Discolored skin

seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This is probably not related at all, but, I have developed a "bruise" looking skin discoloration on the top of my left foot that is now growing and moving up my leg, and over the entire surface of my foot. I doubt this is related to my bc, but, I get scared of everything. I saw my doc today and he is stumped, has me using hydrocortisone to see if it clears up. Giving it three weeks to show improvement, then he will biopsy it. The skin is hardening and dry, but, not tight and shiny, as in scleraderma (sp). I am just purely scared of my shadow now, I think. If this turns out to be an autoimmune disease on top of losing both breasts this year, and being unable to find work (overqualified, no degree, the bermuda triagle), I just will dispair. I am barely holding on now. Sorry to unload, but, I just wonder if any of you guys have experienced anything like this. I did not do chemo or radiation, the bilateral mastectomy was my cure, in Feb of this year. Thanks...Jan


  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    My retired husband developed something that sounds quite similar on the outer half of each knee, and it started getting bigger and bigger. It took a long time to figure this out, but he would sit with his legs crossed and fall asleep for hours. I think it created a moist airless environment for funny business to grow. A mixture of fungus cream mixed with moisurizing cream softened the skin within 2 weeks, and the discoloration began to fade with the added circulation from rubbing the cream into the skin. Is it possible that you sit with your ankles crossed while watching television or reading for long periods as you recouperate?

    You did not say whether you asked your regular Dr or your oncologist about this. You might want to consider visiting a dermatologist before poking holes in it to see what it is. My regular doctor has not successfully caught any of my health problems early... or at all, really. I would do better with an Ouiji board.