just wondering

bunnie Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi just wondereing is there anyone out there that has had lung cancer and was told they only had like 6 months to a year to live so choose not to do treatments and are still around after many years?the reason iam asking is the i posted a message earler saying that i have lung cancer and one we get it in remission my doc wants to keep me on some kind of treatment it sounds like for life it would be every six to eight weeks and not strong from what i understand.but not sure if i want too g that route or not.Also wondering if i stay on some kind of treatment plan will my sex drive ever come back ever since i have been on chemo i havent had a sex drive.If any one could help answer these question would be greatly appreicated thanks in advince for the advice.Bunnie(amy)


  • Unknown
    Bunnie, I don't have any answers but I'm wondering if you have tried "webmd.com"? They have a section where you can ask questions of the doctors (including whether your sex drive will come back).
    We are rooting and praying for you Bunnie
    P.S. My maternal grandfather had one lung removed not long after WWI, and lived until he was in his 60's. He was a farmer so he worked very hard, he was also a smoker so according to the doctors now he shouldn't have lived - BUT HE DID! The cancer never did come back, and he died of a stroke when he was in his 60's.
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    unknown said:

    Bunnie, I don't have any answers but I'm wondering if you have tried "webmd.com"? They have a section where you can ask questions of the doctors (including whether your sex drive will come back).
    We are rooting and praying for you Bunnie
    P.S. My maternal grandfather had one lung removed not long after WWI, and lived until he was in his 60's. He was a farmer so he worked very hard, he was also a smoker so according to the doctors now he shouldn't have lived - BUT HE DID! The cancer never did come back, and he died of a stroke when he was in his 60's.

    Hi bunnie:

    I'm so sorry that you have so much to deal with right now and such difficult choices to consider.

    My advice is to get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion on your current doc's approach. Also, research and find out as much as you can about your "known" pathology indicators, etc.. This should be very valuable in helping you to make your best and most informed decision, together with at least one additional physician consult.

    You may also want to research complementary and/or alternative methods as well. My thought is that it's more info to add to your arsenal for consideration. It's good to know everything you can about anything that is or may be applicable in your particular case, including trials. (Quakcery abounds in complementary and alternative therapies, so tread carefully and with caution, if that avenue appeals to you at all).

    Re your lung cancer: Is it bc lung mets or a primary lung cancer? What drug is your doc considering placing you on, for life, every 6 to 8 weeks, once your lungs are in remission? It would be helpful if you could find out more about that proposed drug, before making your decisions.

    I have not been where you are, but I know some people do choose no treatment or to stop treatment at certain points, for different reasons and with different outcomes. It's a very important decision, demanding so much consideration. It's the kind of decision each person must make for themselves and I know it's a very difficult time for you.

    Re the sex drive: I wouldn't get too worried about it. Reason being that stress alone can really put the brakes on this part of our lives.
    I'd suggest talking with your gynecologist about it and I'm sure he/she will have some recommendations/suggestions to help you regain your libido.

    You are in my thoughts and I'm sending big, warm hugs your way. Please keep us informed.

    Love, light and laughter,