
  • Jen28
    Jen28 Member Posts: 45
    I'm an attorney, and it would depend on the context, but in most cases I don't think it would mean much to your attorney's career. If precedent is settled in your case with litigation, and the issue is pretty interesting, it's possible that there could be an article about it, but most likely it would be in a journal that only lawyers would read and it wouldn't have much of an effect on your lawyer's career. If it meant arguing before a high-level court (like your state's supreme court or a federal appellate court), it would be prestigious. Just depends on the circumstances.
  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Jen28 said:

    I'm an attorney, and it would depend on the context, but in most cases I don't think it would mean much to your attorney's career. If precedent is settled in your case with litigation, and the issue is pretty interesting, it's possible that there could be an article about it, but most likely it would be in a journal that only lawyers would read and it wouldn't have much of an effect on your lawyer's career. If it meant arguing before a high-level court (like your state's supreme court or a federal appellate court), it would be prestigious. Just depends on the circumstances.

    Thanks Kanga and look: Jen28 :)

    I really don't want to get into the case, but will fill you in when it's over. It's nothing really "exciting", but interesting. So far, none like it in my state.

    Thanks for the replys.

    Be well,

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    I tell women in bars that I am an attorney so I can get their phone numbers... does that count?

    I have been published - does your face on a poster at the post office count as being published?

    I could tell you a story about my last girlfriend - who was an attorney - and what was driving some of her actions... (NOT good actions)


    - Sponge/George/Loofa